Dark chocolate

Fucking love it and eat it everyday
Is it healthy? I like 85/90%

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You can do better than fucking Lindt.

yeah it's healthy. just read the ingredients and make sure the cocoa isn't alkalized.

One type of those Lindt dark chocolates are alkalized, and it sucks because I had 3 bars of them. I think it was the 90% ones.

Shit. I just finished my 85%. Bout to savor the sea salt one.

good once in awhile or if you wanna eat it daily id say small amounts, just because sugar content. fuck added sugar. dunno if u have acne but chocolate/sugar can fuck with that

what brand do u recommend?

It's one of those "healthy" in moderation things. It's high in saturated fat and has added sugars but it has some antioxidants in it, so it shows some benefit in people who have antioxidant-poor diets.

Look into cocoa powder. You get the flavor and benefits of dark chocolate without the other baggage. Great for smoothies.

Sugar is not nearly as bad as people have been led to believe. People get fat because of all the PUFAs that often come with sweet and fried foods, coupled with being sedentary. Carbohydrates are essential for testosterone, though fruit is the best carb because of the added nutrients and such. People need to eat more fruit and potatoes.

What's wrong with that? I'm not keeping up with the trends.

Cocoa loses most of its flavonoids/antioxidants when alkalized. The majority of European dark chocolates are made with Dutch(alkalized) cocoa.

Alkalized cocoa has chocolate taste, acidic one doesn't.

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He doesn't know anything about chocolate, he just likes to shit on anything other people like.

I like to eat two squares with some fruit and if lacking kcals and/or fats some peanut butter

shit's goat and has like 9% RDV iron and magnesium on those two squares
at least the shitty one thats just 70% from my lsupermarket brand

tfw I have to go to the city in order to buy 99% dark chocolate from the Lindt Cafe. Does any other brand make 99% dark chocolate?

>Carbohydrates are essential for testosterone
>People need to eat more fruit and potatoes.


melting 4 squares onto some oats is absolute god tier

I eat 20g of 85% everyday, not sure if completely healthy but all my other foods are so i dont care.

yes, 20-30g a day gives you pissening antioxidants and magnesium.

Chocolate is not good for you.

Not OP but thank you for this suggestion, I'm going to try this later

Really alkalized my cocoa

>mfw finally remembering to activate my almonds I forget to alkalize my cocoa

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Just buy bakers chocolate dumbass

99% dark chocolate is literally just fucking baking chocolate. May as well use that.

Wait, whats the problem with Alkalizing chocolate?

>Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, a subset of polyphenols. The amount of flavonoids depends on the amount of processing and manufacturing the cocoa powder undergoes. Alkalization, also known as Dutch processing, causes its content of flavonoids to be substantially reduced.

>Although considerable research has been conducted to evaluate the potential health benefits of consuming chocolate, there are insufficient studies to confirm any effect and no medical or regulatory authority has approved any health claim.

>Doubtful research, sometimes funded by the chocolate industry, has at times made suggestions of possible health benefits for these products.

>Reviews support a short-term effect of lowering blood pressure by consuming cocoa products, but there is no evidence of long-term cardiovascular health benefit. While daily consumption of cocoa flavanols (minimum dose of 200 mg) appears to benefit platelet and vascular function, there is no good evidence to support an effect on heart attacks or strokes.

>The supposed health benefits of catechins have been studied extensively in humans and animal models, but there are no proven effects that apply to human health. Until 2013, neither the Food and Drug Administration nor the European Food Safety Authority had approved any health claim for catechins or approved any as pharmaceutical drugs. Moreover, several companies have been cautioned by the FDA over misleading health claims.

>In 2014, the European Food Safety Authority approved the following health claim for cocoa products containing 200 mg of flavanols and meeting the qualification in dietary supplement products: "cocoa flavanols help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which contributes to normal blood flow".

>lindt 85
myyyy man

uk niggers need to check out health food source. 1kg of 75% dark chocolate for £9. Roughly 40% of the cost of lindt.

No SOY lecithins either if you're an autist.

Cocoa is a great source of magnesium, manganese and copper, very calorie dense for balks too.

Also cocoa fat is roughly 33% stearic acid, this is a good thing.


Lindt is not bad, but I prefer Endangered Species.

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It boosts T, the darker the better. Make sure it doesn't have soy.

eat some fucking fruit you awful excuse for a human being

this. dark chocolate and bananas are god tier

my man

Get fuckngi raw biological cacao you cunt, dont eat chocolate, its nigger tier food. Mix the raw cacao with your protein crap or just with plain water. Nobody needs those excesses of sugars.


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Have some 80 percent I received as a gift a while ago. Ingredients say cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier). It's called Madecasse Madagascar. How is this?


Someone forgot to alkalize his cocoa

I am pretty sure some QT grill tried to give me chocolates on valentines day but I didnt even think of her, so thats why fuck chocolates.