Why am I DYEL even though I've been lifting for 4 years now?

Why am I DYEL even though I've been lifting for 4 years now?

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1) You're fat and just need to cut to unravel your gymshark tier physique
2) You're skinny and a chronic under-eater (food is extremely anabolic)
3) You did a horrible horrible horrible routine for 4 years and didn't make any progress performance wise, most likely you ran a brosplit/PPL and never made progress.

>most likely you ran a brosplit/PPL and never made progress.

I've always done PPLx2, I-I thought it was good? What should I do instead?

PPL is a good routine user, don’t fall for the fat powerlifting meme.

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PPL is crap for natties

Yeah, doing 3 sets of Lateral Raises twice a week, really good........

>these are the people giving you advice

You either aren't making progress in your lifts, or aren't eating enough. 90% of the time its the latter which in turn affects the former.

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Just start bulking now and push yourself in the gym. Get your lifts up, then start cutting for next summer

I've always gained a pound or more a week when I've been bulking, but yes my strength progress has always been super slow

>yeah, doing 3 sets of Lateral Raises twice a week is really good

wtf are you even on about? For reference here's my PPL progress from June 2017 to January 2018. You can do PPL with compounds and progressive overload, you realize that, right? Stop trying to steal my gains by spiking my cortisol with your negativity bro

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>6 days a week in the gym for this

PPL is shit mate, just stop doing it. You could better on a full body with less days in the gym.


>Stop trying to steal my gains by spiking my cortisol with your negativity bro

Best line I’ve ever read on this board

Sounds like you spend too much time on Jow Forums and never gave six days a week a chance friendo. I enjoy working out, I'd rather go to the gym six days a week.

PPLPPLrest is good as long as you do correct volume and focus on compounds. I've been lifting for a year and a half, a year of which was on a bro split. Pic related is me. He's probably eating way less than he should, or has low test or something.

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body dysmorphia

And an ever so fine evening to you too, young lady.

>hating on that
>not posting a pic

he prolly mogs the shit outta you IRL famalam

What was your PPL?

I'm not saying she doesn't look adorable, I'm simply responding to her curtsy. None of you cads were reciprocating her decorum.

I've been lifting for 2 years and look dyel. Having the same outcome as you in another 2 years is one of my ultimate night mares.

Lmao mate...if your still dyel after 2 years....oh boy.....you are just not going to gain any significant amount of muscle now after 2 years lifting, so you wont look much different in another 2 years.

1st year is like 50% of the gains youll make
2nd year is like 30% of the gains youll make

Thats last 20% can take an additional 10 years.

30 reps each exercise 6-8-8-8 or 10-10-10 rep scheme depending on exercise with increasing weight.
Pulldown/BB Row
DB Row /Single arm Pulldown
BB curl/HammerCurl

Incline BP/OHP
crossover/side raise
DB shoulder press/incline dumbell press
oblique work

Seated calves/standing calves
DB Ham curl/Front squat
Leg press/ leg curl
leg curl single leg/leg ext single leg

Hi there ;)

Still no pic, trying to smart talk his way into seeming superior. Just save face and shut up man.

The Hi there ;) was meant for you :)

Post body. I wanna see what you look like with your expert knowledge.

Post body OP

The gains you make aren't limited to some arbitrary timeline, if they've been fucking around with their diet and training the whole time chances are they haven't made 50% of their gains in their first year. The gains you're naturally capable of are an amount of muscle mass not a set time frame the moment they started lifting.

Soyboy talk, show us a pic of yourself bub

1) Eat 500 cal above TDEE
2) Stick and dedicate yourself to a routine
3) Rest enough

Do this constantly. You WILL gain.

> Why am I DYEL even though I've been lifting for 4 years now?

Cuz you fucked up somewhere. Either not eating enough,
not being consistent with eating/training,
half-assing exercises,
not sticking to a plan,
etc etc

Hey humorless homos, guess who got the joke.

They prolly thought you was hating on my physique calling me girly or something, I am well aware that pose of mine looks like a curtsy. I've had this joke thrown at me before. Good laugh though mate.

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>Stop trying to steal my gains by spiking my cortisol with your negativity bro

KEK'd hard. Here, have some endorphins boyo.

