/fat/ - Fat as Fatass general

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones


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Other urls found in this thread:


Been stuck in the hospital for a week with pancreatitis. Fasted first two days, liquid diet for the remainder. Lost 10 pounds. I need pancreatitis more lmao.

Was less frugal with my eating over the past few days while moving, and living in a shared house situation rather than alone now, so cooking will be harder, but things like wraps and stuff will be easy. Incredibly easy access to awesome fast food around though, so worried about temptation.

whats the point fatbros. All we are going to be left with in the end is flabby skin. Why even bother?

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fasting can help with loose skin

Save up like 5-10k for the surgery and never be fat again.

As soon as I started to think of myself as "cutting" instead of "losing weight" it suddenly became easier.

Weird how important a proper mindset is. 36kg down, 13 more to go. We're all gunna make it bros

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That’s the spirit!

Gotta do some mind work myself. Been lax with my OMAD resolve

>choosing the laziest possible way to lose weight

never gonna make it.

KETO DIET I lost 20 kgs in 4 months dude, do the keto no ragrets

Enjoy your keto acidosis you moron.

the keto meme:
>want to lose fat
>want to get increase general fitness

pick one

everyone i know thats done keto works out like a dying animal. carbs are necessary for increasing cardio-vascularity systems. what the fuck is the point of losing fat if at the end of the day you're still trembling in fear of staircases?

dont listen to memes. im 6'1'' current weight 316 down from 372 at the beginning of february. 20% carb 40% protein and fat. (AKA BALANCED DIET) something you fucks cant read over your mountains of butter and cheese youre stuffing your face with. all my lifts have increased, i couldn't run 150 yards without stopping when i started. now im killing 9:30 mile runs and 12:00 500m swims. you can do both, get in shape and while losing weight. and its not fucking hard.

I ate over my calorie limit today, probably consumed 3500 calories. I fucking regret it, I feel like shit. This won't happen again I swear to you /fat/. This is the first and last time I lose control.

>weekly weigh in
>197.4lbs / 89.5kg
>tfw finally got under the 200lb mark
>tfw started 2017 at 285lbs / 130kg
>tfw almost lost a third of my total body weight

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Who here /fastingforeaster/ can't wait for some potatoes and ham.

its called lent you stupid faggot its already got a name

So how does one get over soda? Its the last luxary I give myself at this point after cutting essentially everything else. I know its holding me back I drink like 3 cans a day.

For me it was energydrinks. I first switched to the no calories version of the drink and then to just water/tea/coffee.

I quit cold turkey. Stop doing it long enough and you'll eventually stop craving it. Just gotta ride out the initial pangs and then you're golden.

My exactly tough with salmonella. Lost 20 pounds. Hard to keep weight when you are shitting 25 times a day.

la croix bro. Shit is so good

Keto diet is for pure weight loss, you can't lose weight and gain muscle in any sufficient manner.

In your case, you could lose all that body fat in months by simply doing keto

Ill give your guys things a try. I just like a soda when I unwind If nothing else perhaps ill just fill up a 2l dr pepper bottle with water and pretend.

>muh metabolism
>muh thyroid
>muh depression
>muh xyz
any other former /fat/s just filled with absolute anger when they hear that garbage?

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I have an odd question but still related.

Any /fat/bros here still trying to date girls (OkCupid, tinder, real life etc) while still fat/in the process of losing?

For some reason I've got it stuck in my head that I should lose the fat first before even thinking of dating. Does it make a huge difference?

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Dating apps are shallow as fuck so I wouldn't do that if not looking my best, might sour you on them for later on. Real life is a different story, if you meet someone and they seem receptive of course you take it further.

How long should I ignore a plateau before I reevaluate how many calories I've been eating? Been 220lbs for two and a half weeks eating around 2000 calories. 26 6'4"

You aren't going to be stalling at that weight and height with that caloric intake. Not even close. If you're exercising that is. Even without exercise you still should be losing. Sounds like you are fucking up your counting.

