No next day soreness

>no next day soreness

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I don't know whats worse, feeling sore 2 days after or not at all

Soreness is just the connective tissue swelling up. It's not a good thing and it's not necessary for muscle building...

Eat more

You shouldn't feel soreness if you train regularly

this is true

having doms is the ultimately dyel test other than incorporating a new exercise into your workout and hitting muscles you’ve never hit before

>tfw you actually enjoy DOMS

feeling sore for 3 days. Always have this shit when returning after illness or injury

Took a week off bench press and went heavy, man of man was the sorness sweet.

> tangible doms
>regular lifting

pick one

>lift multiple times a week
>no doms
>work physical labour for one day
>literally entire body covered in super intense doms for days
What the fuck?

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Because even compound movements dont mimic natural heavy loads and you work muscles you dont even know you had when you are moving unusually shaped objects in strange ways.

Honestly i bet a junk yard mover workout would be great as a full body workout. Just lifting a bunch of randomly shaped/weighted things from one spot to another.

Complete bro science here, but also work in physical labor.

Your new muscles are being worked out, longer periods, more sets, more blood getting pumped in it.

not lifting things exactly the same will use them differently enough for them to get sore

try using dumbbells for an exercise you always use barbell for and you’ll even feel the difference in that

Same here. It's the feeling of progress.

>so sore next day you can't lift as much

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No its not.

i recently did crossfit with my milf coworker and had to take a week off because my lower back was shot from 21 rep deadlifts. my 505 1rm did not help at all. strongman made me weaker

>Still sore after 2 days
>triceps, biceps, thighs
>squatting through the DOMS
>benching through the DOMS
>rowing through the DOMS

Today is the day lads!!

Those weren't doms buddy, that is connective tissue damage if you're lucky, beginning of slipped disk if you're not.

If you do high rep deadlifts you deserve to get injured

>Lift regularly no soreness
>run once sore for days

21 rep deadlifts, what?

n e v e r g o n n a m a k e i t

>never have DOMS
>start taking multivitamin
>always have DOMS now
wtf I thought vitamins were good.

>21 rep deadlifts
sounds like you earned a slipped disk bud

hopefully you get frequent flier points on your upcoming trip to snap city

>squatting today with mad lower back doms from deadlifts I did on Thursday

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