I am sorry if boogie post offended you I have similar body type to him so I used his pic
Camden Flores
If you're that fat, you don't have to be jogging to lose weight. It's most likely going to tire you out quickly and make you quit your fat loss journey.
Eat less, do starting strength, that's it. Enjoy your weight loss.
If you want to go for some walks, then by all means do so, but it's not required.
Jonathan Bailey
Quit being a pussy and train for 4 days/week.
3 isn't even half of 7.
Best of luck user
Parker Scott
I had my first day at gym yesterday just the barbell bar is quite heavy for me so the trainer there told me to use the machines instead
its ok to start with machines to build some strength before i touch the barbells right
Stay away from machines. Try to find a lighter bar or start with dumbbells.
Nolan Clark
but SS specifically said no training on consecutive day,,how do you do 4 days a week
Oliver Jones
I was a major depressed person most of my life, and decided why not go to a doctor to see what's up. Puts me on anti-depressants, I never felt so high in my life, energy through the roof, can't stop smiling, no longer hungry, and my appetite is gone. Manage to go from 228 lbs or 104 kg to around 160 ish or 72 ish kg. Doing great in school now, talking to random strangers, now I actually want to hang out with friends, and I just think life's gonna be alright.
For losing weight I started off slow, three meals a day, even ate Burger King, went to diet soda than water, stop snacking, and started doing some cardio. Just make sure to eat below your tree and you can eat whatever you want.
Good luck, I hope you pull yourself together.
Jordan Ramirez
oh I thought you gain weight from anti depressants.. maybe I should see a doctor too
Jaxson Barnes
whats the go with diet soda? are they just as bad or are they ok during diet
Carson Nelson
Don't listen to him (a retard), just do your 3 days of SS a week.
Chase Sanchez
Medical shills have arrived.
Fuck these psych freaks, those pills will make you impotent and/or suicidal in the end. Addictive too. You can do it on your own guys.
Daniel Kelly
To elaborate on why machines are bad, it's super easy to get an unequal weight distribution. Meaning your left arm might push/pull 60-70% of the weight, while your right arm is basically just tagging along. Learning the proper form right away is also something you miss out on with machines.
Working out and losing weight WILL make you happy. To lose weight you have to eat less, not just work out. Weight loss is like 80% eating habits.
And stay the fuck away from these meds, never done good (in the long run) to anyone i've ever heard of. Try quitting, user. These will fuck you up over time.
Christian Sanders
Impotency, no, lower drive apparently, but I've been on Prozac for like 4 years and still jerk off 5+ times a day because my sex drive is ridiculous.. I don't think pshychiatrists would prescribe it if it caused suicidal thoughts.. I'm not an md tho so idk but I think ur just being alarmist
Austin Torres
Sage in all fields
Austin Cruz
>I'm fat and I hate my life >I will do anything to change this >I signed up for a gym >I want to do even more exercise than recommended >NO MENTION OF DIET
I've been exactly where you are right now. Potentially starting running / jogging may be too hard on your joints. Here's my 2cents
1. I'd rather go outside for a brisk walk and make a routine out of it. Do it every day for a week and see how you feel. Do this alongside your workouts.
2. Open up your fridge. Throw out anything sugary and all pop/soda you have. Check your snacks pantry, throw out all your chips/crackers/chocolates
3. Head into the grocerry store and spend your entire time in the fruit and veg aisles.
4. Pickup baby carrots and celery for snacks. Replace your sugery treats with fruit.
5. Buy lean meats that you can grill.
6. Dispite popular belief, weights won't make you lose weight, but intense, heart wrenching cardio. Turn your workouts into fast movements, go so hard that you break a sweat in your first set. Take very little breaks between sets and go hard. Try to throw in a 5min high intensity row.
7. Make a schedule and stick to it. Make it point to change your diet and have a consistent workout.
Have a test tuesday, havent studied yet. Every fucking time.
Samuel Johnson
Hey there shill. How many shekels did you get for this post?
Levi Martin
IME it's easier to manage soreness by doing your cardio the same day as lifting. I like to match swimming with upper body and jogging w legs but since you'll be squatting every workout jogging 3x/week right after is fine
Nathan Cooper
thats not depression, thats just feeing down.. its nothing. u dont need to do anything. you'll feel better as the days pass on by no matter what
Thomas Reed
You cause your own problems. Why the flying fuck are you on Jow Forums saying "I haven't studied yet", you dumb ass? GO FUCKING STUDY!
Logan Stewart
Training helps, but if losing your job causes you to feel depressed, then the solution is probably to find another job, not working out...
Dylan Morales
Maybe it's not just "losing a job", but how you see yourself without a job. Are you the kind who thinks "if I'm not working for someone else and getting a paycheck, I'm worthless"? Lots of people think that. If so, think about other options. Self employment? Contract work?
Connor Robinson
If you REALLY cannot lift the bar, then start with dumbbells or use the machines. Once you can do the bar, never use the machines again.
