Why Dont you eat motherfucker?

Theres this mf in my gym, been watching the guy for like 2 years now he trains so hard and is so skinny is truly ridiculous. I wish I could eat instead I been cutting 365.fuck all skinny fags

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Different eating habits. Skinny people are not used to eating a lot and feeling stuffed all the time. Same thing with fatties not used to having an empty stomach and not having a hand stuck in the Cheetos bag 24/7.

I'm held backbit not eating enough. I get bloated and need a beard to cover my fat face.

>that video where her roast beef slips out of her underwear
>the way she looks at the camera when it happens

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Post it you fag.

hold man, i have to go catch a coffee then ill be back in this thread, babe

I second this.

Show beef, who gives a fuck if you get banned

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she knew, she must have

For a girl in Auschwitz mode it's pretty beefy too




It’s only beefy because there’s literally no muscle holding it together, so it all just hangs out. Unless she’s taking a catastrophic amount of dick of course, which I’m sure would further complicate her sandwich

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I still have this thread open.

Deliver yummy beefies faggot.

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post it now

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She probably is.
How else do you think she's getting the protein and nutrients to stave off the grim reaper.
Direct vaginal injection.

I almost puked when I saw that shit.

Why no link yet?

Mmmm all these delicious (you)’s, keep em coming boys. As far as your sick obsession with her fluttering roastie goes, I don’t have it. I’m sure one of you intrepid lechers could find it

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>implying that turd will deliver

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a quick google search does the trick you autists
gfycat com/DefinitiveUnhealthyHamster


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not as bad as i expected

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That's a fat pussy

>all those deleted angry white knight comments

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>Mr.Skeleton has dropped beef sandwich

Thanks Mr. Skeltal

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