How do you become tougher?

How do I become tougher and less of a pussy?
Almost got into a fight with 3 dudes last night outside a gas station. I kept quiet and they ended up walking off but I was shaky like a pussy after. I wouldn’t have backed down if a fight started but still don’t get why I shake like a pussy, is it just the flight response or something? I can make myself brave in situations but it’s like my body wants me to be a bitch. This happens after nearly any altercation I get in

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fighting 3 dudes outside a gas station doesn't make you tough it makes you a fucking retard

who the fuck gets in a fight at a gas station?

also global rule 2

the shaking part is the adrenaline pumping, my nigger.

and this, tbqh

>i didnt let 3 dudes fuck my shit up, god i am such a pussy
Have more confidence and reasonableness dude.

What happened op? And that’s normal for someone who’s never been in a fight. Just nerves and feels and how the body copes. Happens to people who’ve been in lots of fights. Hell I’ve seen a dude piss his pants but win the fight.

I didn’t start anything, I nearly got into a fight because they were threatening me
Why would I start a fight if i don’t think I’m tough at all

>get stronger
>learn a useful martial art
>carry a gun
You'll be brave as fuck most likely if you do even 2 of these. But depending on how much of a retard you are and go looking for trouble, you might just wind up dead or in jail. If you're just looking for how to be tougher in general, not just brave, you need to go through some shit, and have your limits tested daily. Military training and war is a pretty common way these days, it's what I did, and I was pretty much a fucking faggot in HS. Now I'm not so much of a faggot from the experience. There are bound to be other ways, and YMMV.

They wanted to fight me, and I’m 22 they were probably around 18
They were yelling shit out to me calling me a bitch for no apparent reason, I told them to fuck off then it escalated
Nothing too exciting

His post doesn't mention you did
Fighting 3 people at once without a weapon or some serious martial arts training IS retarded

First few fights are all nerves and you don't know what to do because you body has no idea where to put the emotions and behavior. Honestly, its a bigger trip then falling in love for the first time. It only goes away as you become comfortable with confrontation.

I boxed for about 6 years. The nerves go away in about your 5-6th fight after you taken a good shot and seen how you respond. Then you spend a lot of time just on cruise control.

I haven't been outside of my house unarmed in like 4 years. I always have something even if it's not a gun. There are no excuses for being an unarmed faggot

I’m Australian

Honestly, the best thing you can learn to do is sprint long, fast, and hard. If you get into a sticky situation against 3 to 5 or even more guys, that's not going to go well if you try to fight. Hell, even 1 or 2 guys that have a weapon of some kind will suck.

This is why you have three dudes trying to fight people outside the gas station. In America, those petrol station punks would be pulverized by a pistol packing police person.

Knowing you can not only handle yourself in a fight but do some damage if need be will take care of it. You learn to control the adrenaline dump and learn that you can get hit and not fall apart.

So if some guy wants to fight you’re just gonna shoot him? Or god forbid you lose your temper on someone and pull your shit out like it’s a big dick contest and then bam someone’s been shot because you couldn’t keep your cool. Fights are no place for guns/weapons of any kind. And the fact that you have to carry one because it makes you feel “safer” from confrontation, means you’re the biggest pussy here

Everyone feels like that OP, unless their some kind of trained killer or a psychopath. Even elite level professional fighters have talked about feeling scared sometimes in confrontations because of weapons and shit. Take a shit load of roids, lift and train in MMA/kickboxing/boxing. Or carry a gun and talk shit back to people who fuck with you.

Honestly bro. It’s something when viewed in hindsight is alot easier than any of these posts make it seem. if you want it, and crave it it will begin to crave you. Just keep on failing and fucking up and learning. Getting hurt, again and again will eventually teach you in your own way. Your way is not the same as mine so look within yourself and pretend this wasnt the corniest fucking shit you just read on a Chinese macrame image board

very clever

You gotta leave your comfort zone. You gotta test yourself. Whether that's fighting or surviving. That's what you gotta do. Either become a fighter, or head out innawoods with no tech. Just your own wits and mental strength.

if you need to be taught how to toughen up, you won't. Just learn how to stop being a huge pussy.

Dude always avoid fights in the street, no matter how strong or trained you are knife defense and in extremely trained fighters it is still shakey at best. Only fight if you truly have to but honestly running is the most realistic option.

the shakiness probably wasn't fear, it was adrenaline

your options are, in order of decreasing effectiveness:
1. learn to talk your way out
2. buy a gun and learn how to use it
3. carry another form of weapon
4. take self defense classes

preferably all 4 of course

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>get beat up
>realise it's no big deal
>toughen up

too late if you're in your late teens / twenties though.

>live in mexico
>get buff
>learn some martial arts, at least a little
>realize you could still get easily killed if you piss off the wrong person in the street

Honestly I try to be the nicest I can be to literally everyone, specially complete strangers in the street.
However I do fantasize about being able to tough talk idiots and not taking anyone's shit, but I might never be able to do that as I could easily get shot or jumped at by five guys.

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Don't be in stupid places with stupid people at stupid times.

Get gun

so much this man. Even if you 1 v 10 and kill all of them with no damage to your body, one of their fag friends will go home and rape your family and kill your dog.
Do not fuck with people who have nothing to lose (people who street fight)
Been doing martial arts for 11 years without a single physical altercation outside of a controlled sport environment. I'd say the most valuable thing iv learned over the years is self-control and being able to calm my anger in real life situations. Always back down, unless the cause is SO great that you would risk your entire life's development over it.

underrated post. I love guns as much as the next guy but there's no place for it in a tough man's fight. Either don't get into the fight or handle it like a man