Women have it harder

Think girls have it easy?
Imagine this

Girls spend countless hours in the gym, thousands of dollars on makeup, put tons of effort into grooming, spend unbelievable amounts on clothing and all to attract some attention from chad, sadly, her hard work is in vain as all she gets is stares from creeps aka ugly/fat/disgusting/pimply/faggot looking virgins...

All guys have to do is be chad (aka workout and drink beer) and they get a plethora of pussy

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average male
>asked someone out in their teens, was rejected, confidence is now stagnate
>work out for years to get a nice body
>can’t use makeup like girls
>only attract fatties, whores, or other guys

man really gets the cogs turning

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you must be 18 years old to post here

File this under "poor attempts at trolling".

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this, but unironically

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>Girls spend countless hours in the gym
no they don't.
stop being a beta orbiting white knight

it is pretty crazy how expensive it is to maintain decent quality makeup and hair/nail/etc. Probably a hundred or two a week at the least, easily more if you’re a thot.

I'v read the science on this and men have to take on some serious risk to compete with other men women want the Champion or someone close to the Champion.

Op here

I used to be fat ugly but now I'm fit handsome tall and I drink every night.. girls just flock to me and I don't try or white knight lol... I literal just chill at the bar and drink and talk loudly with friends and girls just come
Over and talk to me or get my
Attn lol

Says average but ur probably not and u can't be average u have to lift and get juicy u idiot lmao and be confident and shit

All a girl has to do is be not obese and dress slutty and she can get most guys to try and smash.

t. Someone without sisters/gf

Ur used to them looking great but u don't see how hard they work behind the scenes compared to guys

all a gril has to do is
>not cut her hair
>not eat so fucking much
>not dress like a bulldyke or a man
and she'd be prime.

all men want is a woman that looks like a woman, bmi in the 19-22 range, feminine hair and dress

makeup is optional

clothing can be from target or walmart so long as it is actually from the girl's section

she'd get more attention than she could ever use with just that, primarily from the healthy weight and the long hair lel

Women, children, and dogs get unconditional love. Men don't. A man, if he recognizes and chooses, somewhat picks his own suffering, and it doesn't make it less painful, but more bearable.

Women... they have it easy, but they have it hard in other ways that's truly unfathomable to men. The same applies in reverse. Imagine being a fat or ugly woman who blames the world for her pain. You think the world's gonna change? Lmao.

I love being a man and doing what I have to do

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makeup and dyed hair on a girl is like a manlet wearing elevator shoes

>All a girl has to do is be not obese and dress slutty

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Women deserve no sympathy. They have no idea what it's like to be truly alone or undeseriable unless they are horribly disfigured or literally retarded. Even the ugliest, fattest, women still manage to become breeders and find beta supporters.

That's some bluepill shit right there.

Idk if you know any HB9/10, but they usually have a harem of older men buying them clothes and shit.

The more beautiful a woman, the more shit they get served in a plate (incl. validation).

Deciding what makeup to buy really isn't what I'd consider hard work...

>all men want is a woman that looks like a woman, bmi in the 19-22 range, feminine hair and dress
this is true

My wife obsesses over how she does her makeup and hair. So much stress and cash wasted over tiny bs details that only other jealous sluts will notice. If girls want to "impress" guys, they just need to not be fat, put on a bit a mascara, and pretty much just have presentable hair. 90% of girls can be a 7/10 with these 3 things. The other 10% with horrible faces just need to work out harder to get a 9/10 physique, just like ugly guys have to.

women are essentially all drug addicts but the drug is chad who they cant have. the betas are like having a coffee for a someone withdrawing from cocaine


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>Girls spend countless hours in the gym
No, that's guys. Girls just need to not eat like pigs.
>thousands of dollars on makeup, put tons of effort into grooming, spend unbelievable amounts on clothing
Yeah, those poor women! Being forced to spend money on themselves instead of their dates! It must be horrible!

I know you're probably trolling but fuck, I detest women.

>Spend thousands on makeup
Oh no could you imagine not having makeup. You'd have to go and show everyone your face how it actually looks like. Thank God men don't have this problem

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