Jow Forums, how did you do it? How did YOU finally become capable of feeling comfortable around girls...

Jow Forums, how did you do it? How did YOU finally become capable of feeling comfortable around girls, and being able to attract the ones you set your eyes on?

My body is almost something to be proud of now, and it looks like a i lift, but i still don't feel like I'm "Enough" for women. Every slightly attractive woman I talk to, my mind races, Instead of being in the moment, I'm thinking of everything I could say that's cool, or weather I should "neg" or "tease" her.

Do I keep trying to learn PUA shit and getting rejected until I don't care and make progress? Or do I work on myself and my lifestyle so much that it just naturally attracts women?

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Meditate, read 'The power of the subconscious mind'.

Might sound a bit voodo at first, but many (including me) are/were cucked by childhood/teenage subconscious beliefs

I got headspace 3 days ago, struggling with keeping my mind from wandering, but |I heard it's like lifting. The more you do it, the better you get.

Have you always been "good" with girls? Or did you find you had to actively engage your mind and tweak a few things about yourself?

Just fake it til you make it
>fake the confidence and eventually you’ll actually have it

nigga I didn't

unironically nofap

its all about hormones and receptors if you break it down desu

chicks are just dudes with vaginas

try having female friends like a normal person. why would you act different to someone because they are female? why would you want to hook up with someone just because they are female? just get to know people. You dont get at "girls" you get good at people.

How long you managed? 3 weeks was my best, then some 6/10 SJW plate who I fucked on new years kind of flaked on me, and then I felt bad for myself, and jacked off like 7 times.

Can confirm
Ofc also it's a never ending journey for people like us but that's what sets us apart from the normies and chads. If you make it you're going to be above any naturals level - it's like if you've been to an accident and hurt your back so now you HAVE to stand straight or it hurts. You're going to have a much better posture than someone who didn't have an accident.

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>Have you always been "good" with girls?

I've been shit (like 'r u gay bruh you dont get any action?'-level shit), I'm becoming decent tho

Some key points for me: NoFap, Meditation, Lifting.

Also lots of subconscious affirmations (depends I guess, as I said, I personally had a lot of disempowering beliefs), cold showers, yada yada.

Hang in there, don't overload on theory.

We're all gonna make it brah

Know who you are, be comfortable in your own skin regardless of people around you.
>trying to learn PUA shit and getting rejected
I don't think getting rejected is the point buddy.

Also, The Red Pill.

i got like 6 days now. it usually takes ~3 days to get into alpha mode after a binge imo.
the most important part is not giving up after fapping and start anew

PUA is 99% shit
Number one is achievement and self improvement. Confidence is a byproduct of achievement, and someone who worked their way to earning 90K/yr is going to have more confidence than someone pulling 30K/yr.

There are professional musicians who are average looking at best but still fuck tons of groupies. Not everyone is going to be John Mayer, but the concept of celebrity exists in a chicks head because any guy who gets shit done and focuses on their goals is someone who is successful on some level. Even if your success doesn't get any chicks you still have the fulfillment of your successes.

After some self improvement, you need to be able to bounce ideas off of one of your friends gf imo.
If their gf isn't a crazy cunt, she isn't into you and should be cool with giving honest answers about what chicks are looking for.

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Read models by Mark Manson

Also talk to people and stop playing video games

Confidence is important, because despite how you feel and how they act, I can guarantee she is way less confident than you could be. A woman is like a spider or a rat, it’s far more scared of you than you are of it. Don’t show any weakness tho


The only time I ever actually pulled a chick from a bar and fucked her I was over 500 days lol

I can see how going from making next to fuck all to having a big fucking house and a solvent successful company would make you confident, but when I see ugly guys who work at fish factories with 3 kids to 2 different women constantly getting positive female attention, it makes me think "Why the fuck should I have to do any hard work to get women to like me?"

I know its a bad mindset to have, and that I shouldn't compare myself to others. But my brain can't seem to make a bypass.

>Why the fuck should I have to do any hard work to get women to like me?

Another add to your reading list relating to this: 'The rational Male' by R. Tomassi.

Women are also attracted to men who are similar to their father. if dad was abusive, a dead beat, absent, etc, then they seek men who fit that mold. I used to work at a large trucking center and can safely say the chicks these guys are getting aren't always the highest quality.

The hard work isn't for chicks, it's for yourself. The person created by the hard work is who women can be attracted to. Comparing yourself to others isn't always a bad thing, but getting in your head too much will bring down your quality of life.

I watched online videos and shit. Check out corey Wayne. A good body means nothing as a man if you are mentally weak so get on it.

Has it occurred to any of you to lower your standards?

>Women are also attracted to men who are similar to their father.

>You figured that from 'daddy please'? Cmon bro. It's a dominant figure that doesn't take them too serious they're attracted to.

>The hard work isn't for chicks, it's for yourself.


Get women friends
It helps you build confidence and also helps show other women you are fine at being around women. Just try not to get feels

The father influence goes far beyond sex, it sets up what the standard for male/female interactions are

How do I manage to do the latter part, I have some female friends, but caught feels, and legit fear that I won't find anyone as good as/better than her.
How to stop these feels?

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Yep, on point.

Ease yourself into it and purposely talk to ugly women so you arent distracted by your hormones. Learn how to charm them and make them laugh, most of all your training yourself to treat women like people. Eventually, you’ll want to challenge yourself with better looking people.

i catfished girls online.
gave me supreme confidence since i had so much power over them that i had them drink their piss and eat their poop.
then i just transfered it over to real life.

Fucking one

do nofap and become a magician

I just stopped putting them on a pedestal.

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I started treating women like men. Not even memeing, when you start acting like they have nothing between their legs or not interested in them sexually they flock to you.

Just stop worrying about grills lol.

Nice Kaiji quote, I also like that one

"Chicks are just dudes with vaginas"

This is so fucking difficult though. I'm only one day in and I'm perpetually horny. I occasionally stare at porn but I haven't caved in and don't plan to. Trying to go for one week since it's my first time.

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Get MORE female friends. I had the same feelings when I had few women friends (and a stable group of male friends) but slowly I slowed on synthesising feelerinos from people just because they're attractive and treated me nicely.

>finally muster balls to ask for her #
>she says no immediately
>lose all self respect

what do now i am back at square 1

i quit porn and jerking off

You go back to the gym and lift the sadness away.

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she goes to my gym lad that's the thing
i don't wanna switch them because it's a nice gym

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It's not that difficult really, you just have to keep yourself occupied. I used to masturbate at least once a day but i started to do some excercise and go out more, i just mow the lawn, walk the dog or fix something around the house and then i have no time to masturbate. I've been doing this for only a week tho so i can't say much about it but i've been feeling a lot better, both mentally and physically. And it's only the first three days or so that are difficult, after that i just magically stopped thinking about porn and i've got no need to masturbate anymore. But during those first three days you have to keep yourself occupied and try not to think about masturbating. If i can do it, you can do it too user. Good luck