Do people seriously recommend 3x a week fullbody because they believe that it will yield the best results for strength or hypertrophy?
Or do they recommend it because they know that people don't have much time and will get discouraged with a 5x a week routine?
I'm not talking about best "bang for bucks" but in a if you needed to get as big or as strong as possible would you go for a 3x a week fullbody workout?
Do people seriously recommend 3x a week fullbody because they believe that it will yield the best results for strength...
Other urls found in this thread:
>strong as possible
3x a week full body
>big as possible
full body 3.5x week for strength (EOD)
PPL split 2x per week (can do legs once per week) for size
With a six day PPL routine you'll get more gains than a 3day fullbody routine.
You also spend duoble the time in the gym. If you are willing to do that, then a more specified routine will be better.
Currently I do a 3day fullbody routine and if the gym is empty I'm in and out in 45 mins.
Leave your ego behind and try a full body six days a week at high weigh low volume. 5/3/1, 3x3, 4x4 all work well for this depending on the muscle groups, the exercise, and immediate goals. 90% of people will see better results in size and strength with this than virtually any other routine. Idgaf if anyone believes me or not, if you want to make excuses not to try it and stay weak then be my guest.
If you’re juicing maybe. Most people are natties and can’t recover fast enough to warrant 6x full-body workouts per week.
If you want to do it right as a natural, you need to train full body.
But you don't have to only do it 3 times a week. You can do it as much as you want.
All I am saying is that training full body is literally the only way to train naturally.
I am not just talking from a gains perspective, I am talking about long term gains in keeping your body healthy to keep on training. People who do body-part splits always end up with fucked up injuries that keep that from lifting.
I've been training for 6 years, I did all the bro-style lifting at the gym, now I have a home gym and I do full body pretty much every single day.
Nah you're wrong because you don't understand how to do full body properly. Of course if you apply bro-split training methods to a full body routine that you're doing every day, of course that is going to be horrible.
it always comes down to “science shows that you don’t need to do bro splits if you’re natty” or some other scientific I claim
Are they true? Probably
But just try different methods and stick to whatever works for you, if you believe 6 daysplit is giving you better gains then go for it
Just be safe and try not to injure yourself by being stubborn and pushing it way too hard just because you think it’s better
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I do 3x full body but on off days I’m doing weighted stretches and greasing the groove.
Serious gains
>lowbar squatting heavy every 48hrs
>having a back
this meme needs to die.
t. 1x/week master race
Novices can do 3 times a weeks full body due to the low volume (reps x weight).
As the weight increases, a split routine will be needed to keep the volume of the overall workout in control while still increasing the volume of the movements being trained.
As more Medium and Light days are used, you actually do increase the training frequency for particular movements.
Once you are advanced, you could find yourself doing daily workouts with assesories if you have the time.
Squat Day
Press Day
Row Day
Bench Day
Deadlift Day
Pull-up Day
Repeat or Rest Day
I train from home, I do full body. I don't do any particular routine though.
I just do something like this, for example what I do for chest.
>Monday - Weighted Dips 3x5
>Tuesday - DB flys 4x15
>Wednesday - Flat BB 3x8
>Thursday - DB incline flys 4x15
>Friday - Incline DB 3x12
>Saturday - Bodyweight Dips 3xF
As you can see that works out to 20 FRESH sets at least for chest per week, something I would have normally done in 1 day on a bro-split, or over 2 days on a PPL. I don't do much each day, but I do SOMETHING for the particular bodypart. I do the same thing for everything else.
Training like this has got me in the best shape of my life. I only started doing this when I bought a home gym though, I wouldn't be doing this if I was having to to drive to a gym all the time....I'd probably just stick to a normie routine.
>low volume (reps x weight)
You missed the most important part: Leave your ego behind.
That means you will not be training even close to failure or to exhaustion. If you do it right you will get slightly more sore as the week goes on, but you'll never really the DOMS you're used to on other routines.
I'm on a phone and that's a pain in the ass. Cole's full body routine is one example, though I don't use machines or accessories and I take one rest day a week. Start here and adjust to find what works for you. This breaks all plateaus. There's a reason most successful competitive/power/Olympic lifters train similar to this.
One thing I haven't heard Cole talk about is progression. When do you add weight and how much do you add at a time?
