Stronglifts 5x5 vs SS for beginners, what should we advocate?

Stronglifts 5x5 vs SS for beginners, what should we advocate?

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I do 5x5 + accesories.

as long as youre consistent and stick to it, you should see results with either, remember to practice good form.


I do 3x5 + 10% reset 1x5+ on ohp cause my shoulders suck. 5x5 for all other compounds

Both are good. 5x5 is a SS ripoff/variation. I've both. Both are great and give good results. They do their job correctly. I had a spinal cyst and had to not lift for a year so I did 5x5 the second time around. I'm doing the same lifts I did after a year of lifting with a modified 5x5.

it's all cool. Pick one, stick with it. End of story.

Either works. Probably better to switch off 5x5 set/rep schemes once you stall for 3x5 just because it's fucking hard to progress on a LP with 5x5 at a certain point. Pulling a heavier and heavier deadlift week after week for five sets of five will just bang you up.

SL doesn't advocate 5*5 dl you dyel retard

Made for BBC.

Big Bavarian Cock

SS is also a variation of Bill Starr program.

Are you fucking dumb? Read the Wiki.



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I'm currently doing Stronglifts 5x5, what accessory lifts would you guys recommend? My workouts feel too short recently.

Name of milktruck?

>Fertility Goddess

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Both are good, but one is easier to start with. You'll probably get the same results in terms of muscle mass with both as a beginner, so I would personally start with SS, then perhaps move on to SL 5x5 later on.

Don't need any accessory lifts as a beginner, just focus on getting strong at the compound movements.

Simple Google search : lillias right

Greyskull LP Jow Forums edition

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greyskull with arms

SL is 1x5 for diddlies.
And after you stall and deload for the second time you switch to 3x5, 3x3, and finally 1x3

>what should we advocate
Pull ups and dips.

Starr’s programming wasn’t developed by Starr, and Rip didn’t start out using it. He said he started out having his clients do the main lifts alongside a bunch of machines and accessories because that’s what everyone at the time thought was the right thing to do - machines were still a relatively recent invention and considered state of the art. Then he realised he could remove most of it and people would still make progress just as well.

Starr and the people who came before him used programs like this because they literally didn’t have anything else. Before Nautilus came along the only things you’d find in a gym were barbells and maybe a few fixed bars, some dumbbells, and kettlebells, both of which have severe limitations.

Why would you bother doing a protracted peak at the end of a novice program when you could just be getting stronger on an intermediate program?

Alright. Thanks user.

Medhi is an Internet marketer not a strength coach. IIRC he still basically has beginner lifts because he refuses to progress onto another routine.

This but for real, no memes :)

Day 1:
>3x5 low bar squat (90 sec pause on compounds)
>3x5 bench press
>3x5 deadlift (1x5 is minimalistic)
>3x5 overhead press
Isolation (30 sec pause, switch when stalled)
>3x12 abs (weak core = weak lifts)
>3x12 lats (injury prevention)
>3x12 delts (injury prevention)
>3x12 tricep (small arms = weak press)

Day 2:

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Weighted Chin Ups, planks and hanging knee/leg raises

Unless you're lifting for a sport like rugby or handegg, I'd recommend SL5x5. If you've read the actual SS book you'd know the progression is a lot more complicated than the version that is usually posted on Jow Forums. The book version looks actually more like
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
3x5 Diddly / power clean (alternating workout

3x5 Squat
3x10 back extensions
3x10 pullups
SL5x5 is pretty much dumbproof if you get the app and the pendlay rows balance out the upper/lower body workout ratio. For the average lifter SL is better, just add dips to A workout and chinups to B workout after first two weeks and change into 3x5 when you hit your first plateu.

op stop posting disgusting fat pigs

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Greyskull LP

Stop posting mouthbreathers

full body 3x

Shoo shoo weeb trash


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And get the fucking book.

Why do people say this. Let the guy do some curls and pullups, what's the fucking deal.

Why do I see this advertised on here all the time?
Is it better than SS and SL?
Is it beginner or intermediate?
It's shit simple, which is real nice I suppose, don't need to read a 300pg book

do your fucking power cleans, they're good for you
the program already has chins and pullups in it so you don't have to add them
it's a beginner program so you won't be on it for more than 3-5 months anyways

Can I replace dumbell curls with ez curls?
I've got barely any dumbell stuff but I've plenty of barbell stuff

idk y it's here all the time, probably b/c it's a one-pic meme

it's nothing but a ripoff of ss
"castle of he-man named after a kid's cartoon from the 80s written by johnny paaaaaaaaaaaiiiin the 'strength villain' who actually started his own lifting career on ss"

you can still see his posts in the archives of the ss forums


I'm only getting Jow Forums so I can take home thicc mommies with big milkers
Truly, and honestly, that is my biggest inspiration

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>That armpit vagina


I did SS and recommend it to all my DYEL friends. The main draw for me is that the SS app makes the routine so easy you'd have to be retarded not to make gains.

Does it do stuff like tell you what to do if you fail a rep?

Yeah, you have to put in how many reps you completed on each set. If you fail a rep, you have to re-do the same weight the next time you do that exercise. I think it also deloads for you if you stall enough times.



which accessories?