Gladiators were Vegans

Gladiators were Vegans

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No wonder they were so manly and strong

They were also BLOATMAXXed

>what is bioavailability?
bioavailability is the reason u dont see any strong vegan persons, except if they are roiding

What a surprise that over 1500 years ago there was no industrial cattle / pig rearing and meat was actually a luxury (besides probably being healthy as fuck) so it was not given to gladiators

>1 cemetary in Ephesos

Not really. meat wasn't as expensive as modern college professors would like you to believe. In fact, we're at a historic low point of meat consumption today.

Also, gladiators weren't fat from the mosaics and images we have of them.

Why did they eat vegetarian then, in Ephesos? We don't know. We only know archaeologists make up bullshit all the time. Maybe the guys died because they ate vegan and became too weak for fighting?

Who knows? We certainly don't. It's all interpretation, as you want.

>historic low point of meat consumption today.

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well doop dee doo thank god we ain't about building muscle and looking aesthetic but are about gaining fat and fighting other people am i right everyone desu senpai

They definitely were not, they just subsisted on slave feed which just so happens to be primarily grain.

>Source: Vegsource
Yeah no not buying this bullshit

>thinks he knows more than the medical doctor

let me give you some good sources advocating a vegan, whole food plant based diet!
SF/Cholesterol and CVD risk:
Diet and serum cholesterol:
Vegans have same levels of available androgens:
Low fat whole foods vegan diet reverses CAD:
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
Findings from the Adventist Cohorts:
Heart Disease:
American Dietetics Association Position on veganism:
Longest living population:
Low Carbohydrate Diets and mortality:
Plant Foods have a complete amino acid composition:

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His degree in English doesn't qualify him to give out medical advice

He holds his M.D. from Michigan State
nice try though, meatcuck

That's great but I don't understand what's said in those. So I'm just gonna continue eating the way my parents and grandparents taught me.

Post your body with a timestamp.

None of your links work.

my b. anyways,
Plant-based nutrition has exploded in popularity, and many advantages have been well documented over the past several decades.1 Not only is there a broad expansion of the research database supporting the myriad benefits of plant-based diets, but also health care practitioners are seeing awe-inspiring results with their patients across multiple unique subspecialties. Plant-based diets have been associated with lowering overall and ischemic heart disease mortality2; supporting sustainable weight management3; reducing medication needs4–6; lowering the risk for most chronic diseases7,8; decreasing the incidence and severity of high-risk conditions, including obesity,9 hypertension,10 hyperlipidemia,11 and hyperglycemia;11 and even possibly reversing advanced coronary artery disease12,13 and type 2 diabetes.6

The reason for these outcomes is two-fold. First, there are inherent benefits to eating a wide variety of health-promoting plants. Second, there is additional benefit from crowding out—and thereby avoiding—the injurious constituents found in animal products, including the following:

Saturated fats: Saturated fats are a group of fatty acids found primarily in animal products (but also in the plant kingdom—mostly in tropical oils, such as coconut and palm) that are well established in the literature as promoting cardiovascular disease (CVD).14,15 The American Heart Association lowered its recommendations15 for a heart-healthy diet to include no more than 5% to 6% of total calories from saturated fat, which is just the amount found naturally in a vegan diet (one consisting of no animal products).
Dietary cholesterol: Human bodies produce enough cholesterol for adequate functioning. Although evidence suggests that dietary cholesterol may only be a minor player in elevated serum cholesterol levels, high intakes are linked to increased susceptibility to low-density lipoprotein oxidation, both of which are associated with the promotion of CVD.16–18 Dietary cholesterol is found almost exclusively in animal products.
Antibiotics: The vast majority (70% to 80%) of antibiotics used19,20 in the US are given to healthy livestock animals to avoid infections inherent in the types of environments in which they are kept. This is, therefore, the number one contributor to the increasingly virulent antibiotic-resistant infections of the type that sickened 2 million and killed 23,000 Americans in 2013.20

Insulin-like growth factor-1: Insulin-like growth factor-1 is a hormone naturally found in animals, including humans. This hormone promotes growth. When insulin-like growth factor-1 is consumed, not only is the added exogenous dose itself taken in, but because the amino acid profile typical of animal protein stimulates the body’s production of insulin-like growth factor-1, more is generated endogenously.21 Fostering growth as a full-grown adult can promote cancer proliferation.
Heme iron: Although heme iron, found in animal products, is absorbed at a higher rate than nonheme iron, found in plant-based and fortified foods, absorption of nonheme iron can be increased by pairing plant-based protein sources with foods high in vitamin C.22 Additionally, research suggests that excess iron is pro-oxidative23 and may increase colorectal cancer risk24 and promote atherosclerosis25 and reduced insulin sensitivity.26
Chemical contaminants formed from high temperature cooking of cooked animal products: When flesh is cooked, compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,27 heterocyclic amines,28 and advanced glycation end products29 are formed. These compounds are carcinogenic, pro-inflammatory, prooxidative, and contributive to chronic disease.
Carnitine: Carnitine, found primarily in meat, may be converted in the body by the gut bacteria to produce trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). High levels of trimethylamine n-oxide are associated with inflammation, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and death.30
N-Glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc): This compound is found in meat and promotes chronic inflammation.31,32

It is a fact gladiators were meat eaters, Romans recorded the diets of gladiators and in almost every meal contained meat. Look it up yourselves.

so what

>they just subsisted on slave feed
Slave gladiators were more like a modern race horse, if he's making you a shit ton of money you will look after him.

