/fraud/ feminine penis enthusiasts general

Read all of:
before even thinking about asking your absolutely retarded questions. Also, include:
>time spent lifting

Even as internet doctors we can't tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are awesome and you're awesome for considering them.


Previous genital thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


End blast at week 20 and pct, or cruise + cut

I agree with Jerry, I rather fuck that tranny in the previous thread than a woman with muscles.

Cruise bitch. You want to get huge like me or stay a mediocre skinny dyel forever.

We're at it forever until we die, which will probably be sooner than you think

hijacking post
can you go straight from bulking on blast to cutting on cruise dose?

Yes but i would taper off slowly.

Don't go full keto on cruise after a blast immediately like i did previously. Otherwise you will cry yourself at sleep at night because you will look 40% skinnier

By tapering do you mean the dose or the calories?

Just stopped winny and fucking feeling amazing

What is this shit?I got extreme lethargy on it,literally not even motivated to LIVE

Currently on
250mg test e /week
tren 400mg /week

Seein amazing gains tho

I'm assuming calories.


liver was probably fucked. Winstrol is extremely liver toxic

I feel better and 24 hours have passed since my last dose,when will i return to normal?

How would you go about tapering from 500mg week to 250mg week?

holy shit
just switch the dose

How is that a taper you brainlet

>roiding for this

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>chilling in watching YouTube
>mom walks in, stands there looking at me, dad walks in after
>mom was in my room looking at my pants trying to find out their sizes and found my water filled vials that I was gonna swap out with real testosterone vials back in January when I found where my mom hid my first steroid pack
>they think it’s testosterone, tell them it’s water and they can drink it but they don’t believe me
>dad asks me where I got it and I tell him I just found it, he keeps asking me the same question and I keep giving him the same answer
>wants to know who I got it from, tell him a friend but he wants to know exactly who, keep telling him what I originally told him
>asks if they’re gonna have to look up the vial online even though there’s literally nothing on it they could look up
>dad asks if we need to look at my arms to see if I’ve been injecting
>mom says you don’t inject it in your butt
>dad asks mom if we’re gonna have to get it analyzed
>tell him have fun paying money for that
>dad says the cops to do it for free
>they stay there for half a minute not talking, then my dad says, “you’re going down a sad path” and they leave

None of this should be a surprise to you desu.

I told them it was water, they could’ve opened it up for themselves and found that out

Like that makes you look less bad ?

Hahahaha what are you like 16


Why should they care if I have water filled vials?

>what is drug paraphernalia

You're an idiot to have kept the vials around in the first place.

I love u crusader hope you are doing well

I'm doing okay. Thank you for checking up on me.

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Barely an adult and you're already fucking it up.
How are you going to stay huge if you aren't even your own man? Get your life into order.

>vials are drug paraphernalia

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Yes. Please explain how they are not?

>miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity.

Good job user. You're literally retarded

Depends on your liver values. Just make sure you drink a lot of water. Most orals have half life from 8 hours

Normally i go from 750 to 600 to 450 to 250 or something

A week for each dose downgrade or how long?

If only there was a way to measure your liver, kidney function and TBC, you might be able to tell whats wrong!

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>took 10mg of cialis
>got nothing to clean up cum with for my jerkathon
>the feels

youre the one asking the questions, cognition cromagnon

You should have murdered them on the spot, you fucking cuck faggot.

Just try both methods out and see if it makes any difference for you

What kind of autism do you have?

I want some recommendations on earphones and headphones.

Earphones must be able to fit inside a motorcycle helmet, wearable to gym and I'd like minimal sound leakage because I'm part deaf so I usually have music extremely loud to a normal person. Preferable also noise cancelling.

Headphones, just anything nice to bring around uni that don't look autistic, noise cancelling would be nice too.

>inb4 go to Jow Forums

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Anyone else fucking hate anime faggots? Im sick of seeing girls (or guys) on dating apps using anime profile pictures and then you swipe to the second pic and theyre some fucking bird-jawed abomination or even worse, a tranny or a feminist. Every time.

>strongly suspect my test is underdosed

it comes in ampules, it's enanthate, there's less than 1ml of oil in each amp and the company begins with P...

oh well, at least it's keeping me off opiates

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Daily reminder that your mom is a more reliable source on roids and info that this absolute retard.

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Why would you even bother looking at their other pictures? Anybody who uses an image that is not a picture of themselves as their default is obviously an uggo.