Right over my head damn

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get your testosterone checked

basically no, I don't have body dysmorphia lol

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I've been lifting for almost exactly "5 years", but when I actually break down what I did during that time, it actually comes out to 3 years feeling out and 3 years actually lifting. I'm 5'11" 140# :

Year 1 - Smith machine benching and squatting + machine work for legs. Maybe 15% was dumbbell work. Wasn't counting calories.

Year 2 - Stopped using the Smith machine, but didn't use a barbell for anything. Only did dumbbell bench because I was too beta to ask for a spot. Still did only machines for legs. Started counting calories but not religiously.

Year 3 - Started barbell squatting. Finally started focusing on eating as much food and especially protein as possible. Still wasn't barbell benching or focusing on strength at all in any lifts.

Year 4 - Bought a power rack so I could squat at home and more importantly, so I could set the safety bars and barbell bench at home without a spotter. After 6 months of this my chest blew up, although my arms didn't grow nearly as much. I was always tracking everything I ate, but was still doing pussy shit like wanting to cut for two weeks because my stomach wasn't flat. This would cause me to lose strength, obviously.

Year 5 - Lately just really focusing on gaining strength without gaining too much fat. Max bench is 230, squat is 285, I do weighted pullups (60# 2rm) instead of deadlifts, seated ohp is weak as fuck probably 135 1rm @ 175#.

So, pretty much the first 2.5 years of lifting were a waste of time. But I didn't really have anyone showing me what to do except fake natties on youtube.

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i'm mad jelly

t. 3years fatty who keeps saying he'll bulk a bit more before cutting

Already did, 635ng/dL. Smack dab around average for a guy my age. It's not that I'm not making progress when I'm bulking but my body fat distribution is so fucking horrible that I always have to switch to cutting after just a couple of months and my diet is so shitty that my cuts always last way too long with a lot of oscilation. I guess I'm just fucking around too much.

Do SS my bro

It sounds to me like you're making the mistake of gaining weight too fast, I've made this mistake too and basically wasted years training by spending as much time cutting as a did bulking only to end up basically right where I started. What I've done recently is bulk while doing intermittent fasting and now I'm convinced it's the secret to natty gains

My experience is remarkably similar. 5 years lifting and only started making progress around the 4 year mark when I realized I was doing everything wrong.

>4 years
>1 and a half years

Why is life such a fucking joke?

One did things right and the other did not. Life isn't a joke, you just need to play it correctly.

It's like Piana used to say - genetics are fucking real

there's absolutely no way that's 4 years of effor. I've been going to the gym for two months (did some yoga and calisthenics before) and I already look better. what are your lifts?

He admittedly said he did a bro split for a year of that year and a half. Jow Forums swears this is wrong. Please excuse my beginner brain for not grasping this.

>One is a shitskin
>One has a soyboy complexion

guess which one is which.

My main mistake was not taking strength seriously early on. Not understanding that I needed to do bench singles, doubles and triples in order to move the weight up significantly. I used to thing 5 reps was a powerlifting rep range, lol.

Also, I only squat once per week now. Being natural, squatting heavy more than that absolutely wrecks my body the next day (31yo). Everyone knows the "don't skip leg day" meme, but the average muscular chad has an overdeveloped upper body + simply not chicken legs/calves. Squatting heavy 2-3 times per week is a waste of energy if you're just trying to look like Zyzz.

Eat more and stop PPL routine for now and try to gain more strength instead. Do full body workouts Focusing mostly on compounds movments heavy enough to only do 6 reps or less.

You need to eat more and do progressive overload with weights. You look like you've just been lifting the same weight for 4 years which is why you've no progress. And you look like you haven't eaten at a surplus once in those 4 years.

>signs up to a gym 4 years ago
>never goes in and is too beta to cancel
>”I-I’ve been lifting for 4 years guys”
Nice dubs tho bois

do your lifts go up when you bulk?

I've been lifting 3 weeks and I look better.

SL5x5 and bulk. Super simple, and my lifts go up every time. Feels good.

There's not really a point to doing that if you're someone who has already been lifting for years though

He doesn't really look that strong though

You're looking really good in the second picture mate, don't let tell you otherwise.

>Stop trying to steal my gains by spiking my cortisol with your negativity bro

good progress, some nonlifting faggots who won't post their own physique will surely show up to shit on you but you look good, quick cut and you'll be shredded for summer