Got fit

>got fit
>got HSV-1 by making out with some club sloot
this is your bi-weekly reminder to stay safe out there buddeh

dont be me.

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Welcome to 90% of the population.

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Yeah let me just order sone mouth condoms real quick

This is a meme 90% of the US population doesn't have it at 20-30 years old

don't be a manhoe and talk to girls you actually enjoy being around

imagine having to tell your qt dream girl that you have herpes

Pft, if only you fucking knew. Cold sores they call it, they don't even know.

>Cold sores they call it, they don't even know.
thats the problem, people are ignorant about it, and thats how it spreads

but for sure its not 90% of the population

STDs are helluva danger, may this be a warning for all of us.

Id rather have that than acne seems far more manageable

Did you make out with a chick with an obvious lesion? Oral asymptomatic shedding is pretty rare.

I think I have the same fuckin thing from some stupid slut, other then going to dr how can you self-diagnose?

yes, but it was dark and I wasn't sure what it was

I didn't think you could spread STD's orally
HSV-1 is shown to cause brain degeneration later in life

>I didn't think you could spread STD's orally

you will regret it

I know user
>tfw US STD education

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Isn't there any way to get rid of it?

US STD education is literally "abstinence until marriage or youll catch these awful diseased"

not "that here's herpes type 1, and how it can spread"

nah, its like having pre-aids bruh

its for life, be careful user.

It's between 60 and 95 depending on which census you trust.

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depending on the age group its lower, even if its high look at

woah, got so lucky to not catch anything when I lost my v-card from a craigslist whale. gonna buy a fleshlight now

sounds rough, I got years of depression from kissing a bitch once

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hey man, depression can lead to suicide, no joke

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We know how herpes spreads and we know how to prevent it from spreading. Abstinence prevents the spread of herpes, simple as that.

>Cold sore
pick one

weekly reminder that I am literally immune to HSV-1

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Mega dosing lysine

I went to public school in Niggerdelphia and they taught us what diseases were and how they spread. Sorry you went to school in the fucking Bible Belt or some shit, but don't make us all look like retards.

Not all herpes shows up with physical signs, fact is unless you're a virgin you'll have it.

Even if you are a virgin you may have it, you can get it from your parents.

Herpes is seriously not something to worry about because you will get it no matter what.

>"We found the link was greater ... those with lower levels of education and Medicaid or no health insurance," said Katan.
Wow my fucking sides.

So people who are 'poor' are less educated than ones who have money. This is literally got nothing to do with herpes. Its the difference between low and high socioeconomic backgrounds.

WOW, REALLY? What a fucking rubbish 'study'

If its inside the mouth its a 'canker' sore, that isnt herpes. Although people call them cold sores, when they are in reality not.

>never kissed a girl
>have a "cold sore" that keeps appearing at the corner of my mouth
it's probably related to my psoriasis and dry skin though

unironically buy a fleshlight instead of banging craigslist whales

>spend summer smashing
>wear condom most time, but bang one thicc chick without after a while
>get into relationship with a different chick later
>few weeks in get burning feeling when peeing
>in a country where we don't have general STD check-up, just individual checks

Shit boys, what do now

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Hope it's a kidney stone. Go see a doctor ASAP.

You can get herpes from sharing the same food, among other sources, unfortunately.

Remember to get an eye test to make sure you don't go blind, OP. Herpes simplex keratitis is possible and needs to be aggressively picked up and treated, and can be sight threatening.

Source: I'm a 3rd year optometry student.

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Meta studies show clearly that around 9/10 people who are sexually active are infected with HSV-1. I was taught this in premed, and then retaught this in medschool.

mirin them terminal bulbs

>tfw picked up Epstein Barr
>tfw have no idea which of the sloots it was
>oh well

I have that shit too bro, gives me hella neck gains when it flares up and my neck ganglions swell up.

My aunt gave it to me when I was fucking 10, I'm real mad

better hsv1 than hsv2

Thick, solid, tight.

Usually just looks like G1 staining; them virions have been putting some work in.

levels of cope are off the charts
you are a walking quarantine centre

ffs how old are you

Based immuneposter