Tinder bread

You know the rules. Dubs gets it. I don’t have long, so hurry up and roll.

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You ever heard of JAV baby? Because i wanna Jizz Asian Vag!

I want to benis in bagina :DD

ching chong ching chong wanna see my ding dong?

you better deliver op



Chicken dinner

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cmon op, even if you werent going to initially do it, you gotta now.

Just got tinder a week ago and some girl messaged me first today, wtf do I do bros? I'm new to this shit

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you entertain her through texting and hope you're better than the 20 other guys messaging her

Next one.

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>20 other guys messaging her

thats a lot of competition

She's cute.

ooga booga wanna see my pooga?

Show me your wakanda

Waikiki sneaky between the cheeky?


I like to dip my fry on chocolate

Easily the best it could have been

Fucking nice

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Isn't the girl messaging first considered kinda rare though? I only got 5 other matches fwiw, and never interacted with any of them

lmao, these are actually good so far.

Also that black girl is ugly but she's probably pretty chill. Glad you didn't have to send her something racist.

depends on the girl. 1/3 of my matches would message first, granted they usually weren’t over 6/10 thoughtful

Honestly this.

Probably last one. It’s pretty late here.

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Thanks for the help user, I'm still trying to learn the ropes of this stuff (never used a dating app and never texted a girl), any tips on what to message back if she just said "hey"? Should I bounce off something in her bio or be more casual?

Can you show me yi wei

you say hey is for horses touch my pee pee pls

you do not know yi wei

imo making a joke about something in the bio or something in the pics is usually a good start, and then transition to talking about casual shit.

ill eat your pussy if you’ll eat my dog

I have found yi wei

Fancy a game of gwenth?

You’re pussy better be seal puppy smooth.

how much do yiwei

You're beautiful and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

KEK, rolling for this

Rolling for this


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Please respond

This is gonna be good

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Glad u like pirate songs cuz I’m coming for that booty

You’re a filthy chink whore and I want to play with our blood. Also want to eat dinner with me at Dorsia? Got a reservation for two tomorrow.




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she will just unmatch and report him

If OP has balls he will deliver regardless of consequences

shut up and have some fun faggot

And with that, I consider you anons throughly entertained. I bid you all goodnight.

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I want to see the responses OP

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Holy fuck

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oh no no no you aren't going anywhere, OP

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why no white women OP
are you scared?

that wasn't racist?
bar is really low, apparently

None yet. It’s a little too late where I am so I doubt they’ll respond.

Cause I’m Asian so I match with a lot of Asians.

I expect a thread tomorrow OP

I have a very strong feeling that you’re Korean and you’re in Korea right now. How’s it going over there lad? Fellow gook here.

We’ll see.

My profile by the way, in case anyone cares.

lol what a retard I turned out to be.

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>My profile by the way, in case anyone cares.

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looking good mang

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why are chinks so insecure they make fun of themselves lol, I'm guessing you're vietnamese or bing bong

Chinese. Born in China actually. 6’4” 200 pounds. I know I’m step by fit standards, but whatever.

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I meant dyel. Fucking autocorrect

How tf are you so tall mate. Also dyel

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>our blood

>only information posted about herself is "moms spaghetti"
Are all women on tinder this useless?

As if you give a fuck what they tell about themselves lmao

As if any guy says, hmm this girl looks gorgeous but her interests dont really interest me


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that's somebody's daughter

I'm one of those guys who says "hmm she looks gorgeous but her interests don't really appeal to me"

For fucks sake, girls are a pain in the ass right from the get go because no matter how you play it, you've gotta put In some level of effort. There's no way in hell I'm gonna waste my time with some boring basic bitch just for a chance to go oil rigging in her well.

So if I come across a bitch on my daily swipes that has some pile of recycled shit like

>Don't talk to me before coffee
>Wine and pizza
>If I super liked you it was probably an accident
>Love to travel
>Probably swiped right for your dog

You can go and fuck yourself with a rake you boring ass bitch.

Gym is more interesting
Books are more interesting
Learning guitar is more interesting
Investing is more interesting
Music is more interesting
Even Runescape's more interesting
So I'm just gonna hold my sausage hostage and do any of them before I swipe right on the basic bitch with a good body.

well good luck I hope you are a 10/10 model but most of us arent that blessed and we gotta do what we gotta do

I dont give a fuck and try to do my bestso I can fuck girls that arent fucking horrible to look at

"How do you feel about Jewish over-representation in Western power structures?"

Aye don't get me wrong I don't do very well, Ive only pulled two girls off the ol tinderoo, and turned down two others. So I can't really say my methods work.

But fuck me boring chicks are a pain.

Tinder is too hard. I've gotten over 50 matches but nothing has come out of it. I swipe right on everyone because anything more is a waste of time. You have to make the pretty ones laugh or you won't make the cut. Shit is 100x harder than just meeting women in person.

all chicks are boring

im boring myself probably

i dont even make a chance with the I love travel thods tho best I can do is like 6/10

>100x harder than just meeting women in person.
This. Meeting women irl is easy mode compared to online dating.

meeting them ok but how do you get them in your bed?

im scared pussy irl and the only chances I get i ruin


Check out Corey Wayne on YouTube. You are probably clueless but you can learn.

Practice bruh

I've heard a few chicks say they'll happily give any guy a crack if he approaches them in real life, because apparently since tinder and bumble and what not are all so big and popular a lot of guys bitch out more often. It's easier for them to say "ahh she probably won't be interested, I'll just try on tinder"
So when a girl does get approached man it's fucking wet panty town.

Not all, but the vast majority.
I feel like I've struck gold with the girl I'm currently dating. She's actually really funny, confident, has lots of interests, ambitious etc.. But when we just started talking she would only answer me and ask (almost) nothing back, I at one point almost gave up on her completely but once we started talking on whatsapp and went on our first date we really hit off.
Don't give up too quickly, it's worth it to dig through the trash in the end.

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What would you say?

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Ask her if she's a professional thief because she looks like a Roma and stole your heart.

ive been practising for years

i had struck gold once but then i sperged out and made her go away

she was beautiful, loved sex and was great at it and she was a fuckign doctor and im more close to like garbage man in terms of work

i will never get something similar

I wouldnt

meant to quote

I wasn't aware people went on tinder to meet interesting people