Hey guys, so I am in Hong Kong at the moment.
I noticed that there is soy almost everywhere, from supermarket foods to restaurants.
Can someone explain to me why is soy bad for you?
Hey guys, so I am in Hong Kong at the moment.
I noticed that there is soy almost everywhere, from supermarket foods to restaurants.
Can someone explain to me why is soy bad for you?
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Because fat fucks on Jow Forums meme about it and don't understand how hormones work.
it's not
stupid people think soy phytoestrogens are bad for humans but it's just not true, if anything they're beneficial
Chinks are scrawny little fucks.
this, 1000000%
That may be true but it's got nothing to do with soy.
Do you have any evidence to support that claim?
Soy is bad for not only men, but also women because it even fucks up their hormone levels. It should be avoided at all costs.
Source for your claims?
>bad for men
>literally removes types of estrogen from the bloodstream
That said, I love the growing trend of calling numales "soyboys". Stay bluepilled
>Concerns that the estrogen-like properties of isoflavones produce untoward effects... ..are not supported by the clinical and epidemiologic research
>Evidence indicates soyfoods can be safely consumed by all individuals except those who are allergic to soy protein
>soy protein is higher in quality than other legume proteins and the soybean is a good source of both essential fatty acids. Soy protein also directly lowers circulating LDL-cholesterol levels and may also modestly lower blood pressure. Replacement of commonly-consumed sources of protein in Western diets by soyfoods may also lead to a favorable change in the fatty acid content of the diet.
>The author is the executive director of the Soy Nutrition Institute, an organization funded by the United Soybean Board and its soy industry members.
Tell that to Liu Xiaojun fucker
Oh boy I can see this heading in a Jow Forums direction already.
Do your own research. I'm not spoonfeeding you if you're just going to complain about the author and disregard their 439 citations.
>The literature overview presented in this paper illustrates that several potential health benefits of phytoestrogens have been reported but that, given the data on potential adverse health effects, the current evidence on these beneficial health effects is not so obvious that they clearly outweigh the possible health risks.
I am no longer eating meat (unless I catch it in the wild), so I am trying to supplement all missing nutrients/proteins from plant foods.
Given this, I have tried to research what may be some good foods...it does not seem that soy is a sensible option at all. It would be nice if I were wrong, but it doesn't seem so.
From what I've read it's not only an endocrine disruptor, but it also contains trypsin inhibitors.
>potential adverse health effects
>the 30 IQ idiot who doesn’t understand how research grants are funded
I almost forget Jow Forums is one of the most brainlet of boards
Quality/quantity of reference, quality of data, and consensus of their interpretation through peer review are what actually matter,
Soy isn't bad for you.
>These data suggest that higher intake of soy foods and soy isoflavones is associated with lower sperm concentration.
Yes goyim, do not reproduce, your peoples time is over anyway
There’s trypsin inhibitor in fucking egg whites, soy beans in small quantities or heavily processed via fermentation or otherwise are fine. Just try to avoid it in unprocessed forms like edamame
>whites btfo
it’s not bad OP
>The intake of 15 soy-based foods in the previous 3 months was assessed for 99 male partners of subfertile couples who presented for semen analyses to the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center.
The sample size came from men who were already visiting a fertility clinic for fertility issues. Talk about confirmation bias.
>mfw chink
>mfw not scrawny
>mfw i have no face, only ass (uncensor on req)
How's that confirmation bias? They could've easily found an inverse or lack of association.
Publication bias and rigged study design are widespread in industry funded nutrition research.
Let's see the funnel plot on outcomes of soy industry funded studies vs non-soy industry funded studies.
OP it is literally a meme and its tragic that people actually believe it
The product that is used extensively as a replacement for meat and milk happens to be terrible for you to consume? How perfect for the animal agriculture industry
>bumps the thread from page 10 to make a shitpost
err on the side of caution, user. it is no coincidence that soy is being pushed hard on this board right now.
It prevents balding and ass cancer and breast cancer. You MIGHT lose 2 pounds of muscle oh no what an unfair tradeoff...
There is some debate on whether soy is bad. Some argue that fermented soy is good and non-fermented is bad. But others say all soy is bad, others say no soy is bad.
If you are concerned that soy affects sexual development, then avoid soy. It is a personal choice and I don't know who is right on this debate.
soyboy status: triggered
Jidf at its brightest
The medical science is pretty conclusively on the "it doesn't matter unless you binge on it like a retard" side.
t. Jow Forumstard that defends shitskins immigrating to the US and Europe legally
>average chinese man is 5' tall and 110 pounds soaking wet
>average chinese cuisine contains copious amount of soy/soybeans
>playing the immigrant card when talking about soy
>he thinks Jow Forums is promoting immigration
I've worked in processing diary and soy products factories, soy stuff literally destroy machines. it punch little holes when reach high temperatures in steel. that's not a good measuring method for defining something "dangerous", but we have still argue when something is masqued as "genuine" or "benefic".
is somewhat an example, but they rarely have manboobs, as far as i know
Cant read paper yet, what does it define as negative and positive anyway? Im not anti soy or pro soy. I like the meme though
>soy is bad but meat and dairy are good
It's all so tiring
tell us where it say "meat and dairy is good".
We'll wait.
you probably know this thread is a clickbait thread, since Jow Forums is just for make money.
I didn't join the internet yesterday I know anti-soy posters shill meat, eggs, and cheese.
