Is 27 too late to start lifting?

Is 27 too late to start lifting?

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do you really want to be that 30 year old in the gym?

it’s never too late to start lifting

I started at 27
At 28 I fucked a 18 years girl with my gains

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Tomorrow is the only time that is too late to start.


>curls 10 lb dumbbels
>acts like he's the shit

>been lifting for 7 years
>I'll be that 30 year old in the gym in 2 years
>mfw i'll be that 70 year old in the gym in 42 year

It is never too late

>not having your own gym at home
not gonna make it

>is 61 years old
>is probably in better shape than you

my arms are half the size of his arms and I can curl in perfect form 35 lb dumbbels for 3x10

which means that he is a roid monkey.

so if by "better shape" you mean "close to dying from heart attack"

then sure!

Do you really want to be that fat 30 year old that doesn't take care of his body?

My dad is 4 years older and looks 20 years younger. I guess I take that for granted because he's literally a senior citizen.


>judging being "in shape" by the amount someone can curl

>judging being "in shape" by how many roids you take

He's right in a way. You don't want to be the 30 year old at the gym but you have to remember that the other option is being the 30 year old not at the gym. Either way OP is a loser but a fat loser is always more pathetic than a buff loser. Hit the gym buddyboy no matter what age you are.

Better now than a year from now.

Wtf is wrong with this community, you are all going to be 30 years old and at the gym at some point.

Where did you meet grils

At the gym

i started at 27. been almost a year and made ok gains so far

what's wrong with being in the gym at 30? im 29 and have been in and out of fit for awhile. trying to get back into it now


Don't be that 30 year old guy at the gym, it's just sad.

the cope is real

better to start now and go till you die.

Nothing. Remember Jow Forums is mostly for

lmao boyo I'm not an oldcel. Just saying that when I am an oldcel I will still be hitting the gym even when I'm >30 because it's the best option I have.

Nobody less than 30 still uses this website

haha what

I am scared to date very young girls. How do I do??

same way you date any girl...

the pro of a younger girl is her fresh body, and the con is lack of maturity

I'm 27 and have just started. No gains and still banging the 19yo

Right? They always say shit like
>I'm mature for my age
>I grew up quick (aka gobbled lots of dicks)
>I know what I want
Then they start talking and showing you "funny" posts on Pinterest and it's mentally exhausting.

>You don't want to be the 30 year old at the gym

You reek of bad self-esteem. Go see a shrink, your perception of the world is pathetic.

I started training for bodybuilding when I was 33. I've trained for 3 years now. I don't let what people think dictate how I should act or what I should do. The only person's opinion I care about is mine. And I'm happy.

Do you even know what warm up sets are? I 3x10 55s and warm up with 25s.

It's not too late to start unless you're dying in 10 minutes and it takes 15 to get to the gym

Never too late faggot

t. faggot

this guy looks like hes 80 and at deaths door

If you have to ask you aren't going to make it

nah bruh im gonna die young like zyzz from trenning too hard and eating too clen

i herd warm up sets kill ur gainz

>Then they start talking and showing you "funny" posts on Pinterest and it's mentally exhausting.

that's the worst. their sense of humor is garbage compared to 4chin veterans like us

did you stick your gains inside her? make her suck your gains?

>tfw I started at 20
>25 now and have never been in a relationship in life

user you have to try talking to them

late 20s Jow Forums guys easily fuck 18-19 year olds because they find the most mentally unstable, daddy issue having ones to prey on and usually hang around outside high schools to find them

Life ends at 18 when you're done with high-school. Might as well kill yourself.

are you studying or working now?

if studying - easy fucks even if you are uggo, if working - depends on your hours and job

Same here bro
>started lifting at 20
>started career at 21
>turn 25 next month, great body, money, respectable job, decent face and fun personality

>still no gf

>not lifting in the afterlife
Never gonna make it

It's a forced meme

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Haha sure buddy

what job

she's dressed like a fucking whore

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You seem upset.

