Anybody felt anxious at first after getting Jow Forums because of the attention you got?

Barely started working and lately I've been getting harassed by clients. In addition, I went to the movies with my mom and a guy went up to me saying that his sister thinks that I am hot while pointing back at her. I just ignored them.


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I know the feel. The first mires are really uncomfortable.

>tfw people called you stupid fat fuck faggot and made fun of you with fake compliments in the past so every time someone compliments you you don't believe them and become hostile assuming they are talking shit about you

>Didn't get two GFs in highschool cause of this

I worked road construction during the summer while I was in college. People would often yell drive by insults at me; things like 'musclehead'.

That's when I knew that I made it.

>6"3' 288lbs
>anxious stares
>people leave the machine next to me

What's wrong with me Jow Forumsbros? Are they intimidated?

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Probably you’re fucking huge

fuck me how did you get in my brain

>tfw 5"6 so never will get that treatment

I have to work to get female attention. Jelly of you fags with height.

Fix this. You set out to get Jow Forums for self improvement. Mental/Social improvement is just as important. Even more important.

Only just gotten into fitness hardcore this year, always been the shy awkward type who hates attention. Never fat or fit before, just plain with a kinda cute face, now I have a nice ass and tiny waist with abs n shit and people look at me literally fucking everywhere I go. I'm so embarrassed about it - whats the trick to getting over it? Just tell yourself to stop giving a fuck and repeating that until it works? I feel like a girl can't just fake chad their way through that shit without seeming like a shallow bitch

Recently dropped to below 16% after doing strength+accessories permabulking for a year straight on 4000cal. I've been getting compliments and looks and shit for the past few weeks so bad. Almost to the points that it's uncomfortable. It's flattering, but I haven't gotten this much attention in years and I'm starting to get social gains again. Feels fucking weird and awkward, especially since I was intensely bullied as a child and idk what an insult and a compliment is. Nowadays, I try to let my past go and consider everything people say is a compliment.

Jesus christ were all a little fucked aren't we? Check this dude out he's helped me a bunch and could help you too.

Embrace it op you said you only just started. Well this is what I found at the start you "may" get some hotties interested, then the next stage come the overconfident fatties who will try go you. Then the better stage where im at, when youve been lifting for a few years, older milfs will point you out and call you over, you will get your but punched by strangers, you will score hotties and have more interest from girls, you will get complimented alot by randoms referring to your muscles and calling you hot, every time you head out you will generally hear something.

This all generally applies to clubbing but also in everyday life it happens.

Could be different for you im 6'4 and always been called hot but since filling out my frame confidence has shot right up and compliments are flying in

Can't wait to see the next stage in my lifting adventure.

Used to happen to me to, try start believing the compliments, tell yourself you are a sick cunt, mire your gains be proud of what you have done and before long it'll all go to your head in a good way

I have no problem talking and shit, but I'll get to watching this and background noising while I work. I'm trying to mog this dude's girl so she finally get's to leaving him so I can finally fuck her without feeling like a horrible homewrecker about myself. People have been generally nice since I got a jawline again after permabulking, been trying to be smiley and talkative. I think I'll never shake the feeling that people just want to hurt me. I've been hurt by both males (bullying) and females (ended a 4 year relationship recently) and it's really a headspace I need to get out of. Watching this video - I've been trying to project this alpha, outgoing, happy, go-lucky person that I want to be. I think I need to fake it until I'm like 100% confident in myself, but I doubt that shit will ever happen.

People aren't dicks like that 99% of the time. If they give you a compliment, assume its genuine and say thanks. Really you shouldn't care regardless to think about it more, even if it is snide just say thanks and feel good because you know you're awesome.

Agreed, you gotta learn to love yourself and not give 2 fucks about what anyone else thinks. Learn to be happy in your own skin and nothing will bother you.

Sorry to hear man. I just recently got dumped out of a 3 year relationship as well, and she's with another guy a month later. It sucks big time, watch that guys videos he's helped me a lot.

