I’ve learned the hard way

I’ve learned the hard way.

I realized I’m not attractive.

No amount of self care or self improvement will help.

Attached: 7F20C126-8A9F-444E-8B18-8A1BA10BAD65.jpg (564x752, 34K)

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>No amount of self care or self improvement will help
Nah, it will. It might not make you attractive, but it will certainly make you more attractive than if you just completely gave up in every regard.

You'll just be marginally less ugly.

Have you tried lifting?
Have you tried a better wardrobe?
Have you tried a better haircut?
Have you tried better skincare?
What was the point of this thread and why did I reply?

Attached: 1522296515294.gif (375x250, 2.87M)


What a fucking defeatist attitude you pathetic cunt, seriously fuck you dude, there are people out there living with MS and horrible deformities and poor baby you are a little ugly and don't want to utilise the expansive range of solutions science has to offer, just off yourself, it will be easier.

thanks for the neat pepe

You can't fix your frame
You can't fix your face
You can't fix your height

post body and face
or did you just want pity attention

At least your not a shitskin OP

Self help is a meme

Let’s just say youve been ignored by women your entire life because you’re not good looking. So you do the self help stuff, open a business, and become a millionaire. Wow congrats the self help stuff worked!

But now the only reason you have women wanting you now is to get to your money, the life style you can provide them is what attracts them to you. Do you really want a woman like that? Now if anything happens and you can’t provide her that millionaire lifestyle, guess what? She will dump your ass and monkey branch over to another guy who can.

There is no winning in this world if you can’t get a woman to love you for YOU first, and not what you can provide her.

>the only self help is financial
this is some pretty bad projection btw. everything okay with your wallet?

I have a 7000sqft 5 bedroom home that’s fully paid off, and I am owed about $80,000 from parents/siblings since I’ve let them borrow money from me.

yet here you are on Jow Forums larping about finances and complaining about women not loving you

Good because girls dont give a fuck if you are unattractive. You become attractive by displaying your desire and other shit to them.

Don't worry I know that feel. As a 5'4 manlet I'll probably turn to drugs as a way to stop the pain and then off myself in about 2 years after purposely overdosing on the realization that I'm just the worlds puppet and that no one truly loves a manlet like me.

what is plastic surgery and leg lengthening (though you'd have to be crazy to do leg lengthening imo)

I’m not complaining. I’m just telling the reality of self help.

I actually rate PUA above Self help. At least PUA is just about social manipulation, self help is basically “hey guy get rich so a girl will want to be with you for your stuff”

A man's attractiveness is based on so many things other than just facial features. Fitness and fashion can give you at least 3 points.

The only thing you can't come back from is being a poo

If you're gay, it won't matter. Gay men will thirst over your cock if you have muscles.

So what do we do with ourselves now?

so you're a pushover, that's likely the problen. Gain a backbone, women want that

Lol do push overs charge 50% interest?

>what is plastic surgery
>and leg lengthening
Expensive AND crippling yourself to be a flaccid penis lenght "taller"

that's what makes you beautiful
Dumm, de dum!

;) You don't think you're beautiful... That's what makes you beautiful ;) ;)


To family members? No, but a proper cunt would

Post a picture of your face, if you're fat I can tell whether or not you will look attractive based on the location of your brow ridge, eyes, and lip length, nose to lip length etc.

I'm also friends with a plastic surgeon so I can ask him what areas you can get touched up and the estimate for the pricing based on what you're willing to get and how much you can afford, assuming you can save up enough (not to go to him, but to go to a practitioner in your local area).

This, I have no ears and I'm still trying to make it


we're all gonna make it bros

Good stuff bro. Keep at it.

science won't make me go from uggo to this

Attached: sean-opry-male-model-of-the-moment-L-Zqzayc.jpg (560x839, 44K)

Save for plastic surgery

Got an e-mail or temp e-mail? I don't want to post my face on here.



Who is Casey Neistat. You think he is attractive ? That didnt stop him being successful and having a family.


>Have you tried a better wardrobe?
>Have you tried a better haircut?

I’m willing to bet my life savings that he hasn’t. So many delusional guys think they dress well when in fact they look like absolute dogshit. The right clothes/haircut can increase your attractiveness by 2 points AT LEAST.

Anyone good at judging attractiveness from fat faces like this user?

why not? nobody outside here cares about ugly Jow Forums bros lmao just post it and well help

I care user

nobody outside here my friend

we all care in Jow Forums

[spoiler]no homo tho[/spoiler]