My turning point was really just realizing what i hate about these fat slobs.
These aren't your regular fatasses like you and me, these are people without willpower and self control, completely unable and inept to shape their future.

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This probably belongs in /fph/, but i feel it's just as relevant here.
HAES = death

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Is this the official game of this general? store.steampowered.com/app/788150/Go_Away_My_Fat/

I've been losing my motivation to go to the gym. The problem is that my routine is 5 days long and I don't have the time to do it properly. Is there a 3 days routine I can use?

>316lb monster giving health advice
>no sources whatsoever
>critisizing said people's workouts
When can we gas these """"people""""

So, can I lose weight by just eating less?
I'm around 100kg an want to get around 90-92.

>So, can I lose weight by just eating less?

The state of education nowadays...

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No, only if you eat less and do SS + GOMAD

Sorry, I'm retarded.

Can you tell me what does it mean?

That's how you lose weight.
Whatever these hambeasts try to convince you, calories in vs. calories out is THE way.

> how to google stuff
SS = Starting Strength, a beginners strength program
GOMAD = Gallon Of Milk A Day, wouldn't really take this one serious (and it's for gaining weight)

Back from my first C25K run for this year.

First time running with a sportswatch too, claims the exercise amounted to 300kcal. Is it plausible for someone 164cm/5'5" 78kg/172lbs?

Can someone give me one of those images with a calender that has a work out routine that steadily gets harder as it goes to get you started? Preferably something to get rid of my stomach and keep my ass? I already started eating healthier but I need to start working out. Sorry if I'm doing things wrong, fatty from another board here.

So I got some la croix. Not that good IMO. Thanks for the suggestion though. I got a 8 pack so at least ill cut soda for the week if nothing else.

I feel way too ugly to even try.
Unless I'm ripped I doubt I will ever have any confidence in my body again.

I'm not confident enough to use an app and people have a different mentality when looking for someone through an app. They can be more picky.
Like the other user said though, it's different in real life. I lost 30lbs but I'm still a fat fuck. My face looks better though and I have a neck now. I also have a bit more confidence. The girl next to me at work seems to have noticed and is talking with me more often now. I feel if I lose about 20 more pounds and become more confident I can have sex with her. Also she might be leaving my state soon so maybe she'd be down for some goodbye sex.


There is a qt girl that is my motivation, hope I can date her when I lose the weight.

My dude something bad is happening in my brain. I'll do what you are doing and now I'm noticing other people's shopping habits and shit at the store and I have to bite my tongue so hard about it. When I see fats in the mobility scooters I can only be disgusted.

There's a diet iced tea that I drink (Clover Farms) that has 16g of carbs in a half gallon. On the back, it says Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 0g. Where are the carbs coming from and will this shit knock me out of keto?

>ate about 1100cals in bread today

Easiest way is to switch to zero cal for 3 months and then to water/tea/black coffee after that. You will also lose 20 lbs just by switching to zero cal.

It's unreal how many cals high fructose corn shit adds up.

show nutrition facts and ingredients list

This. 25% of the way through my progress to get from 250-160 (5'5M). Putting away $200/month. If I can save 4800 over the next 18 months (already at 1200) and then stay at that weight for an extra year I'll have 7200 saved and get the surgeries. Even if I fall I have enough for the world's biggest order of mozzarella sticks.

Just switch to zero cal. You will be off soda in less than a month.

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Starting weight 230
Today's weight 208.8
Goal weight 160

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on monday i start therapy for binge eating and depression

anyone been to therapy for eating related issues? how did it go?

>go out with some friends thursday night
>been really strict with my diet this year so it's a good time for a cheat night
>have two beers, a cheeseburger and some onion rings, then some chocolate Easter candy at home (probably about 2 servings worth of candy)
>feel like absolute shit the rest of the night and the next day

Jesus I can't believe I used to eat like this every day.

