Tell me about lifting shoes

Tell me about lifting shoes

Attached: chuck-taylor.jpg (1920x1440, 487K)

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They are good for lifting

Those aren't lifting shoes

Better arc support
Just read rippletits article on lifting shoes

how do I not look like a 1990's 15 year old punk rock skater kid wearing All Stars?

rippletits objectively and unironically has no knowledge on lifting at all except for taking a basic mechanics course

still, that doesn’t mean his opinions have to be disregarded

Currently taking a shit at my gym while wearing these.
I find them a lot better then my other sneakers for lifting, because the keep my feet from rolling. I have good ankle flexibility tho.

For the lels.

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Chucks are god tier for just about everything. The soles are surprisingly grippy. I've gone hiking in them before.

I know this feeling, it goes away after a while. Or you could wear low top chucks

This, low top chucks you can actually wear everywhere outside the gym and not feel like you are trying to emulate 90s punk culture

>that guy who shits at the gym

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I like low tops but you should always own a pair of the class black high tops.

thems be basketball shoes, masssa!

>been wearing my new lifting shoes recently, coming from barefoot
>adipowers so .6'' heel I believe.
>use for every lift, fine with all of them
>still tending to fall forward a bit in the squat, coming up on toes

wat do?

anything is fine for an absolute beginner, don't use shoes as an excuse to avoid starting

once the squats start to get heavy, you want to avoid the ones that have lots of padding especially the running shoes with padded heels, the padding will compress and throw off your balance

that's why flat shoes (no "rise" as they say in the business) like chucks or skater shoes are popular, they have minimal padding. you don't even have to spring for chucks, walmart and other chains have knockoffs that are just as good for this purpose. get low-rise and not op pic related so your ankles can move when you lift

there are specialty weightlifting shoes that have an elevated hard heel (usually wood or plastic), these are not necessary for 99% of the audience here. their purpose is to work around ankle flexibility issues so that someone can get into better positions for the bottom of the snatch and clean, if you're not a competitive weightlifter or training to be one then you can ignore these for the most part.some people find squatting in the specialty weightlfiting shoes to be easier. also if you bench in a federation that requires flat feet on the ground, these shoes may help with your bench arch.

they're too clean and new-looking my dude

What about vans?

i only have high rise but I also suffer from inward pronation of my ankles and flat feet, so it usually helps while I"m walking to have ankle support.

Should I still get low rise or will high rise work?

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Turd with timestamp or fake

anything with no rise from sole to heel and with minimal padding is good

high rise will work if you don't need extreme ankle flexibility for example if you are not actually trying to catch cleans and snatches as low as possible
also you can undo the top laces and tie them lower if the hightop bothers you during squats
and the cheap walmart knockoffs are less than $20 so if all else fails then a pair for the gym doesn't set you out that much

my hyde causes me to have to shit no less than 3 times per 2 hour workout. Dont even get me started on the piss breaks

This is not good advice.
Squat shoes are the only mandatory equipment a beginner needs to invest in. They are a day one purchase.
Chucks are not lifting shoes.

Only been lifting about 2 months :(

I lift barefoot or lift in vibrams but I'm still in my DYEL form

sit back a bit more

out of curiosity how much do you squat?

Work on ankle mobility. WL shoes won't solve all your problems.

Freshman year shitting at the gym was the thing to do....only place on campus that would have 2 ply tp that wouldn't make u figure your butthole everytime you wiped

Plz ignore this terrible advice. Anyone squatting/oly lifting regularly should invest in real lifting shoes. You will 100% be able to hit more depth and be more comfortable lifting.

Wearing them right now

Attached: chuck t's.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)