They also recorded every crucification where senators were part of a publicly held trial...

People CHOOSE to be ignorant to facts, particularly when it concerns their idiologies or religions.

>Jesus didn't exist.

>disposable slaves were feed sustenance food

they were also prisoners kept for fights to the deaths

>posting incomplete links
>eating incomplete proteins

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strong this

um, you should eat incomplete proteins

So memes aside: is being vegan AND bloatmaxxxed the ultimate redpill? Turning yourself into an actual gorilla, mogging meatcucks AND soybois?

ok? no one asked lmfao

>Steroids increase the bioavailability of protein to the human gut

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nice frog jpeg you fat fuck

>What do you call a smiling roman?
Fake Science - Gladiators weren't vegan and it has been proved in earlier research that they had an omnivourous and good diet. (Also Veganism is a cult/sect with some Hindu view on life, and vegetarians is a diet.)

Just like a modern race horse, Gladiators got excellent food to perform well. This idiot John McDougall knows jack shit about anything but can make a killing by shilling.

Reminds me about the Swedish feminist studying cloth who then got headlines in Jewish media that Vikings worshipped Allah. Also Fake Science but you can always claim it and only specialists and rebuttals doesn't get printed.

reddit spacer

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Alright, I'll bite it.

Gladiators lived mostly on barley, yes. This does not make them vegan in the conventional sense, obviously. They just had a diet that revolved around barley. Which is, when you think about it, pretty normal? A whole grain source of complex carbs is obviously pretty useful if you are an athlete trying to get as strong as possible. The reason they ate so much barley was probably because that's what most working-class people ate like back then; gladiators were slaves trained in specific schools en masse, and it would have been pretty expensive for dozens of big guys to eat the same way their owners did. We have absolutely zero reason to believe that they ate only barley. Seafood was probably often available, as was fresh fruit and vegetables, and wine. The ash cocktail thing was also real. If you bloatmaxx on barley stew and fish all day then yeah, you can get pretty big.

Now, vegans do have the same amount of available androgens with omnivores. That is, even though the average vegan's diet is obviously much healthier than the average omnivore's diet, the average vegan is much less likely to smoke or drink, and the average vegan exercises much more. Vegans have more serum testosterone, but the same amount of free testosterone. Really makes you think what those vegans would be like if they kept living the same life but ate animal foods as well.

Also, you do realize that IGF-1 is anabolic, right? It is literally used by bodybuilders. Guess what? Building muscle has a lot to do with growing. Depriving your body of IGF-1 is an easy way to kill your gains. Not only that, but growth as a child, and even brain function. Really, IGF-1 might be overall bad for your quantity of life, but I'd argue that it is good for its quality. Also, I really wonder IGF-1's carcinogenic effect on someone who actually can fucking grow. Like, you know, a person who lifts.


Do you seriously think the bullshit you wrote matters?
>Also, you do realize that IGF-1 is anabolic, right? It is literally used by bodybuilders.
Guess what? Most people are not professional bodybuilders. Most bodybuilders don't even drink milk, they take actual insulin and HGH. There is literally 0 need for animal products. You're just going to ruin your health. Not only are you ruining your health, but faggots like you are the reason that I can't find a salad bar open today on campus over easter weekend but the fucking burger joint is still open. Fuck you, meat eating fat fuck.

Guess what? You are on a board that is about lifting weights you brainlet shit. The average couch potato would obviously improve if he turned vegan. You are talking to a bunch of guys who squat three times a week.

>Most bodybuilders don't even drink milk, they take actual insulin and HGH.

Yeah, hormones also produced by your body. This is as dumb as saying that it wouldn't hurt your gains to follow a diet that reduces your test levels, just because bodybuilders also take test. I am also against dairy by the way.

>You're just going to ruin your health.

Still waiting on a peer-reviewed research about what IGF-1 does to people who can still grow. Generally IGF-1 is thought to be carcinogenic because adults can't grow anymore, so the hormone makes cells go apeshit and grow uncontrollably. What are the effects of natty IGF-1 on an adult who can still grow? You don't know. That's right, fuck off.

And prepare your own salads.

>lying soyboy

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post evidence

Q: How do you kill a vegan?
A: Tell them to eat more.

beef also has fat, retard. maybe you didnt realize that because youre a fat retard yourself.

Follow the links soyboy - do the math...
Follow. The. Links. Do. Math.

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im not the one that has pictures of soyboys saved on my computer

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> correlative studies
> horrible study designs
> impact factors any professor would laugh at
> journals no one cares about

why are vegans so horrifically bad at science?

>bad at science

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