This is what I've found works best. I just try to discard my past and receive the compliments and pat myself on the back once in a while. It's important to look at yourself in the mirror and say "Good job" to yourself.

And that also attracts females because women love men who cant be shaken, and own themselves. That's what being alpha is.

Sorry to hear that, bro. Let me tell you just one thing, if she's with another dude after a 3 year relationship she was probably cheating on you. It's a good thing she dumped you, you're better off without her brother. I'm already on video 2 of this guy and I love the support he gives me. We split because I felt like she was just dragging me down, it's a horrible fucking feeling. Loved her so much, but in order to progress with my life I had to let her go. Looking back at it I was a fool to stick around for 4 years, but I was a stupid kid, madly in love with the idea of not being lonely. I'll be in this thread helping bros out, Jow Forums is all about mental/social gains as well.

This sounds awful desu. Gotta pick your clothes carefully to avoid being too aesthetic, but theres nothing that will hide face gains.


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>millions of single hotties out there dying to find someone who isnt another soyboy
>Let me pursue a taken girl as hard as possible and see if i can sow discontentment into a healthy relationship
Have you ever thought you feel shitty cause you act shitty? Still props for not making a move till she leaves, so you arent a complete asshat.

Never hide anything. Embrace it. You do shit for yourself to become better. Better than everyone else. You HAVE to make sure you are doing your best for yourself. You have a purpose and mission to better yourself and you will never be the best version of yourself, but right now you are the best you have ever been and you have to be happy with that.


>implying I dont sleep around with other females on the side

I like her, she is kinda obsessed with me. She's bored with her boyfriend and right now she's on the fence on dumping him. She is a god tier 10/10 6 foot amazonian and I feel as tho I have a problem trying to prove to myself that I can bag her. I'm not coming on hard. Occasional flirt at the club and while we're out and shit, but I'm not being a fuck tard going in 100%. But, I really do kinda like her.

Nah man, she is a real sweetheart and good person. I treated her pretty bad at times, she really gave me her all and I did as well but in the end she was exhausted and I was losing myself in the relationship as well. Women just get over breakups faster and men tend to be at the ready, she is a good girl and I really just wish her happiness.

Plus she totally downgraded, so it kinda made me laugh. Yeah I did the same as you though, stuck around for 3 years because I didn't want to be lonely. It was the first relationship in my life like that and I got addicted to it, i was attached. But she never did fulfill me in all the right ways when I think about it. I had tried to break up with her at around the half way mark but I went back on it, in hindsight I should have broke it off then and there.

Either way it doesn't matter, I'm pretty healed now and I feel good about the present.

>god tier 10/10 6 foot amazonian
post pics

I really don't mind it, I dont lift for anyone but myself ive got my vision of where i want to get. But it's all just apart of it embrace it, realise you aint like the rest

That's it and once you got that mindset you will be unstoppable

Bro that's legit what happened. We broke up for 4-5 months at the 2 year mark and I got back together because of comfort and just didn't want to feel that lonely again. Even tho I got kinda famous at that point because of music, social gains were the highest they've been my whole life up to that point, but I still felt lonely and empty inside. I too feel like she was a sweetheart and insanely nice girl and I wish her the best of luck in the future. Insane how we're in the exact same position.

>pic related me after seeing ex downgrading and getting kinda fat

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I don't feel the need to validate myself in front of a mongolian straw hat knitting forum

also she's got a shred of fame so no

The worst part for me is how bad I treated her at times. I came from a fucked up family and i blew up on her more than a few times. It really upsets me to think about it.

Muscle or fat?

Don't be sorry, user. Be better next time. Being sorry won't fix anything. We'll all find our amazonian goddess that you will feel amazing about treating her good. Good luck, bro.

Both. I'm about 25% body fat but have a 52 inch chest.

>ITT delusional DYELs.

I know that feel bro, it was years ago but I still can't take a compliment at face value

>shred of fame
post pics


girls who grew up hot just assume theyre getting things on merit, which is pretty much the chad mindset