How to stop caffeine addiction?

How to stop caffeine addiction?

My head hurts and I only usually drink 3 espressos a day. I'm feeling less the effect of the my pre-workout coffee, but I don't want to reduce my productivity during the day as well.

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>only 3 espressos a day

Was going to post something along these lines
Seriously OP do you even caffeine

cold turkey

tough out the tired until you stop feeling tired

it's like 300mg of caffeine a day, total. How much do you degenerates consume? Can you even go a day without?

I want to reduce my tolerance, not get withdrawal symptoms from not consuming it

cold turkey from caffeine is the worst withdrawal headache I've had in my entire life (only withdrawal headache I've had in my life)

Strongly suggest a dial back over the period of about 2 or 3 days, if you're stopping. 2,1,0.

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I might do it over a weekend or then, so I don't need to be productive and can still get caffeine before workout.

Coffee addict here. Many many many temporary quits behind me. If you're serious about quitting you need to take some time off work. At least a week. Take painkillers before the headache comes on. I've had best results with naproxen (Aleve). Also weed will help you not feel horrible and help you sleep--oddly enough even though you're tired as balls you can get insomnia during caffeine withdrawal.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck caffeine. I've been hooked for over 10 years and I want my old brain back but mood and motivation are absolute shit without it now. Kids, don't start.

*takes sip*

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I normally take one espresso a day. If you want to quit just stop drinking coffee. You'll feel headaches for a few days but it will go away.

Takes about 5 months for your energy levels to fully recover and feeling normal again after quitting caffeine.

Sauce? I'm the addictfag and I believe it. Just don't know where I'm gonna get a 5mo break from life

You don't need a five month break, you only need a week or so, but the first month is really the only tough one. After that you'll just feel sluggish every morning.

Read r/decaf

>drinking the caffeinated jew

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Do you brew your own? Start by doing that if you don't. At the very least it makes you more mindful of how much you're taking. Then, buy decaf and start mixing it in with the grounds - could start with something like a 9:1 ratio caf:decaf and taper down from there.

Good luck, I feel a lot better after quitting caffeine.

2-4 days of abstinence is usually enough to get rid of physical dependence on caffeine. But do a week to be sure. Why do you need to stop caffeine addiction though, 3 coffees/day are enough to keep your caffeine levels high enough to avoid the symptoms of physical dependence.

it's more like 240mg. barely more than a single 12oz mug of black coffee. sounds like you just got fucked by genetics (in terms of your withdrawal response)

ease off. maybe take 1 teaspoon out of each espresso or something. caffeine withdrawal doesn't usually last nearly as long as other drugs

Cold turkey was the way forward for me. I
would have a morning coffee before work a
monster or a relentless on my breakfast one
with lunch and then usually one later on at night. Eventually I decided to just stop such degenerate behaviour and also save myself £5+ a day, the withdrawals and headaches were absolutely excruciating for the first 3 days but once that's done it's easymode.

taper down. cut consumption by 1/2 every 3 days until you are under one "dose" (average cup of coffee) a day, then pick a weekend when you can sleep in to kill that

Drink more coffee.

*le sigh*
Tomorrow, I shall be resurrected. I'm down to one/day anyway. Just finished a bag of coffee. It's time for quit #6,000,001.

Easy work day, then I'm off Mon and Tues. Gonna pop some painkillers in the AM and tough it out.

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2 scoops of preworkout a day crew here

>800mg caffeine daily

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>2 scoops
4 scoops, c'mon

>*le sigh*
Don't ever post this shit again

caffeine is more addictive than phenibut

it just takes like 2-3 days of headache and its permanently gone you fags

t. quit all carbonated drinks and caffeine temporarily 3 different times
longest period I didnt drink any of those was 2 years

Here's how i quited my serious coffee addiction unintentionally (used to drink at least 300mg caffeine).
I, as the huge fucking idiot i am one day thought it would be great to try 2 scoops of pre workout (hadn't got used the 1 scoop) to get better perfomance. I ended up at the hospital after that since i got a serious panic attack and high blood pressure. After that i didn't want to drink anything with caffeine in it.
I know its something dangerous but if you really are that desperate, try it.

It is pretty cringe. I, for one, blame caffeine.

>quit 3 different times
You never actually quit

>3 espressos a day
What? Thats a pretty small dose.

Its like most addictions, make a commitment and do it. Caffeine has always given me about an hour of good effects and feeling like shit the rest of the day so i don't have much issue avoiding it. You think you just do it for energy but theres definitely a small euphoria that you chase too. Its just a socially accepted high. Life is different, but better without it.

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Your head hurts because you are DEHYDRATED. It's alright to drink coffee but please, drink WATER too.

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once you go back to baseline you basically quit nigger

>went from drinking coffee and 2+ energy drinks a day to nothing but water for 2 years
>doesnt count

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Your head hurts because your blood vessels expand to their normal size

Yeah, it always takes a binge to drive home to me that I need to stop something. For example, I've fapped every day for like a week and I feel like absolute dogshit. This was after a phase of
>hurr durr I don't need NoFap anymore.

NoDrug + NoFap, I know it's de whey but I don't do it. It's not impossible. I have a fuckbuddy and I know it's the least painful way to live. Tomorrow, tomorrow it begins.

Drink tea. Better for you, no sugar, still caffeinated. No matter what you'll go through withdrawal if you stop consuming what you are now.

>How to stop caffeine addiction?
Start drinking Decaf and suffer through the few days of withdrawal headaches and lethargy.

Get out.

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>he doesn't enjoy whole grain crunch

Similarly I fucked up one night by drinking 4 red bulls throughout the day and then had a night of drinking, woke up with heart pains and spent 5 days in hospital (mainly resting) Don't drink coffee daily any more.

I don't get withdrawal symptoms really. I just don't feel as pumped during my workout (after the third coffee of the day) as I used too. DESU I feel normal.
I want to reduce my tolerance up to the point where I can use it to fuel my workouts again.

I think that way...and get sucked right back in. Rather just end the whole thing