Still pushing this meme, ey kid?

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It's not just younger women, it's regular people in general. They chug regurgitated garbage that's been stewing and festering through pinterest, facebook, tumblr, twitter, reddit, 9gag, funnyjunk vine etc that might have been vaguely funny for five minutes six years ago. I think it's less that we're here on Jow Forums, but more that our humor doesn't revolve around ourselves individually. Shit that comes from social media always has this lingering reek of serving to aggrandize the one who made it.

Imagine standing next to her all the time and your height makes your face level with her barely covered tits. That manlet is lucky

I was 28 user.

As long as you don't have any existing deep joint damage you're good to go.

might be prudent to start a little slow to build up joint strength if you're a dyel flabby stickman like I was

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pls kys at 30

are you saying when people hit 30 they have to stop working out?

i think that's what rippetoe said
i dunno just looked at a picture of him and assumed

no you fucking nigger

pls dont bully the 30+ lifters

If people want to let themselves go once they hit a certain age that's up to them. Anyone who flakes because someone was mean to them online was just looking for an excuse. It's never too late to be looking after yourself.

Just started at mid-26, 2 months ago, after realizing everyone around me is letting themselves go due to quarter life depression and generally not giving a fuck after getting married/etc. Long road ahead, but I hope to lead them out of their sad states of body by example.

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open to suggestions, my back is near blank canvas

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>just starting to lift
I was at the gym at 7am and almost every single person there is/looks older than me. I don't get where you guys go that everyone is 20. Most of those people quick within 2 months of the new year.

I've found it's all about the time of day you go. The mornings are the best because it's usually men and women coming in before work with a set schedule and no time to jack around with their friends or look at themselves in the mirror for XX minutes between sets while they spread their shit across 5 pieces of equipment at a time. The children and niggers come in after 5pm to do the opposite, which makes night workouts near impossible at my gym.

do it bro

its never too late to start being a sick cunt

fuck what everyone else thinks brah

Confirmed Ausfag

you made it brah

started at 33... it was kind of sad lifting more than half the guys in there though... I work construction so lifting things is just normal everyday stuff.

This. What the fuck he looks ancient.

>I work construction
do you think every guy should spend at least a few months working in construction at some point in their lives?

The best two moments to plant a tree are 20 years ago and today

The median age on this board is around 18. They’re in that ‘I’ll be young forever’ phase.

Most guys here are still in college and use the free student gym.

Is that his gf?

How the fuck Is he that ripped while lifting baby weights?

chinup and high volume reverse grip yates row for width
nether row for thickness

>nether row for thickness
dont plug your shit here

Suicide is the answer. And you are the question.

Wasted trips


t. Brainlet

i hate his pseudoshit too but he got legit fitness advices

Holy shit, what routine to get her jaw gains?

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I'm 26?

>look at this badass

Remember that time he pitched a fit because he was talking about how hot his wife was, and everybody on the show started looking up her nudes?

Start lifting now. You are still going to be 30 anyway. Doesn't matter if you waste away or suck as much cock for the next couple years. Might aswell take care of yourself as your body starts slowing down.

Guys maybe he's just warming up

He probably doesn't always lift baby weights. I'm benching pretty light since I'm nursing a triceps tendinopathy, but then go do big boy weights on my other lifts.

>also steroids, definitely at his age.

>Is 27 too late to start lifting?
>Oh look it's THIS thread again
Listen, KID.. I'm 53, started training for bicycle road racing when I was 44, which includes training in the gym for strength.
>Oh noes, you're not a TEENAGER anymore, your life is OVER, you should just sit in a rocking chair, talk about the 'good olde days', and wait to DIE!
That's what idiots seem to believe; do you really believe this, too?

If I can start a year-round training program of 6 day a week training of one sort or another and make incredible progress then some 27 year old cunt like you should just STFU, MTFU, and get your skinnfat ASS into the goddamned gym and TRAIN. Come back in 2019 and show us how goddamned huge you've become.

We clear?