Reminder that girls will call you an abusive partner and leave you if you point out that they're gaining weight

Reminder that girls will call you an abusive partner and leave you if you point out that they're gaining weight

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They probably won't leave you if they are already fat.


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You're always an abuser/asshole/whatever after the relationship is over. That's just the way they rationalise the fact that the relationship failed. They(women) are never to blame in their mind.

Girl and her fans (if you find the original tweet) are retarded but the dude seems autistic too

>so I'm taking care of myself
Clearly not.

>post a private conversation with your partner on social media for the ultimate purpose of getting attention and making them look bad
>make yourself the good guy by escaping an "abusive" relationship

I'd get mad but you probably shouldn't be dating a bitch named babygucci in the first place.

reminder that your gf could be utterly mentally ill and you'll never know unless you mention her weight

Reminder that this will get replies from resentful neckbeards defending the boyfriend.

>thinks this is some love tragedy
>cant put down the cheesecake

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>abusive relationship
Ship this bitch to saudi

>and leave you

good, saves me the trouble

Are women really worth this bullshit

I hate them so much. How emotionally stunted do you have to be to react so badly to being called out on being fat? They're like children, except children take direction rather than running to their friends to hide from the possibility of being wrong. They are literally worse than actual children

Tell me Jow Forums why it's worth it to put up with this

Essentially this

I always give em the good ole it's not you it's me when breaking up with them to avoid the hassle of spurned ego that leads to psycho bitch behavior


These are children in the body of adults. I know people my age who would act like this and I struggle to refer to them as "women" over "girls".
Women who act their age are worth the occasional rough patch, because it will rarely be as bad as the chick shown in this thread.

Men rationalize this with "she's not yours, it's just your turn". So you have to accept that the time you spend with a woman will mean nothing should things eventually turn south.

I don't understand how men deal with this, how they still want to have relationships with women knowing that everything is fundamentally meaningless, and no matter how well you treat her you are going to be hated and then forgetten

Yeah except you're a fucking hypocritic

Jow Forums loses its shit when someone posts that dream gf image that just says "i love you for who you are". Thats exactly what everyone wants; for you to love them for being them. Any good relationship is broadly two people who are themselves and can live with whoever the other person is without changing.

Shes not wrong and neither is he. They are just two people who dont love each other for who they are. She needs someone who doesn't mind being a but overweight and he needs someone who likes being challenged to improve.

finally, someone who thinks like I do.

The difference is that Jow Forums is self aware and hides his feelings here, 19 yo retard

>I don't understand how men deal with this

Combination of apathy and cognitive dissonance

That's a very roundabout way of saying that he's an asshole for not loving that fact that she has less emotional maturity than a child

People have very basic expectations. It's not hypocritical to look at a picture of a pretty girl and think that you'd love her forever, while assuming she was at least a little bit reasonable

Also I would be very surprised to meet any man that loves a woman for who she is, while who she is the type of woman that runs to instagram to shield herself from criticism of getting fat

thanks for blackpilling me you fucking asshole

>being fat and eating like shit is an integral part of who I am
You deserve to get shot.

People should be loved for the best expression of themselves. Any other attitude leads to retarded shit like the bitch in the OP and your gay post.

>while who she is the type of woman that runs to instagram to shield herself from criticism of getting fat
As opposed to to hiding on a fucking anonymous image board to seek a circle jerk of hypocritical woman hating justification

Im sorry you got dumped one time user but holy fucking shit grow up. There are plenty of people of both sexes who have the exact same values as you, and if you haven't found them then its your fault for not finding them yet. You can walk into any fucking gym and find girls who believe keeping in shape and healthy is important in a relationship. OPs image is two people who might have had common interests or values that only realized later that they were actually more different than similar, thats what dating is.

That doesnt make him wrong. That doesnt make her wrong. Its just different values. And no value is exclusive to anyone or any sex, you're not fucking unique you retarded american snowflake.

It is unreasonable to look at a picture and think that, because it's inherently unreasonable to make judgments based purely on a single characteristic such as appearance. That "assumption" is exactly why it's unreasonable; on what grounds do you have to make it, and by what metric are you measuring reasonableness?

I don't know who this girl is, and I definitely think getting criticised for being fat and then breaking up with your partner is bad - my partner doesn't react that way. No relationship is perfect, though, and my partner comes with other flaws. We have to accept that all relationships are going to be imperfect, because people are imperfect. She's not emotionally immature, regardless of your perception, for being oversensitive. She's just human.

women are mentally insane nothing new.
the high amount of estrogen they take in with modern food and lifestyle turns them into insane bitches

>not giving a shit if you gain/lose weight over time and just being happy with who you are is never acceptable
No user you're the one who needs to get shot, shes not even fucking obese shes just a bit fat.

When you're 50, unfit and fat you'll realize what a child you were thinking otherwise.

To be fair, she basically cat fished him. She took pictures that made her look thin, wore clothes that hid her beer gut then expected her boyfriend to just accept that she was deceiving him.

