Is this a new meme / gimmick or does it produce sizeable gains?
Anyone trains this way for hypertrophy?
BFR (BloodFlowRestriction) Training
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Wow this sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard. I'd hate to be the poor fool testing this dumbass idea. But maybe I'm entirely wrong.
Bodybuilders really are this gullible, huh?
Another gimmick.
>tourniquet training
Man. We have truly gone too far.
if its low tech and hasnt been tried and true for at least 50 years then its a shit instagram gimmick
OP here updating with some actual science behind this:
"Surprisingly, after strength training with BFR applied to the arms in a bench press exercise, there were increases in both pectoralis major and triceps brachii muscle sizes."
>destroying your artery for a meme
just one tourniquet at the neck so I don't have to keep swapping them around, and it gets my whole body.
>Le edge
Greg Nuckols did an article on it a few years ago, with some research posted alongsode I think. Was good for accessory work I believe he said.
Actually, I remembered the title and took the 30 seconds required to dig it up, so here it is:
Bodybuilders all have mental illnesses
At this point, I'm convinced that any serious bodybuilder is a mental health risk
Not a gimmick. Good science behind it (creates a metabolic crisis in the muscle tissue stimulating subsequent adaptation), but it's done with small weights so none of you gorilla retards will dare do it in a gym
It's a meme. It does absolutely nothing for you other than pain.
As a cardiologist with a sub specialty in vascular structures, I would highly advise against putting your vascular system under such conditions for the sake of possibly gaining 1% extra size ( if any of these studies are legitimate, I have no time to read them), or no size at all. Heart and vascular disease is no joke, while we can patch you up enough for you not to die, your quality of life will be shit, you will probably be unable to exercise, and if it's anything serious be warned that you never come out of heart surgery with your full mental capacities.
steroids build their muscle, not this meme shit
That sentence makes no sense, are you on that "blood restriction to your brain" program son ?
idk man this doesnt seem healthy
it actually works but i'd feel way too dumb doing this at the gym in front of all the hot thots
i tried it for a few months and i think it added a bit, but the biggest improvement was in my veins. they got way more visible which is pretty nice
I'm not even going to doubt you being a cardiologist. But it's weird that you don't have time to read the studies, which may even be relevant to your career, but you DO have time to post on Jow Forums.
>The biggest moron in the thread with a lot of suitable candidates
Fuck off its my time to argue with someone
Can't wait till some retard develops DVT and gets a stroke from it. The fitness world is one huge fucking meme.
You never come out of heart surgery with your full mental capacities? That's a new one on me. I guess it sorta makes sense, if they have to limit or stop blood flow through the heart, there won't be oxygen getting to the brain. Is that it?