A man washes his hands before or after, tending to his needs. It tells you a lot about a man, if he does it both times...

A man washes his hands before or after, tending to his needs. It tells you a lot about a man, if he does it both times, it points to a weakness in character.

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Well at the gym you should do it both times, people never wash their seats or their bars and they touch shit everywhere compared to other public places.

Wow, user, so cool that you watched the shape of water and can quote it! If I were you, I would get it tattoo'd

Who the fuck washes before unless its completely covered in dirt by work or w/e

>that guy in orange

>not pointing out the Thinkerâ„¢ in plaid

>A man washes his hands before or after
>washing your hands pre piss
no one has ever done this. op is a faggot

This. Everyone that doesn't think like this is a brainlet, enjoy staph dick.


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who here /neverwasheshands/?

poo or wee i never do it. at most i will quickly rinse my fingertips under the tap but no more.

why even quickly rinse if you don't care and it doesn't get them clean

I can't pee in public urinals so FUCK YOU.

Reporting brother
These weak immunity faggots are laughable. I am the disease.

Washing your hands is a sign of weakness.

I don't usually wash my hands, but when I do, I do it before because my dick is always cleaner.

>t. manlet

I mean, it's my dick, it's not like it went anywhere...
I touch it aaaaall the time back home

why is that?

Attached: anon tries to use public urinals.png (722x533, 11K)

Public urinals in here are at floor level usually, though. I just prefer doing it in individual toilets. It all started when some faggot at elementary school tried to grab my pee-pee ;_;

Thanks, Michael Shannon.

Shape of Water was so run of the mill it was unreal. It was just so plain and lifeless. I've never been an Oscars fan, but I've not seen a Hollywood movie in a few years now that's been good.

I know someone who got warts because they took a piss without washing beforehand.

>being extra clean is a weakness

I don't wash my hands at all, am I true chad alpha?

Go fuck a fish. I fucking loved that character.

I stopped going to public urinals because I got a big dick and I got nothing to prove like 99% of the men population that go to these and keep fucking one eye glancing over your way. I don't give a shit about being "better" than some stranger staring at my dick even though it's an unwritten rule not to fucking look and most guys still sneak a fucking glance, why? if you do this go fuck yourself insecure little repressed piece of shit.

>I got a big dick
>Writing all this shit

Pick the last one and the last one only

youre fucking stupid
you think if you had a big dick youd be spending all your time mogging dicklets and manlets, youre fucking stupid man and go look at gay porn already and stop sneaking your insecure looks at other people's dicks

It is a weakness. In nature you arent a real alpha if you arent able to survive some infections and train ur immune system against invaders....


I don't look at anyone's dick when I go to the urinal, the thought doesn't really cross my mind. I'm secure and hetero enough to not look around or give a fuck if some random fucktard tries to look because I'm not there to do anything but go and then leave


>not wanting an anthrax resistant dick
are you even trying to make it anymore?

was this your favorite part of the film? how about the shower scene?

>if he does it both times, it points to a weakness in character.
>no one has ever done this. op is a faggot
Chemists do

But this is how condoms were discovered, a chemist had liquid rubber on his hands and when he had sex with his fg that night he realized he could ejaculate without risking pregnancy. He basically started making hand-made rubber condoms in his home and selling them to friends, then Durex bought the patent from him and started mass-production.

I've got a big dick and I like it when people look

It's like a dick like this deserves to be admired. Imagine if Michaelangelo did all his paintings and nobody saw them? Itd be a travesty

Same thing here

That's a good comparison because Michaelangelo was a flaming faggot too


Reporting for duty
Clean fags get btfo daily by my bacteria biome