Maybe can be a subtle way to tell that, but what if OP is just thinking
>if there's a place where people are good and somewhat healthy, why they say soy is bad?
>peer review
Asian here. I live on soy sauce, tofu, soy milk, and other soy-related foods. I don't have man boobs, and never had. I do however have a hairless body, high pitched voice, am a super hardgainer, and get mistaken for a girl often. Anecdotal, I know, but take what you will out of it.
Genes make the difference too. You probably have flaky earwax and nonexistent armpit sweat odours, is not just what we eat.
Fuck off attention whore.
How'd you know that?? Guess it's not the soy then.
You don't have to project your insecurities at me user, chill. Thanks for the (You) btw.
you clearly just shaved
I had an asian gf, she also had a double pinkie fingernail on feet, as a descendent of some chinese empress or like that
See? That's how hairless I am. People think I shave. It's hard to take a pic of the hair since they're sparse and really fine.
Always funny how cancerous newfags give themself away.
Literally any biochemistry book that talks about hormones. Drinking cow milk is worse than drinking soy milk. Retards on Jow Forums don't know the first thing about phytoestrogens so they take every Jow Forums meme seriously.
Guess this is your way of asking for new stuff. Here ya go.
The evidence for soy inducing feminizing effects is extremely weak. Soy isoflavones are extremely weak partial agonists for estrogen receptors already, but even the strongest isoflavone in soy, Genistein, has an order of magnitude higher affinity for the beta estrogen receptor which is responsible largely for neuroprotection and preventing prostate/breast cancer than the alpha estrogen receptor responsible for ovarian and mammary growth. Equol, the main byproduct of soy isoflavones has a 13:1 affinity for beta over alpha, and can't even be bioavailable to the majority of people due to gut flora.
There is evidence to suggest that fermented products will have higher bioavailability of isoflavones to the human body and this could be the reason for correlation between lowered risk of certain cancers and cardiac disease in Asia. Fermented soy tastes way better IMO; tofu done right is great.
It's more likely that Asians just have poor height genetics and tend to be short and skinny. Their culture is also more intellectually competitive and rails against athleticism; if you're not selected to do athletics by the state, it's likely you'll just be a scrawny and skinnyfat bookworm.
I just wanna nitpick that tofu doesn't classify as fermented.
>hairy as all fuck
>incredibly low pitched and raspy voice
>bigger than average dick
>am skinny manlet though
hmm, jury's still out on this one boys. i'm australian raised though so my diet isn't exactly all soy.
So you're saying posters who call others soyboys, are actually the soyboys?!
Your traps are too asymmetric and it looks weird.
>i'm australian
yeah. see how i added raised right after so i don't offend your ethnic purity ass.
Australia is very CHINKED.
>so i don't offend
LMAO you can't make this shit up
>having no identity
What even are you then hahahahhahahaha
I am in HK as well, you should buy those milks in a small boxes, not the soy shit. I had it once long before the memes started and it was disgusting.
i'm australian and i'm asian
why are you so offended?
>i'm australian raised
>i'm australian
>i'm asian
lm fucking ao. You are so confused, this is the best thing I've seen all day. Pick ONE. Also, "asian" is a meme identity that only exists in places like Aus, Can, US.
Your mom fucked someone with superior seed.
He's Australian and ethnically Asian. Get used to it cunt because the chinks are flooding in legally or otherwise.
>ethnically Asian
wew lad, try telling a jap and a chinese that they are the same. That's like saying you are ethnically European and thinking that means something.
Asian is a general term. Obviously if you know the person you're speaking to is Japanese, you would say they're ethnically Japanese. But when you don't care to specify, you just say Asian. Asian fearures share many similarities anyway.
>Asian fearures share many similarities anyway.
pls uncensor
>people get this triggered by language
> What is an outlier.
Learned in bio class that lab animal chow specifically avoids soy products that aren't highly purified to remove the phytoestrogens so they don't skew the experiment. That's enough reason for me to moderate my consumption of it.
Traditional Confucian dietary restrictions
They're scrawny because they don't each much calories.
>citation needed
a rational and humble post, on MY 4chans?
when youre so autistic you need citation for a story about anecdotal experience.
all chinese weightlifters are on test at the very least.
c o p e
o p
.p o
..e p o c
If you've decided to be forever small that's fine but don't spread this bullshit its more dangerous than HAES.
FUCKKKKKKKKK I just found out about this Han toenail the other day and realized that I have it. My whole life I thought I just had a weird foot fungus that was causing weird toenail growth.
Also Asian here as well who enjoys soy and am the opposite of literally everything you said. But with legs like that I would go out to get bubble tea with you.
I'm not taking soy intentionally to stay small, I just like it. Maybe it's related, maybe it's not, but I don't see how it's worse than HAES.
Well I guess it's all genetics then. I haven't had those in a while. Sounds nice, too bad I'm trying to be keto. I might make an exception though, I don't have any friends.
If you're not willing to integrate with the host nation culture you can stay right where you fucking are.
>soylent drink
>bottle opener
checks out
This is my friend, he's lactose intolerant and was taking soy at a very young age and now look at him
soy is bad, avoid it and will avoid being a depressed girlfreindless loser who looks like his mother and cries about life everytime.
lookin good
Does this still count as soy face even if he doesn't have the eyeglasses, beard, and ninetendo switch?
he actually owns a switch but im not sure what you mean by soyface
You must be new here.
>he does that face alot too