I keep wondering if the only men successful with women are those that hate them from the outset and so expect nothing, and those too blinded by bias to ever see what they're up against

But maybe there are good women out there, I don't know. I'm so burnt out by my experience with women. By any interpersonal standard we normally take, women are genuinely bad people.

What does it say about humanity when we're collectively like this

would be nice if I could SEE THE FUCKING TEXT

>being fat and eating like shit is an integral part of who I am
Or you know, eating what you want and not minding a bit of fat. She isnt a fucking landwhale.

Zoom in you fucking chink

>not giving a shit if you gain/lose weight over time and just being happy with who you are is never acceptable
This is a true statement.

That means that some part of you still has logic and reason, but is rejected by your conscious mind. I recommend you search deep inside of yourself and allow that still sane fragment of your mind to craft opinions and make decisions from now on.

>>not giving a shit if you gain/lose weight over time and just being happy with who you are is never acceptable
>This is a true statement.
No, its fucking not at all. See you in 20 years when you stop working out because you dont have the time.


every woman wants to be "that brave girl who escaped from an abusive relationship" even if the worst thing their bf ever said was "you're getting fat"

notice how in she was fishing for a fat-related comment that she could post for everyone to see

I genuinely don't understand you people. I've never had a negative experience with a woman in a relationship. I've never been cheated on, or unceremoniously dumped, or made to feel like human garbage. The girls I've been with have always, as a rule, worshipped the ground I've walked on. Even the hottest ones that I thought were out of my league.

Are you all just incapable of being decent human beings?

>having no standards for yourself
>having no expectations for your lover
It's immoral and fucking sick to not want the person you profess to love to be at their best.

Like I said, you deserve a bullet for infecting the world with your disease of a mind.

>It's immoral and fucking sick to not want the person you profess to love to be at their best.
That's a very different statement to "I don't mind if she's slightly overweight". Not being fat is enough, especially if she's directing herself towards different pursuits she feels are more important to her, such as her career, or her hobbies.

Being fit and being muscular are not the same thing. As long as her cardiovascular fitness is good, and she doesn't have any weight issues (which I doubt she has at 120lbs), she's fine.

>the best expression of themselves
i know that sounds deep in your head but this is instagram motivational normie garbage

>a scientist who is working on curing cancer is worth less than me, I lift 4pl8 deadlift lmao!
The irony is that you do nothing with your life and has achieved so little you need to justify what tiny amount of effort you put into living as the be all and end of all progress and existence. Like somehow being slightly stronger than the average makes you better than them in every possible area of existence. You literally undermine the value of all humanity and their contributions to their own and others lives by their body fat percentage because its the only value you know you beat people at and you have nothing else you're good at.

Fucking anyone can get aesthetic/fit, it isnt a valuable trait outside of immediate sexual attraction. To think you have to be fit for a working relationship is literally insane, and empirically false by a magnitude of hundreds of millions of examples. We get fit to be healthy or to attract people but it isnt nearly as impressive as being smart, or helping people, or actually doing something with your life. Judging someone entirely by their appearance because in OPs pic she has a fucking tiny pot belly is childish as fuck.

You're seriously telling me the girls you broke up with didn't hate you? They just went on their way, and still consider you a good person

I find that incredibly hard to believe

>>having no standards for yourself
No retard. Your standards =/= Her standards =/= His standards =/= My standards

Everyone is a bit different, that doesnt make anyone right or wrong when it doesnt affect anyone else.

>See you in 20 years when you stop working out because you dont have the time.
I will be in amazing shape in 20 years while you feel pride in being a piece of trash.

Suck it.

>It's immoral and fucking sick to not want the person you profess to love to be at their best.
The best of anyone is them being themselves and not being a dick to anyone else. Who gives a flying fuck if you're not 100% healthy? I dont even know you but I can fucking guarantee if we knew everything about you you do unhealthy shit all the time. If she was some 400 pound whale taxing the medical system then you would have a point, but she isnt even close so you have literally nothing to argue about.

At her weight there is literally no way thats harming her health. Shes barely fat for her age.

>more important than her body
I genuinely feel bad for you

These people are dirt, and treat people like dirt, and are surprised when they get treated like dirt in return. They are selfish and needy and ignore their flaws while highlighting others because they are so insecure they cant handle the thought they are not perfect.

Or they are virgins who hate they cant get laid.

Run user, escape this place before you get trapped.

>its another "all women are whores" blackpill thread presented to you by /pol9k/

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Clear trash material.

>The best of anyone is them being themselves and not being a dick to anyone else.
What does "being yourself" mean anymore?

You assholes had degraded it to mean "I'm happy being a fatass with no dignity as long as I have my hobbies/dogs/job/other dumb shit"

Sure, user, anyone who regards women with suspicion is dirt. Anyone who loves women, like yourself (how coincidental) is not dirt

It's like I always say: anyone who disagrees with me on anything only does so because they are a shit person, and anyone who agrees with is also a good person. What luck that the world is organized like that

>She's not emotionally immature, regardless of your perception, for being oversensitive. She's just human.
I think you meant woman.