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At least I'm still 208lb with jeans on. Didn't gain any weight thankfully. Hopefully I'll have self control at the birthday party I'm going to later today.

what do you guys eat on most days. Ive pretty much broken it down to stir fry and some sort of meat.
>4 ounces of shrimp(80 calories).
>2 ounces of ground italian sausage(170 calories)
>1 ounces of riced cauliflower(less than 25 calories)
>2 cups of stir fry mix.(120 calories
>16 carbs, 41 protein, 35 fats
I currently on OMAD and in ketosis, i usually fast on my days off.

>will this shit knock me out of keto
I think nearly all sweetners will.

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I was forced to go to therapy when i had anger issues, which were indeed related to my eating issues. I didnt feel like it helped anything, i had more success rationalizing my problems by myself and asking myself why i act out.

>Aspartame and Ketosis
Aspartame is a calorie-free artificial sweetener found in diet soft drinks and other sugar-free products. According to an article by Alan Gaby, M.D., published in a 2007 issue of the "Alternative Medicine Review," aspartame is recognized as a triggering agent, along with alcohol and monosodium glutamate, that can knock you out of ketosis. On an already restrictive diet that requires you to forgo many of your favorite foods, relinquishing your diet soda may seem excessive. But Gaby contends that ketogenic diets only work if strictly adhered to.


sorry friendo, your all out of luck. However its best to just stay away from anything that isnt water while you are trying to lose weight.

god dammit

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Yep. That and for me, "lifestyle change" instead of "diet". A lot of it is the mindset you're in.

I stalled at 270 for a month and randomly dropped 10 pounds. Double check your calories but long stalls do happen.

>parents telling me to eat more
>pfft get out my face, I'm making it
>my little old grandma walks up to me and hands me a sandwich
>"eat user, I'm worried about you"
At least it's my first meal of the day. I need to calculate this shit real quick.

>cute girl
>official game of a general consisting of 99.9% ugly men

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Good job, user!
Keep it up and you'll see some nice results.

Family does this too.
'One piece of lasagna can't be that bad'.
Weighed and calculated all the ingredients before dinner, just ate over 900 calories of lasagna.
At least now they're aware too.
I feel like most people are shit at estimating their calorie intake, and often underestimate stuff.

I also don't get why people don't measure their intake in general.
There's probably a fuckload of people who get sick 'for no reason', because they've been eating very wrong their whole lives. There's no way the majority of people are eating enough proteins.

>what the fuck is the point of losing fat if at the end of the day you're still trembling in fear of staircases?
because if you're not fat you can tremble in fear of staircases due to being so skinny. so it becomes a matter of weakness not being a slob. and, being a physically weak non slob is the first step to achieving trap

Ignore this Yes, the only thing that will be effective at having you losing weight is eating less.
Losing fat is a GREAT health booster. But, you could improve significantly your journey to light weight if you were to also do physical activity.

Now... READ THE STICKY, every answer on how, how much, why, cutting will be found in there.

How do I resist my urges to snack without appetite suppressants?

Keep thinking about your goal and how much harder you're going to have to work for it with each snack.

Pretty much an exact copy and paste from another thread.

Came here looking for help/advice. Here is what I am noticing though. Stay away from carbs, any sugar, and dairy. Exercise is crucial, and to drink lots of water. What type of exercise is best for weight loss though? I've been going to the gym and just doing running and biking. I started out walking/running 1 mile and tacking on 0.1 mile each time. How could I improve? Currently 6'1" at 289lbs trying to get down to around 180-200. What else could I do to get there quicker? Should I work on gaining muscle until after I lose the weight or actively work on it during the ride? And do weight loss pills actually do anything?

Almost anything is fine but stop running until you're at least only 'Overweight'. You're gonna stress and fuck your knees. Walking is always good

Whatever you can do for the rest of your life. Most people enjoy sports, I am more of a weight lifter/dog walker. Try stuff out.

Best is lifting, for real, but you have to find what you want to do for a long time. I lift 3 times, cardio 3 times.

down to 218 from 270.. I have not been under 220 in almost 5 years..33 more pounds to hit my goal..still a fat fuck..but less and less everyday..feels good man

What weight would just be considered "Overweight"?

