Can we discuss sexual health and fitness, whats best for your junk and libido?

Can we discuss sexual health and fitness, whats best for your junk and libido?

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>whats best for your junk and libido?
what do you mean ?

Soy and chicken. Stay away from red meat

If you don't jack off at least 3 times a day you're at risk for prostate cancer.

18 here, i had a gf once who was pretty much my oneitis but i've never had sex. Will fucking a hooker make me less afraid of going out for another girl?

18 is way too young to fuck a hooker you’re nowhere near wizard status yet. Do it like a normal human being

Reminder that women are a waste of time and money. Hookers are just a waste of money.

don't listen to just go to a hooker and bang her, it's just buying a service like going to barbershop for example

>Implying Jow Forums has sex

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>wake up
>morning blowjob
>don't cum
>not very horny

what is the wrong with the me

I shaved my pubes yesterday, fingered my asshole, came into the palm of my hand, and ate it.
I'm going to do that again later today.
I have very low libido, but I do it to keep me motivated to become a twink mode slut.

You are not attracted to the girl? I dunno bruh

He's the one doing the blowjob, newfag

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I definitely am, she's fit, abs, not a womanlet (5'10, im 6'). My libido has just been shit as of late, and tbqh I'd rather eat, lift and sleep than fuck

My friend was tired too after some long relentioship with girls. He said the same that he prefer to go the sleep than fuck. I dunno what advice give you because they ultimately broke up :(

Lol I got my first hooker when I was 19 and she asked me what the fuck I was doing with my life.

Ironic isn't it

Cumming from a blowjob only happens if she's really good and/or it takes a long time. If you're not horny in the morning it's cause you're not awake yet and not in fuck mode. Just don't sweat it and carry on user

>have fwb
>>in the beginning I was able to get her to cum from penetration several times in a single session
>I could last for as long as I wanted and would always time my own cumming to her last one
>now I can barely get her to cum once and I last like than 5 minutes

To deal with her part of it, I've just been doing more before and after like going down on her and using my hands more to prep and shit. But I just cant seem to last as long as I usually do.

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>referring to the scepter of life between your legs as 'junk'

I can without a doubt state that you will never get laid op and yours must be very small even relative to the average soyboy.

Fap more

Literally that simple

you've become too comfortable with her, no way to fix it, time to move on

Girlfriend? After about a month I get bored of what was once exciting. For me I need to hookup with something new or have sex breaks with distance or I get bored and lazy.

I like the new experience and exploring a new person. Once I know how they work I feel I hit my goal and want a new woman. Idk why I'm this way.

>be 27
>jack off
>a little bit of watery semen comes out

Wtf? My erections are ok but not sperm? Low T?

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