>that don't look autistic
he thinks that earphones makes him autistic and not himself. That awareness. lmao

Look at crusader he loves Anime. I fucking hate those weak cucks with their girl cartoons for children

Only Ramirez is approved because he makes Anime cool


Is it true that there's no point in running test higher than tren because when competing for the same androgen receptors, tren will always win?

I don't want something that's gaudy or retardedly complex. Just something normal looking. I dress like a normal person when I go out surprisingly.

theres no point because you might as well run tren instead. also tren will not aromatize. and running higher tren will let you run caber without splitting it up into pixie dust and wasting money.

Just get in ear earbuds

Picture of you in normal clothes?

I'm eating 7-12% fats daily, is that bad? Do you really need fats if youre not natty? My carbs are are at 50-65% and I'?m growing like a weed.

Just get some decent in ears.
Skullcandy JIB'sseem to be on sale here lately, they're cheap and have good sound with a rich base.
I'm partially tone deaf on my left ear but they get the job done. They come in plain black or any other color you desire.

I want nice ones with good quality. I just don't know what to look for.

>Picture of you in normal clothes?

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>overwhelming majority of gym users are hopeless, ugly dyels
>nobody to seriously train with
>nobody to make sex jokes with
>nobody to take my post workout with and share compliments
Fugg I miss my gymbro, his mires were the best.

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Im pretty sure I was at a deficit yesterday
I think naltrexone is killing my bulk


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Give me better ones for 3 euro's.

Iktf brah...

3 euro? The DAC you use will be much more than that so why skimp on headphones

fucking pussy you are, fucking homosexual cancer head

I only have myself. I am my only friend.

At least i have my muscles.

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Cause they're just for working out and I don't want to ruin expensive ones.

>fucking pussy you are, fucking homosexual cancer head

bursted out laughing in the middle of the gym lmao

>White bois need to roid to compete with us

Ok goys is it fuckign stupid for me to run a 500mg test e cycle at the age of 19? Should I wait until I'm older?

I don't wanna permanently fug my natural test production, although it's low af at 450 ng/dl.

I'm afraid that I'll remain suppressed after PCT

>bringing your phone at the gym and scuppering your focus
It's like you don't want to make it user.
inb4 but muh timer, it's just between sets
You already took a 10 minutes pause, just bring a watch.

I train alone almost all the time.
It's just that it felt really nice when he was here.
For once I wasn't the only one being serious about lifting and we had fairly similar goals.

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Any danefags in here?
How bad does gyno need to be in order for the state to pay?
It's rock hard at this point, and one of my nipples is way bigger than the other.

At work you need beats by dre to show your superiority

>bringing your phone at the gym and scuppering your focus
It's like you don't want to make it user.
inb4 but muh timer, it's just between sets
You already took a 10 minutes pause, just bring a watch.

what the fuck are you talking about? Even if I was just fucking around at the gym doing curls and talking on messenger I would still be twice your size


Should I just turn my first cycle into a BnC?
Since I'll have the natural test of an infant afterwards anyways, no matter the PCT.
Add on top of that, that my natural test would fall when I am an old fuck anyways.
I mean even if I regret, I just hit the doc, get my legal TrT, and make it a part of my morning routine on a weekly basis. Not really a "huge" sacrifice as some people say.

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>youre going down a sad path
well they are right

hey fags staying at a girl's parents house with her one friend tonight. How to initiate a threesome? Im pretty much god tier compared to these chubsters so i have that to my advantage and im sure they will be drunk. Also there is a pool so i have the advantage that we will be close to naked already.

Don't. You're trash for considering this.

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>Im pretty much god tier compared to these chubsters
I don't understand why you would bother with them if you look good.
Then uglies will feel entitled to date handsome individuals.

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Threeways are only fun in porn and in your imagination. Unless the girls are professionals or absolutely roastie, they’re not going to have any kind of co-ordination, they’re not going to be comfortable with the experience and they will get in each other’s ways and fuck everything up. This is assuming they don’t tell you to go fuck yourself when you bring it up and tell everyone they know that you’re a piece of shit. Don’t try it. It is not worth it.

Why would you fuck tubby chicks?

>Oral only cycles are awesome and you're awesome for considering them.

Yea this was going to be my question.
I know its easier on your liver to inject but i imagine that absorbtion is better through the stomach since steroids need to metabolize in the liver to activate.