Went 2000 cals over for yesterday.
What do today? Just not eat?
I dont mind a fast..although ive never fasted being this obese/out of shape. prolly got diabetes for all i know

Random guy from last general that "gained 10 lbs after a day" from feeling bloated. had the shits last night and today. actually lost 3 lbs. think it was a bad read

You don't need to exercise.
In fact it's better to not exercise since you'll be relying on it. And when you stop exercising you'll pack on the pounds on again because you never learned to eat well.

is there a consensus on a range for how many calories are in a store bough chicken breast?

Or at least a higher end level, since I'd rather not underestimate

eat your tdee

exercise extra hard if you work out

keep to the program going forward

even a big binge won't hurt that much, so long as it doesn't become habit

As a skele I think I finally understand. Y'all don't have to focus on eating less, just on shitposting harder.

You see, if you want a successful cut, 30000000% of your daily calorie intake should come from top jejs. Y'all eat so much because you're tragically deprived of the alternative and far more nutritive source of calories that is funposting.

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Day 1
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 8
Military Press 4 12
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3 8
Lat Pull Downs 4 8+*
Reverse Hypers 4 10
Cross Body Hammer Curls 4 15

Day 2
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench 3 8
Dumbbell Incline Bench 3 8
Barbell Rows 3 8
Skull Crushers 4 15
Rear Delt Lateral Raise 4 8
Reverse Hypers 4 10

Day 3
Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlifts 3 8
1 Arm Dumbbell Rows 5 5
Face Pulls 4 12
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 8
Seated Close Grip Row 4 12
Curls 4 15

From 230 to 217 in 6 days. I feel fine but I want some damn pizza or bbq chicken. Wake me up from my self-imposed nightmare

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What about having low calorie snacks like a bowl of steamed veggies?

My mom is SUCH a fucking gainz goblin. I don't know what it is, but for some reason the meals she makes are delicious... but not filling at all! At all! When I'm at home and cook for myself it's easy as hell to keep up my diet, yet when I'm at my mother I keep looking for snacks.

>it's a mum tries to makes me eat cake episode

GUYS brainlet question here, when you buy chicken and the package says stuff like 100g = 200cals does the 100g include the bone weight too?

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tfw wont be sexy by summer

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I remember you from yesterday, did u eat that pizza you naughty boi?

>finally in the 120s with only 14 pounds left to lose before I reach my goal weight
We're all going to make it if we keep trying.

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>won't be sexy by my 24th birthday (April 21)
>probably won't be sexy this year

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>175lb @ 6ft atm
>upper and middle abs visible in right light and standing up straight
>birthday sept 25th
I'm gonna make it.

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>been eating around 700-1000cal per day since january (nyrfag)
>tdee is 1700 so I'm not really starving myself
>have lunch with family every day this week because of holidays
>lunch mixes with supper
>eat 1100cal three days in a row
I just ate a normal 700cal lunch and now I feel so sick and tired, I think I might puke

you can exercise on a fast if you want to
me im not lazy , but walking is the most effort i put into it .

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>tfw won't be sexy until 2019

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>tfw down seventeen pounds in thirteen days.
What the fuck is happening to me am I dying? 6'0" started at 257, now two weeks later I'm 239.5.
Eating between 1400-1900 calories a day with a tdee around 2800. I don't feel like I'm starving myself or anything I'm just eating for fullness/energy.
Light Cardio three times a week, (walk five minutes, jog one mile, walk five minutes, jog half mile, walk five minutes, jog half mile, walk five minutes+ applicable stretching.)
Is this supposed to be happening? Can this all be water weight? The physics doesn't make sense

Good chunk is water weight but still good stuff. Don't be discouraged when it slows down.

>be motivated
>lose motivation suddenly
>eat a bunch of bullshit because nothing matters
>instantly filled with regret

am I just retarded? How do I make sure this never happens again? I just set myself back like one whole day.

usually, yes

the weight will include water and salt injections if you're buying shitty chicken

Keeping bone on/in whenever possible to increase the weight at purchase is a little bit of jewery we butchers use to get a few more shekels