>shes just a bit fat
American fat? And why do you think she will stop eating junk food like a pig?

>it isnt a valuable trait outside of immediate sexual attraction


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She is clearly getting fat.

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Look at her arms (most important part to detect how fat woman really are). She is at critical point and it will be only worse.
Her boyfriend was right. And she acted like a child.

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If they can't take steps to better themselves like I do myself, then they don't deserve me anyways.

She is still fixable and has a good potential. Too bad you cant fix her brain


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Fixebale but she will not fix herself.
Look here She was thin because she was young and active, not because gym or fitness. Now she is older and getting more fat. Typical for a woman.

Correct. When that didnt work she just took the word gut and quotes it as 'beer gut'. She did not get the insult she wanted so she made one up.


nvm I didnt read the full text. i'm a faggot

fuck off with the sales pitch
there's enough of that in vegan threads

She has decent fat distribution so I would just put her on SSr so she can become a t-rex girl

I see literally nothing wrong with this. The guy dodged not even a bullet, but a runaway freight train.

Because you don't have a choice if you want love or children.

>taking care of myself
>by getting more fat, but now with mud on face

I've been dumped, and I've dumped girls, and I'm sure they hate me. But I burn all my bridges when I end any relationship so no one can ever interact with me again. That's probably at least a partial explanation; these girls might wish me dead, but they have no way of getting back in touch with me.

Nice bait mate.

after reading this thread I see the only solution is to go full homo :)

>The guy dodged not even a bullet, but a runaway freight train.
I agree.
1. Round face.
2. Fat hands and sausage fingers.
3. Piercing and tatooes everywhere.

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True :)

Nice try faggot.

She's going to hit the wall hard once she turns about 29. Then she'll seriously come begging back to him.

I just hope he has the foresight to tell her to fuck off and keeps working on himself.

I've known women from the middle east and they're way more composed than western women by far. Maybe mohammed was on to something

That's why you date a chick that holds herself to cutthroat standards. She's always playing bad cop to herself so you don't have to.

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I did. Plenty of twinks are just as crazy. If you take the homopill remember: no relationship, only fucking
>tfw lifting to turn str8

Most of this is solved by lowering your standards a bit and getting one that is afraid of you leaving them.

>bf calls her fat
>I escaped an abusive relationship guys!

>lifting to turn str8

I don't think you have the right idea about this whole thing man.

>You're crazy I've always had one
>It is bigger now though

I wouldn't be able to stand five minutes of this manipulative doublespeak

What the fuck is a pooch

Beer gut, but smaller.

Bit of fat that hangs just above the vagine

>criticism is abuse
I mean she could have been beaten but i dont relly think she did

Oh i'm sure she has been beaten... by her father.
Just look at her.

I've fucked way fatter chicks than this, jeezus dude

He didn't even call her fat, see

from fit to fat:

>stomach [abs visible]
>tummy [no abs visible]
>pooch [one flab roll when bent over]
>belly [two flab rolls when bent over]
>gut [trouble bending over]

after that, it's a moot question since she's now more stomach than woman

"I don't understand how men deal with this"

Well, i don't really.
I've given up chasing girls years ago (mid 20s here).
Yes it hurts sometimes that im constantly "the guy who never has a gf" but seeing the stuff friends/family go through in the name of love and relationships is just insane.
I'd much rather live my life the way i want it.
I mean im open to approaches, and would definitely go into a relationship if she is a genuinely good person.
At this point i don't even care for looks in another person the way i used to, it's like personality adds a whole other dimension to hotness than just an attractive body.

I've just never found a girl where i could be myself and feel accepted the way i am.
It's not like i cannot be empathetic, quite the opposite.
The thing is i am way too comfortable with myself being alone to let someone intrude my life like that so they are in a position to make demands.

You just sound like a guy who has a really horrible taste in women. Maybe next time you meet a girl, figure out if she has any other positive trait than being attractive and you might meet someone who isn't horrible. Meet someone who is smart and kind, who has an actual personality, you know. Don't stick your dick in the first girl who lets you and get surprised when she turned out to be a crazy bitch. I'm just telling you this because you sound exactly like one of my female friends who only date the first jacked douchebag she can find, then gets surprised when he inevitably pump and dumps her. She always says shit like "guys are genuinely bad people" as well.

Why would you have such a conversation by text? Talk about it face to face, reassure her, and express it in a nice way instead of saying she's getting a beer gut. If she still thinks that's abusive reevaluate the relationship.

>has an actual personality


Cue her writing an article entitled "where have all the good men gone?" when she finds herself single and childless at 35.

Also anyone who posts their private messages on social media deserves to be single.


>tfw apparently have belly
life is suffering. just wanna be a cute boi.