Who here gonna follow in the foot step of zyzz when it comes out, tauren warrior?

Who here gonna follow in the foot step of zyzz when it comes out, tauren warrior?

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Dreanor orc warrior

Straight back

I'm gonna play a dwarf hunter. I'm playing a goblin warrior on retail rn

son, he posted wow classic, not BFA.

Good taste tho

Troll hunter masterrace
Sad that it will probably come out in 2019 tho

human warrior

Not human paladin? Id rather play a gnome warrior

>gnome anything

Played WoW non-stop from 2004 to 2010.

Played on and off from 2010 to 2017.

I was addicted all those years, but the addiction suddenly broke.

Ironically I started lifting in 2004 as well, my love of WoW died over time, but my love of lifting has never been stronger.

Gnome female. Cute!

I was introduced into a classic wow server and players for about 8 months, then when the whole thing happened with Elysium, I moved to retail. Been playing for about 5 months now. I get that I'm about 14 years too late.

Is that why when you do /flex on a male tauren it makes that pose?

Undead rogue named Stink. Just like in the good old days.

Human ret paladin

>ret in vanila
Have fun not being able to find a guild, and doing shittier DPS than a just dinged 60 hunter,

>not undead masterrace

I shiggidy

What makes you want to play now? I think the only thing that kept me playing all those years was purely nostalgia and habit.

Blows my mind that anyone new would want to suddenly get into WoW especially since there's so many other games available to play now.

Seriously, what made you want to play now?

I'm going exactly what I was when it came out
Night Elf Hunter
>Hunter masterrace
>making it

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The only game that has gotten close to the amount I love wow was pokemon. Because I was able to fully submerge into the game when I was younger. WoW is the perfect game for me, with the fantasy and RPG elements. I main a Panda Monk and I am currently leveling a Goblin Warrior.

You've gotten ganked by a lot of undead rogues, haven't you?

>Panda... kill yourself mate.

The only race a monk should be is panda.

Undead lock main and dwarf hunter alt

tauren drood

what is the most Jow Forums role? tank?

>Doesn't know about the Tauren Monk Master Race

Not playing WoW or video games at all for that matter.

>playing any race other than human
just lmfao

Healer. Alpha af.

>playing a fantasy game
>not choosing to play a fantasy character
Do you insert yourself into Azeroth?

Orc warlock here, gl milk-drinking onion-eaters.

Literally every other race are repulsive subhuman scum.

but undead look cooler

This game sucks so hard outside of raids its nit even funny.
i realized it way too late in my life tho

But i'm a dicklet pvper so i have to minmax for that juicy 25% stun resist so no melee can touch me.

you may just be bad at the game?

undead mage or dwarf rogue, not sure yet since I don't know where my friends are gonna roll

Raiding or Arena. Thats literally it. If you ain't doing either, there's no point even playing.

The competitive aspect of Arena is horrible due to the fact its dominated by like 50 people who stuck around. Everyone else who isn't insane left the game and moved onto actual competitive games.

>implying im going to pay blizzard for a game that I've been playing for free for 6+ years
private vanilla servers wont die

>playing videogames

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Guys seriously, DO NOT get back in it.
We all know how the game works and how many hours you need to commit to it in order to have an enjoyable geared character. Your gains will take a big hit, and so will your social life. And eventually you'll quit again, with absolutely nothing to show for those 50ish days of /played

I repeat, DO NOT play wow. Stay strong

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wow died a long time ago

There have been zero updates from blizz since it's announcement.

It's not gonna come out until at least mid 2019

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Wow died with wotlk, it was the height of the wow experience.
>inb4 vanilla or burning was better
We all played it and it was only good because there was nothing else, wotlk optimized everything

>follow in the foot step of zyzz
Oh, you mean die young of Extreme Stupidity because you used illegal drugs to become an utter tool? Yeah no fuck that I'll pass.
Move the fuck on already he wasn't great at all.

That's the best part

I love being a snowflake

I don't think I played vanilla or burning. I just know I lterally spent 10-15 hours a day playing wotlk.

Good times... Now I work 50+ hours a week and am quite depressed.

You're so cool dude I wish I were as cool as you are

>being a blizzcuck
>not playing on a private server

what u talking about it.
its already out

wotlk was shit.
bet you didnt even play it until years later

Will hunters have mana again


How was wotlk shit? Everything was better, from raids to pvp to leveling. I played one month of warlords of draenor, and that was pure shit


Good luck, everyone bought the "we always need warrior" meme and over half the characters on vanilla private servers are warriors. You're gonna be trudging through a mile long trough of shit just to get a participation award.

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The Dargul were right. Tauren are fucking disgusting.