Why does everyone on Jow Forums do full body SS SL type routines and everyone literally everywhere else do some sort of 4-5 day split?
>actually wondering
Is a split better once you've done SS and reached intermediate weights?
Best results for strength. And time is a big thing. And it feels awesome to hit most of your body in one day, like when I'm stressed it just takes everything out.
If I wanted to get as big as possible and had no time constraints I'd probably go for a PPL and just hypertrophy but that's shitty.
Because if you browse Jow Forums, you've probably read the sticky or some actual knowledge about lifting. Case in point, I shit post and have made sick shoulder/arm size gains and strength gains in 3 months following SS w/curls&pushdowns compared to my friend who just goes to the gym every night and goes round every chest machine one night, shoulders the next, etc.
At least anecdotally. I think it's the same for every board really, if you're willing to spend your free time on a Nigerian basket weaving forum discussing it, it's fair to assume you know more about it.
>Is a split better once you've done SS and reached intermediate weights?
I don't think so, frequency trumps everything as a natty
>people who do body-part splits always end up with fucked up injuries that keep from lifting
is this true? Why do you say so?
But training high intensity almost always guarantees spending a lot of time in the gym
imbalances, to much pushing not enough pulling
Idk about other people but when i switched to 3-4 a week instead of 6 i made tremendous gains. But that could also be due to the fact that when i do 6 a week i have a harder time recovering.
It's just because body-part splits aren't balanced, and people tend to over do certain areas.
For example..
>Coming in on Monday and doing 30 sets for chest.
>Only doing 10 for Back, because back is boring.
>Leg day only doing 6 sets of some Leg machines because you can't be bothered squatting or even leg pressing because it's been a week and you feel out of the groove.
>Arm day and way over do it for triceps and develop tendonitis in their elbow for doing too many sets of tricep extensions in the 1 session
There's also the fact that people who do body-part splits barely train their posterior chain enough, or at all, so they're overall weak and prone to injury. Their spinal erectors are so weak that it ends up impeding their upper body gains (can't pick up heavy dumbbells, etc)
Now let's say you do a bodypart split properly, and train your posterior chain, even then it's still lacking, because of how infrequently you lift, you never really get the form/technique done pat because you're spending so long between in each time you perform every given lift.
Overall Bro-splits are horrible if you also want to have full body strength and athleticism without any weaknesses.
lmao an actual full body 3x week will take a shit load more time than a 5x split. Splits are a fucking meme for naturals, no natural should ever be training a muscle once a week UNLESS THEY ARE ON SPECIFIC PERIODIZATION. Probably the #1 reason dudes go to the gym and complain about not seeing results is because they don't train nearly as frequently as they need to. Muscles only need 48 hours to recover, you give them 164 hours to recover. That's 4x slower gains than if you did it right. 2 months of progress could have been 8
Do a full body and that full body routine should be tailored to your specific proficiency level. If you're a noob just do compounds, if you're advanced, your workouts should be approaching 2 hours, etc
how about PHUL? an upper/lower routine is that considered a split? and would it be a good routine to move onto after 4 months of GREYSKULL LP
6 Day PPL (3 day split of ABCABCx)
I don't particular like Upper/Lower because you don't actually need to do much for Lower body.
Full body is still better because you can just add Squats or Deadlifts, and some Calf Raises.
So like
Front Squats
Calves (Standing)
Romanian Deadlifts
Flat Bench
Calves (Seated)
Back Squats
Calves (Donkey)
Conventional Deadlifts
Incline Bench
DB Rows
Calves (Niggers)
so maybe take out some isolation exercises? and some chinups on lower power days?
I am only able to go to my college's gym Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I have been doing full body. What is better in this situation?
I've been doing a rather generic split with good results. You really can't just blanket statement shit like this.
Mon: chest + tri
Wednesday: shoulders + traps
Friday:back + biceps
Saturday: legs
Core is tossed in there 3x so are wrists
First week is a form of 5x5 but not exactly 5x5. Each excersize is varried for me
Next week is hypertrophy week
Rinse and repeat.
I use alot of full body excersizes. I hate doing just isolations.
Legs sometimes get loving in between but I have big ass legs because genetics. I don't want to TRex.
Off days I do some bodyweight stuff and cardio. Sat / Sun are hobby days or adventure days.
what about push pull routines? they are fullbody with 2 times a week right?