Been gyming for about three years now. Mainly chest and arms.
Rate my progress /fit.
Been gyming for about three years now. Mainly chest and arms.
Rate my progress /fit.
Other urls found in this thread:
This must be bait
How is this bait?
I'm literally just asking for a rating and maybe some advice.
>mainly chest and arms
>cover chest and arms with the picture
Are you a retard?
thanks user. I had a good chuckle.
start lifting and going to the gym lol :^P
I have been going to the gym for the last 3 years. I’m not gonna stop I’m just asking for some specificity.
switch from 10 to 15 pound dumbbells and you should be good
Well I’m mainly proud of my stomach and core so that’s what I was showcasing.
I refuse to believe this is not bait.
You don't need a better pic to see that he's dyel as fuck. I've actually been seriously lifting three years and probably have about average progress for that time frame.
This desu
You're proud of those because you're a DYEL Tiny Tim and abs are the only muscles that show on skeletons. You "work your chest and arms hard" but you look like a bird with popsicle sticks taped to you. You're either lying about how long you've been lifting or you somehow have failed, in THREE FUCKING YEARS, to realize that you need to work harder and eat more.
Fuck off, faggot.
I haven’t been seriously lifting because I’m still in education.
>wears a leotard
Don’t breed
I was trying my singlet on because I have to wear one for powerlifting meets.. You might know about that if you weren't DYEL.
Also I started lifting when I was in grad school for physics, so saying you're still in education isn't an excuse. You'll have less time when you have a full time job.
You took that picture BEFORE you started working out, right? Right?
>powerlifting meets
>goes and lifts in front a bunch of sweaty dudes
Guess society doesn’t have to worry about you breeding because you’re clearly a faggot
No hate bro, but which of your narcisistic tendencies pushed you to post a pic in this thread? It's obviously a thread made by a dude who doesn't know what he's doing. Are you so insecure that you feel the need to mog a dude obviously asking for help?
YOU need to up the intensity of your workouts, and eat more. Also, work every art of your goddamn body. The chest and arms are like 25%.
Lately I’ve been doing high rep and low weight so that might have an effect if the image
Thanks for the advise man. I appreciate a helpful answer
I'm right at my 3 year mark so I wanted to show him what average progress for that time frame is. I agree it is a bit narcissistic, but what did you expect from a trip on Jow Forums?
Seriously the main things that matter for long term progress are food and volume. Do more of both. Don't gain faster than 1-2 lbs a month or you'll get fat.
fuck off
No, the fact that you're a pitifully small dyel has an effect on the image.
Thanks man. I’m sorry I called you a faggot. I guess I just wasn’t ready for the criticism. I’ll post again in another three years and make you proud
You look like a mix of other people's body parts.
Don't mention it man,
Put your info/goals into this calculator and it will tell you exactly how much to eat and what macro composition that food needs to have.
As for an exercise program look up "Upper/Lower" on google, find a version that seems enjoyable to you, Do it 3 times a week in the beginning because you will be working light weights so can handle more volume, as you go up in the weights, scale that frequency down to twice per week.
>but what did you expect from a trip on Jow Forums?
A more impressive physique.
Haven't been here long, have you?
>3 years “progress”
>less gains than some chick on IG I follow
Holy fuck, bro
This is me three years ago so you can see the progress
Why do burgers hang diplomas on their walls? Can't understand it.
What progress?
Time for a new hobby.
You actually looked better before. Maybe a cut will be good for you now.
Post yourself then and let’s see your ‘progress’
I've been here long enough to remember when people only tripped after making it.
>Hand positioning
>literally can't defend himself
>resorts to "no u"
Nigga, I ain't the one who made the thread. Pic related, YOUR FUCKING THREAD. Pay particular attention to the part where you actually asked people to rate you.
0/10, by the way.
I’m sorry I don’t want pervs looking for any semblance of an erection do they can jack off to images of 15year olds.
Stfu fag Lord
How can you judge someone else when you’re such a dyel that your unprepared to post yourself
Not him but Christ kid you are too much
By posting in a thread where someone solicited input, Tiny Tim.
You’re just jealous
OP is a delicious think desu. Do you also have a feminine penis?
Ask the girl I plow every night
>guys rate my progress
>what progress? you look the same
you look the same except a bit fatter you stupid kid.
learn to lift and eat properly.
do you just look at the weights when you go to the gym?
That ‘fat’ is more muscle you fucking retard
>That ‘fat’ is more muscle you fucking retard
those shoulders and that soft breast have never seen a bench press, you're delusional or just trolling
>Has the posture and body of a school girl
>fag lord
Enjoy your ban
>3 years progress, mainly chest and arms
>has no chest and no arms
shit thread
ITT. all of you
>been gyming
who says that?
>about three years now
This is THREE years? Look I'm not trying to put you down but either you haven't been looking to do heavy weights or you're a male cardio bunny.
>ask the pillow
I’m not so sure, unless this guy has the persona of a self conscious teen down to a science
How am I self conscious? I’m asking for advice and instead get pure shit so of course I’m gonna get pissed off
>single picture
well you made zero progress so there you go: you suck and should neck yourself.
this should be all the proof you need that OP is not only a giant faggot, but also a troll
You guys got me this thread is bait.
This is an actual picture of me
>Not stapling your GCSEs to the wall
Never gonna make it
Is it just me or should this post be added to the sticky as a tl;dr
This is some of the dumbest shit I've read in weeks