Don't talk about my wife like that

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Human paladin or UD warlock. I played warlock through vanilla and TBC. Those were fun times, enslaving elite demons or summoning a doomguard and unleashing him on low levels in Goldshire heh. Although farming Soul Shards give me nightmares 'till this very day. Gosh, I miss those days. WoW used to be fun and unique, everything new, 90 % of players complete noobs just leveling for fun, world PvP and comfy mindless grinding while listening to music.


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Solid reason to play orc

>playing a pally in classic
kek good luck

> is on Jow Forums

Most op class in vanilla whose only trouble is with rogues and perhaps T3-geared warriors + 25% stun resist = many, many broken alliance monitors.

Most OP class is undead frost mage with engi by far

Toppest of keks, it's not 2007 anymore. People know how to play their classes. Mage can't touch warlocks.

Good. Gives me time to graduate before my life is over

warrior in vanilla


Now that's a good undead rogue name.

If you want to feel like a tinder thot just roll a dwarf priest. People will be fighting over you to join their raids.

Im 24 and honestly just can't look forward to classic, I don't know what happened, I would have killed for it years ago but I just don't feel it anymore. Now I just want to finish my degree as soon as possible, get my own place, a decent car, and start building a fortune for my offspring

but for you 16-20 year olds, enjoy it

fem orc warlock reporting in

Night Elf Warrior Reporting in

man, I remember watching duels with Paladin vs rogue last like 30mins.

That shit actually took skill since you had to use bandages to heal as a rogue.


I will level druid on both factions to make sure I get the full experience that Blizzard has to offer. I just hope they allow me to keep all my pets and mounts, or at least allow me to get them trough the online store. This is going to be lit my dude.

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Tauren Moonkin

You know that drinking too much water will kill your livers, right?

Played classic for 4 years, smoked for 10 years. Classic was harder to quit. It was just so godDAMN comfy. I cant go back now. I have a life.

I'm a void elf Hunter on retail, I'll probably main either Troll Male or Fem Nelf Hunter on Classic. Depends on which faction my friends choose. It was kind of funny seeing this announced, and friends I haven't talked to since highschool/college all hit me up to see if I'll host a LAN party like we did back then.

>People know how to play their classes

Orc Warrior was the most Alpha race/class in existence.

t. Orc Warrior

Human Paladin is more alpha, capable of taking down monsters drunk on the blood of demons.

idk why hunters always get shit on they are competitive in a lot of fights up until AQ40

>human paladin taking down anything but a dick inside his throat


that has to be the worst video I've ever seen, in terms of cherry-picking footage

Tell it to Doomhammer.

That's what all PvP videos are though, you record everything and then go through and pick the fights you think showcased your skill/power the most.

>ctrl+f "shadow"
>ctrl+f "spriest"
>0 results
>alone even on Jow Forums
I don't actually know if I'll main a Mage or Fury Warrior [spoiler]but I mained SPriest for 3 years from vanilla-Wrath[/spoiler]

Wow I forget no spoilers here, my entire post is embarrassing

I don't like vanilla SPriest. BC and beyond though, SPriest is great. I actually raid on it on retail, but retail is having an issue where DoT classes are fucking gods of damage right now in PvE.

For Vanilla its 100% Arms Warrior with a cavalcade of Paladin/Shaman orbiters.
Modern WOW it's probably a healer that knows to optimize for damage output.

>playing spreist in classic
enjoy getting dropped out of groups for locks and literally every other dps class

>a healer that knows to optimize for damage output.
Disc Priest or Holy Paladin with the talent that makes your melee damage retardedly strong?

Any healer, really. The epiphany that turns a healer from 'great' to 'godly' is that healing in of itself does not lead to a win condition in WOW; therefore optimal healer play is to heal for as little as they can possibly get away with. Even in Mythic raids the encounters are not balanced around healers throwing out as much damage as they possibly can so if you have a healer squad that focuses on DPSing rather than sniping heals from each other everything becomes noticeably easier.

Makes sense, it's always funny to see healers in my guild brag about their orange parses in damage on mythic raid bosses.

Played WoW when it came out in 2004. Played consistently until mid Nighthold progression. The straw that broke the camel's back was blizzard cracking down on making irl money from sales runs. Not gonna waste my time on a game I'm not making money from.

paladins are pretty useless in classic

classic is literally the most overrated shit ever, rose tinted goggles much. TBC is the GOAT however.

Paladins are top tier healers, buffers, and Warrior sluts. They're pretty useless on their own though, they have to pray that no one just walks away from them because they can never keep up.

I enjoyed both, my favorite time was still WotLK, but that was more because of the people I played with in WotLK than it being the better expansion. God, I miss the Hunter with 2 melee weapons and a bow aesthetic so much.

If you want to train for classic a bit, new server on Kronos launched like a 10 hours ago.

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