Luke Foster
How do you snap out of "woe is me" bullshit? I'm depressed and I know exactly what I need to do to get rid of it, but I feel like I'm purposely sabotaging myself into constant self-loathing and what not.
Michael Long
Different classes of anti-depressants have different side effects. I think SSRIs are among the ones typically associated with weight gain
Carson Hill
I'm doing much better, lifting has unironcially saved my life. It's the only thing I can see steady progression in and it genuinely makes me feel better about myself, it's something I can control. I used to be a skinny mess and now I'm actually making gains and I like to see myself in a mirror, it feels like I'm actually living my own life instead of just taking the shit people throw at me. I moved for college, my Mom is gonna sell our childhood home soon, my Mom and Dad divorced and I can't describe how weird they are now, they aren't the same people that raised me. My Mom has mental issues, like it's starting to freak me out, she can't complete sentences and stares off into space a lot, my Dad is back into drugs. It feels like I have no home, and soon I literally won't, so lifting gives me a sense of security, it feels like I'm building a home for myself in some weird way. I'm in a new city living in dorms and it's hard to get that sense of security back and I probably never will but going to the gym keeps me level and is actually something I look forward to every day.
Find your motivation OP, I hope I didn't come across as whiny, just don't lose sight of why you want to change or why you need to lift. Make it a part of your life, it's amazing how much it can help you mentally and physically. I went from hating myself and my life, to being really happy and loving myself in only a couple months. Don't give up.
Stop feeding it, whenever you catch yourself having those thoughts find something else to occupy your mind. Go for a run, lift more, watch a show, just do something to push the thoughts out. Being a sad sack is a mental habit, treat it like you would any bad habit and eventually you will get over it. For me I started lifting at my Uni gym until I puke or literally can't anymore then I don't have the energy to think about shit like that. It works.
Dylan Thompson
good luck dude, I'm in a similar boat and can relate to what you're going through.
Oliver Mitchell
>tfw afraid of making eyecontact with my girlfriend while shes blowing me >im never gonna make it
>I'm not an md tho so id' but I think ur stopped reading here. MENTALLY ILL
Blake Mitchell
why are there so many more depression threads during spring break
Julian Powell
>1st dentist visit ever at 20 >no problems whatsoever, just needed cleaning >2nd dentist visit at 26 because poorfag and didn't have any pain >4+ cavities that require fillings
My functional teeth were one of the few things I had going for me. Now I have even less. If my hair goes I'm fucking finished.
start with the fixed bars instead of machines, or dumbbells
Andrew Jenkins
>25 year old kissless virgin because never cared to make an attempt to get with a girl, not like any have ever showed interest in me though >haven't had friends since i was around 12 years old >entire life is a fucking pathetic joke and don't even care >assume i probably have some kind of severe depression but honestly i dont really even ever feel sad i just feel nothing
i have a massive crush on a coworker of mine, never really had a crush on anyone before but i have one on this girl, we get along well i guess (i always tease her and make her laugh and we argue like we've been married for 20 years) and i wont even bother asking her out because i have literally nothing to offer her and would be humiliated when she sees how i live
Juan Rodriguez
not him but similar feel
>emaciated faggot never been to a gym >start using some hydraulic machines my work has (chest press, tricep dip) >work up from 45 lbs to 70 lbs on chest press in a few weeks >injure shoulder because the machine was retracting my arm back too far >now have to sit around for a week or more doing nothing until shoulder hopefully gets better
it also has one of those free trainers with the weight stack and i would do bicep curls, lat pulldown, rows, tricep extensions with it. now that's out due to injury as well
Charles Murphy
Having a very hard time at my current College. It's almost entirely focused on computer science and other such techy things, which I thought I liked but I don't that much.
I'm majoring in Comp Sci w/ Business & Management, which I know would prepare me well for the future, but I hate it so much. Every day is drudgery- there's nothing to do but hard classes and degenerate parties...
I fucked up and didn't look for transfer applications until it was too late.
Lincoln Torres
>first bday im not spending on r9k >all my discord friends think im lying or joking >tfw they make fun of me for being and april fools baby >flashbacks to people telling me my life is just one giant joke back in high school >lifts are progressing really well but im losing hope >no motivation, every day is starting to blend into one another, im feeling happier but is it enough, etc. >i can tell i dont connect with anybody, people only respond to me in things like discord groups out of obligation, people in real life are creeped out by me or make fun of me, like calling me a heroine fiend behind my back because im skinny and have terrible dark circles due to OCD and insomnia >pretty sure im schizoid as lots of movements feel robotic and i can literally feel cogs moving in my head and sometimes painfully grinding against eachother, although these feelings subside day by day since i started lifting >fear that i was doomed from the start and that im going to end up killing myself due to apathy
>>assume i probably have some kind of severe depression but honestly i dont really even ever feel sad i just feel nothing That is depression, user. Feeling sad is normal, natural, and has a reason behind it. Depression is when you feel like that for no reason.