Does lifting translate into social gains? Can Jow Forums get through a date without sperging out?

Does lifting translate into social gains? Can Jow Forums get through a date without sperging out?

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Where's the option to flex a cept?
Always gets me the pussy

I cannot win this shit. People actually don't drink alcohol when they drive?? DO you even russian?

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Kek’d hard

I keep getting 96% connection error

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What kind of pathetic fuck would hang out with some drunk bitch without being drunk himself. Drunk women are crazy annoying.

How the fuck do i win this?

Are you being creepy? Is she throwing you out?

wew lad

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Do you stay in her house or take her out?

>get rejected because I don't know renaissance art

LMAO this shit is so unrealistic

is ariane the new Jow Forums queen?

i can't bring myself to click it lads

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bathtub has been bretty successful for me

>Drunk women are crazy annoying.

And horny, you tard.

T-this isn't what dating irl is like, right? I have been at this for over an hour and I legit can't figure it out

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Kinda yeah
Lifting and getting a Jow Forums body will increase your confidence

That doesn't make sense.
Two people can ride in one cab

I got through a date last night. I mean sorta. I didn't do any huge sperging out but for my first date in a ton of years as a khv I was surprised I managed at all.
I don't even look that good yet but with nice fitting clothes and doing my best to make myself presentable my confidence held together, so not being a disgusting skinnyfat nerd through lifting did translate to some non-fit gains

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Real women are a lot more complicated

no its not like this user. Please go outside.

>tfw conflicting advice
Why are women so difficult to understand brehs? I don't want to play this stupid game

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dude in real life the way girls act towards you is almost entirely based on how attractive you are. Think of it as a % modifier, if you're really attractive then you could say dumb shit and the % of importance it plays would be so minuscule compared to an ugly guy. Im attractive and get girls easy irl but couldn't get this shit (only tried once), maybe that's because I use my physical attraction as a crutch, who knows. What you say is so small compared to how you look imo. If you think an ugly guy and attractive guy would inspire the same exact reactions (if they did everything the same on a date), you're just being dishonest

this bitch is fucking impossible to please

U mad bro?

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fucking lol

yes, my jimmies are rustled and my dick is unsucked

I was doing really well but tried to go to the bedroom too early. Guess she’s not as easy as a 20 yo tinder thot

I have a girlfriend, am I allowed to do this?
I feel like I'm cheating

holy fuck kek

after you compliment her looks, your only two options are to kiss her or read her poetry
of course this is what dating is like, those are literally the only two things I do on a date

>not getting the best ending

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post guide

Do it yourself, that's the fun

>Best ending
>She ends up cucking you for a sleezeball porn producer after the show
I guess it's the best ending in that it shows you how much of a whore she is so you can drop her before it's too late though

"Thank you for dinner, I'm feeling more romantic now."
whole thing is created by someone from Jow Forums I guess

Its the best ending for keks though, this game is fucking retarded but a lot of fun

Got her to take off her shirt and go to bedroom...but she got mad at me for going in when she was nude....not real life.Then she told me to leave.


pro tip: if you want to skip the shite at the start each time you fail click the two dots on the left hand side to go straight to the couch

You can fuck her friend too if you play it right

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Some high esteem bitches are like this. They basically are seeing the POV as you the contender loser and if she is OK with you enough to give you sex. Don't worry brahs most girls will free sample you if you are fit and somewhat wealthy. Or get 10/10 in belgium for 50 euro.

you are the master.

We had sex but it still says the date ended badly...

>using 2 fingers pinch

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>kept shoes on
fuck thats hot

Considering she was wearing pants originally, she took her shoes off, then her pants, then put her shoes back on.

got her naked in the hottub bois

>Or get 10/10 in belgium for 50 euro.
I live in Belgium, tell me more about this.

Heard she sometimes just leaves when you ask for sex kek
Even though she agreed to go into the tub naked with you

nah this one's different, we went tubbing after the strip contest and we is fuckin now

The fuck dude, Antwerpen red light district, go to club get shitfaced try to get laid, if the guards or the immigrants don't beat you up go and pay a eastern europe hooker which is displayed on the window.

Where's the option to beat her skull in with a sledgehammer. Fucking whore cunt piece of shit.


you can't tho she comes into the room when you are about to do it.

"We really did not do a lot of sleeping did we?
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a 10."

This game is dumb but it did make me laugh. Rejecting a date because they don't know Renaissance fine art?

absolutely. I've seen some of the most awkward shy people turn into utter chads because the got jacked.


Fucked her twice, fun game.

I'm glad the girls in my town only care if you have coke or not, then you drink and fuck.


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I just bust a nut to this game and broke my nofap, the regret is kicking in.

>that excitment

Go to the red light district with the immigrant population and train stop 30 feet from it. Look for the shy albanian girl with freckles. Treat her good but you likes "a little pain" she does not do anal and only charges 50 euro if anything goes wrong you will deal with the whore booth owner.

how many ways of fuckin are there

only managed to get the one with the friend from lingerie who passed out and fucked 3 times

Are you fucking serious YOUR BREATH STINKS

>she kicks me out while she's shirtless

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Was it your explicit choice to eat garlic bread?



Stinking breath is a major turn off though so in real life you would probably fuck it up with that - but you wouldn't eat garlic in the first place

>2 finger pinch
Literally how I masturbated at 11. So embarrassing to think about.

1 martini fine
2? Fucking passed right out.

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What's that?
4 shots?
Holy shit, what a lightweight

Wait there's a new version?

I remember the old one

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Bitch drives a purple I'M A STRONG GURL Jeep and is clearly a sloot.
She should be buzzed at best.

But seeing the 2 finger jerk off makes me want to succeed now. I want to see how tiny my dick is.

Fuck sakes.
>that reflection though

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>swim more or try to untie bikini top
Where's my stop fucking swimming option!?

>the end

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motherfuckers, the only thing i've gotten from this shit the past hour is facts about the moon

>you're in the club and this guy asks you to leave
what do?

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go home with him no homo


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chad can be a dicklet and women will still love him confirmed.

It was this game that fully made me decide to become a homo

Did anyone else saw her shitting?

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holy shit
you can either have sex multiple times in her house
and go to fucking museums and amusement parks, take her home and end the night

>Get kicked out for the 6th time

Fuck this. I can't even score slutty simulated girls


Is he natty?

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Is there a version with a trap? A-asking for a friend.

>after failing 4 times I finally fucked this bitch
Fucking thots is way easier.

a-anyone else start to get feels for her after playing this game?

>tfw getting jealous imagining other guys online sleeping with Ariane

>considering asking the web owner to change her name or appearance so it wont feel like shes cheating on me

>follow a guide for this game last time i played
>still couldnt get her to fuck me
Kill me.

Get him a bra

This tbqhwymf


Kek, shit is pretty easy tho, just be confident, bro.

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next time eat onions instead


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