/tinnitus/ general


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lol how the fuck is tinnitus real hahaha just close your ears bro hahahaha

just get it when I have a fever

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wear your earplugs boys

Sorry, can you speak up? In kinda hard of hearing.
>is actually effectively deaf if any music is playing, like in restaurants

Literally my life. (Thanks, the Army)

Listen to this guy


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protip: do not smoke weed while listening to headphones. you turn it up so loud and dont even realise it. took only 4 months of that and now im fucked with tinnitus.

dont smoke weed in general

No you're just a retard

I listen to my music at max volume always and I still don't have tinnitus.

>im stuck with this for the rest of my life

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Yeah this shit sucks.

I got it from years of sitting next to the metronome and being in drumlines :(

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>Have it since my first round of chemo
This is unfair

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i think you shouldn't put it in your ear

>tfw had it since i was born
at least i habituating after all these years. i can't imagine how bad it is for someone who got it recently.

I get it during allergy season when I take Zyrtec (it's the only thing that curbs my allergies, yet gives me fucking tinnitus).

I literally spend all spring reliving Saving Private Ryan. It's fucktarded.

I have very minor tinnitus that can probably be fixed in a matter of months, but it's bad enough that when it's quiet it can be extremely loud and uncomfortable

However using that trick where you cover your ears and tap your neck, I learned to truly appreciate pure silence. I would never have appreciated this quiet if I didn't have tinnitus, and for that I am thankful.

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Fucking awful desu

The best way to deal with it is to ignore it, practice mindfulness.

>tfw minor hearing damage thanks to afghanistan


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>often get temporary ones
>worried they might stick

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I've had this shit for decades now and gotten used to it

>invited to company party by my friend
>eh, might be fun
>all his coworker friends clearly don't like me
>eh, fuck it i'm gonna get drunk and try to have a good time
>go to dance floor
>legitimately the loudest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life
>like holy shit I've been to clubs and raves quieter than this
>oh my fucking god this is actually hurting my ears

woke up the next day with a minute ringing in my left ear that never went away. I live next to a freeway so at-least it's easy to forget about but dead silence is a terrible reminder.

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>close your ears
seems like an interesting idea, maybe you can? i will try for sure