How much did people’s facial aesthetics improve when they cut to a low bodyfat percentage...

How much did people’s facial aesthetics improve when they cut to a low bodyfat percentage? Around 15 percent bf atm but I naturally hold a lot of fat on my face

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>around 15 percent bf
>but I naturally hold a lot of fat on my face

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Not sure what the issue with that statement is

Dark haired men are so fucking ugly.
Why did you post that picture?

Because he’s not a facelet like you?

swedish cuck detected

Congrats you just made yourself look like a retard by trying to be funny

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Kek keep coping pal


What are you even trying to say? Are you autistic?

Are you ok

Around 8% is when your face really starts to slim down and improve alot.

No one naturally "holds a lot of fat" on face. You re either fat or you re not stop trying to cope your ugly face

I forgot every single person in the world had the same fat distribution thanks for reminding me user

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206 to 185lb

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you're wrong, fat distribution can be quite different from person to person

>what is fat distribution

your hairline certainly improved lolololol

nice eyes btw

At low bf I mog opry, too bad I'm permanently bulking to bloatmax

Around 100 kg to 78 kg
>3 Months

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>5 percent bf atm but I naturally hold a lot of fat on my face
Actually, you just don't have any bones

15, not 5, you retard.

>putting 'after' pic before 'before' pic

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You still don't have any bones if they don't show at 20%+, you just have a flat potato face

Dios Mio...

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I'm not OP, but my face looks much better at low body fat than at 20%. Stop being a pessimistic retard. You're just making excuses for being a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to lose weight.

My face easily drops 4 points when I go above 14% bodyfat.

The path of the bloatmaxxer is tough.

Ah yes the pale skin tone is definitely comparable to the skitskin 56% face

Ugly lips, weak chin, dark hair and possibly dark eyes. Those all are subhuman 56% features

I’ll give you chin and eyes, but if you think that’s dark hair you need your eyes checked. Dudes reddish blonde

Doesn't matter, he's La Creatura by our standards

>look good at about 20%bf
>look like a meth addict if i cut
>face like a dinner plate if i go higher

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Become a bloat lord then

At ~10% your face will it's best for males. It's much better than 15%.

>dark haired
>most powerful eyebrows thus stares ever
So this is how it feels to be a blondlet

why do you think women look different even at the same weight and height. because of fat distribution moron. i have an attractive face and am not fat by any means, after i lost about 10lbs of fat my cheekbones are started to come in.

Post yourself mong :D

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I'm around 13%. I think I look pretty defined.

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I dun did good?

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>3 months

did you not eat for 3 months?


Top kek facelets

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Everything in this face looks bizarre for some reason. It looks like it should work but it doesn't.

You're pretty user

I had this hair cut in elementary school

End your life

Not dat jaw tho :)

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This cant be real

It’s not


>23%bf after a lifetime of morbid obesity
>face still fat as fuck

What should I expect going to 15%?

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>not fat
dont stop the cutting

This meme is only funny when they actually look like spics. You're just being a bit of a Nazi

do you honestly think that guy doesn't look like mystery meat?


Are you the guy I was defending? If so you’re a fucking retard

>dropped 22 kilos in 3 months
yeah fucking right


you're a retard

Ladies please

You look like you could play in a movie

its all about eye area, low bf might help getting a better jaw, but it all pales in comparison to the eyes. Chico mogs the fuck out of me even though my bone structure is decent

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it all matters. Eye area, bone structure, harmony. It all comes together. Chico has top level everything- i he had shit bones he'd be a nobody. In fact I'd say generally, bones >>> eye area, but without good eyes you'll never reach that ascended level

>without good eyes you'll never reach that ascended level

definitely, that's pretty much what determines if you can model or not imo. Some have weaker lower 3rds, but honestly have not found an exceptional model with a weak eye area

they're out there but rare, rarer than the inverse that you've mentioned. Especially as modeling is characteristically eye-dominant/eye-centric with regards to its execution (socially).

23% is just 2 away from medically-defined obesity user.

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good things. plus your muscles will look tight once you uncover em. Once you get to 15 just imagine what 11 will look like.

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Dude this guy is pretty fucking white.....

Brainlet alert

depends on the person, you're just going to have to cut and hope


You look like a more muscular idubbz

>our standards
back to r3dd1t

>cut and hope
you mean cut and cope

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>covers eyes on after pic
You're covering the eyes because it's clearly not you and you're trying to avoid being called out on your lie by hiding a very distinguishable feature.

Shit posting isn't going to fix you.

With that hair cut I don't see why your jaw matters when you're always being fucked from behind

Helped for sure, but chewing gum often made such an incredible difference once I was already cut it's like night and day. People I don't see daily often do a double take the first time they see me after I started gum and it's only been ~2 months

I went from feminine looking soft boyish soyboy
to masculine looking alpha

Is this bait? I’m honestly not sure if this gum chewing thing is a meme

It is. Dude became a model after getting fit.

Having stronger masseters is a good thing. But don't overdo it. At some point it starts looking like shit.

Shit really? Colour me impressed

this. make sure you dont overdo it. but if you have proper tongue posture and strong masseters it changes your face completely.
I got falim turkish gum, completely favourless and cheap while being 2nd hardest gum

hes trying to say that he thinks he has god tier face but “muh fat” is stopping his god tier face from showing, when really he has a shit looking face no matter what

if you are 15% bf your face should look good and 5% bf your face would look great

only at high bf % does good looking faces turn ugly

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If I have a fairly muscular stomach, would it be flat at 15% bf? Torn between bulking or cutting for an otter mode build. I'm guessing I'm around 20% bf. Biggest reasons I'm torn on bulking is time (like to keep things under 75m a day), no money for bulking food, and I only have dumbbells

back to Jow Forums faggot

You need a seller that sells WEAKER POTIONS.

I saw a huge difference between 15 and 10 because face fat is one of the last places to go for me, so like most things it depends on the person

I don't think I can look good without 15% bodyfat. I look too gaunt otherwise...

It's just the eyes and the mouth that throw it off.


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If I was that kid's parent, the pantry and fridge would be locked and he'd be exercising for hours a day. He also wouldn't be allowed to use any screens. Looks out of Wall-E


When I finished my cut I had a pretty carved fucking face. I usually have to be pretty lean to see my cheekbones, but my jawline is always visible, even when I was dreamer bulking to 185 I still had a really prominent jaw structure, albeit with maybe a little softer edges. I'm pretty genetically gifted though bone structure wise and fat distribution wise (depending who you ask) because I deposit essentially all of my fat on lower stomach area. I feel like I'd have to be over 20 % for it to spill over anywhere else on my body to a noticeable amount.

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NC represent

Damn dude you just fucked yourself up lmao