The server for everyone! Vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores (considering veganism) all welcome! Join and see what all the talk is about! Discuss fitness, the vegan lyfestyle, and hang out! We keep it simple at - there are no lame 'vetting' channels' and the mods are chill!. Join now!

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Lel i cant read either

Is Zyklon B vegan? We should start giving it away to them

hitler was a vegetarian

I want to eat dog meat.

What asian countries will offer the best quality of dog dish?

Yeah and he was a self-absorbed cunt

then imagine how bad he would be on an omniverous diet

Alright buddy

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youre gonna trigger Jow Forums when they see that a poo is twice as swole as them

Im actually just a 56% american my guy.
Literally 0 percent indian

friendship with india over
le 56% is new superpower by 2020

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What are your main protein sources and how much do you aim for usually?

I get like 0.5g protein per pound bodyweight

I'm vegan and aim for .8g per pound. I get a lot of protein from legumes and some from a protein & bcaa powder

Beans, chickpeas, lentils and nuts(pb aswell) are my staple. Then some days either seitan, tofu, tempeh if I feel like it. I hit 140+ g of protein every day easily

And making decent gains on that?


absolutely. im maintaining all the muscle I have and Im shedding fat. acne is also on the verge of being completely gone too.

He probably could have killed all of the jews and burned israel to the ground
Jews wouldn't exist without veganism, nice job you cunts.

>Jews wouldn't exist without veganism, nice job you cunts.
>t. kosher shabbos goy