Best oral stack?

300ml bleach ed
30mg of kys

variety is the spice of life my friend.
ive considered this aspect. There is no doubt in my mind that it would be sloppy, somewhat awkward, and overall not great but thats besides the point. Still want to try it just for the experience
why wouldn't you? Not everyone you fuck has to be wife material

Why namefag on here if you are dyel?

I want to ____ that hedgehog.

What's the best Blast and Cruise and why is it this:

500mg Test E every week
400mg Deca every week
0.5mg Arim ED

250mg Test E every week.

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Who else here never works out delts because they're unproportionally big anyway from frauds and as a secondary muscle group?


Fat girls are gross and you'll regret watching two clammy, raw whole chickens fumble around while giggling about how 'naughty' it is while limp-wristed giving you a handjob until you go soft and get bored. Just sounds like a horrible time in general.

Fucking hell fat people are gross.

Fucking hell women are gross.

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12 Week Blast
6 Week Cruise

but what if i dont get off on the thought of the fat girls but instead get off on them worshiping me like a god? basically getting off on myself

>12 week blast
>6 week cruise

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Then you're gross because you get off to the opinions of gross people.

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Nice argument that picture sure did solidify your point :)
Could you at least put in a minimal effort to source why its dum.
I've heard between 12 and 14 weeks.

of course im gross i inject unknown chemicals synthesized in bathtubs by dirty chinese people into my muscles on the daily basis.
So again i ask, whats wrong with fugging some lower tier girls for a night to turn the tables from having to put in the work (with a hot chick) to literally being treated like a god?

I have 2 shoulder days a week
Im going to look like samus

Deca is a long ester so your cycle is too short

Dude, because fat people are not good to look at. It's a subjective opinion. It seems you've already made up your mind. You have to forever be stuck with this image. It's also going to be hilarious if they reject your offer and you have to live with the shame of being rejected by fatties. It'd be better to be rejected by a good looking girl.

God. You are disgusting.

>look like Samus
You'll never be a pretty girl

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>turn the tables from having to put in the work
Eh you're the one asking for advice here.
Sounds like you are doing to work and not the fatties you want to fuck.

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16 weeks blast
6 weeks cruise
Seems fair enough.

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Based crusader. Totally agree with this lol

doing the work*

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i guess a betaboy like you wouldnt understand the drive to spread one's seed to as many females as possible as a gift to the world.
>but youre just fucking not impregnating them
yeah but the internal motivation still exists

the work i did was for myself in turning myself into a god among men.
The work they will do is begging to take my cock.
If i were going after a gf material girl who looked like a goddess then it would be expected for me to court her.
See where im going with this?

The cope that is needed in order to justify fucking gross chicks. A god of pigs is nothing to aim for.

Then go have a threesome with attractive girls since there's also a drive to choose quality partners.

Man, women are just not good. I wish I could touch Rem.

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>they will do
You'll see. Maybe they'll think they're doing a favour.
>it would be expected for me to court her
Not just her but most of these spoiled, lazy, meh-looking, bitching cunts will expect you to do it.

Also remember that women can't appreciate the male form for shit, you're certainly overestimating what your body does to girls.

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>3 euros
That’s mudslime immigrant territory for that there budget. I’ve used the same headphones in the gym for 4 years now and I’m just thinking about upgrading them to some wireless beats.

I doubt your delts are big enough to justify skipping them.

kys. You need a test base before using an oral so injections are a must if you actually want to keep gains

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got me there.
the likely reasoning behind me posting about fucking chubsters on this thread was looking for others to justify the decisions or just try to rationalize it.
In reality i just am too lazy and scared to make the leap with hotter chicks so i go for the low hanging fruit (uglier chicks)
Whatever its probably still better to get some sort of social interaction than spending yet another weekend isolated on my computer

is 150mg of test not enough for a cruise? I decided going lower than 250 for once but my sex drive kind of pooped.

I mean you could technically take oral test but who the hell does that.

Hotter chicks slut around more, they are not exactly hard to get if you look decent.

They're heavily discounted from tk maxx.
I use my expensive headphones at home. I'm not in the gym to listen to music, it fades to background noise when I'm lifting hard anyways.

But I can be an ugly one with huge delts

Thats enough. Test should be over 1k ng/dl atleast

Believe in yourself.
All women are whores