Would you date a girl taller than you, Jow Forums?

would you date a girl taller than you, Jow Forums?

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those are some nasty feet

kind of fucked up that I wouldn't date a hot chick if her feet were fucked. Don't know how I became this way

I’m 5-10 I date a 6-1 girl it’s cool

maybe, but none of those
they're not even "cute"

Is the one 2nd from the left pre-op or post-op?

None of those girls are the height in that picture

haha no girls is taller than me

Middle looks fine but from my experience girls taller than 6'2" look a little freakish

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Yeah, but 6'3 is max. I'm 6'1

I wouldn't date a girl at all.

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Tallest girl I would date is 5'7"
5'7" she can wear heels and still be noticeably shorter than me

I have. 5'11 with 6'0. She came onto me in the gym. Shit was cash.


>t.femdom fetish

Yes I've dated 6"10 before 5"6 here so just letting you guys know it's possible

Not 6"10, 6"0

if she's cute, sure. Amazon gf is the dream

t. 5'5''

I wouldn't date any girl, jokes on you

i've seen me do it

the one on the right looks like a tranny

second one from the left has to walk to the crossroads to make room to turn around with those clown feet of hers

the rest look cute but the shortest one has the best proportions

>being gay

lmao@your life

tfw 5'6 and I wanna date a 5'9+ girl. .
Only in my dreams is this possible.

that girl is taller than osama bin laden LOL

>tfw no 6ft 6 gf

I'm the same user. I can lose interest in a girl after seeing that she has nasty feet.
I'm into tall girls tho

>no need to bend over when kissing her (saves your lower back)
>can go full jackhamer on that pussy since you know she's sturdy enough to take it
>every time you hand her things it's at an upwards angle activating your sholders and traps for maximum upper body gains
>will have you back if you ever get jumped by niggers (provided she's fit ofc)

Tall girls are GOAT.
Every true chad should strive to get one.

On one hand foot fetish so no ugly feets, on the other hand caring about the parts of you that show, but not caring about the parts hidden tells a lot, it's like going to someone's place and it's all cozy and tidy, then you go to the bathroom and it's truck stop tier.

She would be 6'5 so absolutely. Kids playing pro ball for sure

yes I would

Why are gays so annoying?
Do you butt into conversation IRL too?
>hey guys btw I'm gay :DDDD benis in pooper

5'5 here. I would absolutely love to date a woman that is significatly taller than me. Like at least 5'9.

>Tfw no Amazonian gf.

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>>no need to bend over when kissing her (saves your lower back)
just pick her up you pussy
>>can go full jackhamer on that pussy since you know she's sturdy enough to take it
if you she can give birth to a kid she can take your pathetic excuse of a dick
>>will have you back if you ever get jumped by niggers (provided she's fit ofc)
>needing help from a mutant to fight off niggers

I'm a 5'6" girl dating a 5'5" guy and it's pathetic. Don't do it please

Why are you straightfags always talking about your gf and all in unrelated conversations?

Yes. Most guy guys are so fucking annoying. They're always the thirstiest mother fuckers as well.

5'4 here. i wouldnt mind. but who would ever love me for being 5'4

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Either I have started shrinking in my early 20s or girls do not understand height. I last got measured when I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago and I was 180cm/5'10. I have slept with a lot of women in my time but height is not a topic that is generally brought up. However, I met a girl last year who claimed 175cm and was as tall as me. Met a girl recently who claimed 178cm and is taller than me. Should I remeasure myself or just continue to believe I am not a manlet?

i would absolutely
ive been stuck dating nothing but 5'-5'5'' girls for my whole life because ive never found attractive tall girls
im fucking 6'3'' and its annoying to bend over so far to kiss these girls.

>had to settle for a pathetic man
You must be busted as fuck.

A girl with a mommy/son fetish.

>a thread about girlfriends
>"hey guys no gf cause gay huhuh"
>'why are straight guys always talking about their girlfriends"

Go make your own thread about boyfriends, have fun.

>dated a 5'4 womanlet in high school
>couldn't even kiss her without bending my knees
a 5'7-5'10 gf would be kino desu

Sticking your shitdick into this thread just to farm (you)s is pretty pathetic desu
Go make your own thread, degenerate

Never met a chick taller then me even in heels, perks of being 6'4

sometime in the 70s the "love that dare not speak its name" because the "faggotry that would not shut the fuck up"

i can't wait for the revolution

bog all the fucking fags

Wew okay I'm leaving, you sound mad enough.

Of course i would (6'1)
The question is if SHE would date me.

Why not?
The biggest bonus is that if she somehow got knocked up, at least the kid is likely to be tall as fuck which enhances his chances in life.

He's okay on his own, but not paired with a taller girl than him, even by an inch.

But you're also right. I must be busted if I seem to attract mostly short men

>just matched with 5"11 chick on tinder

Should I ask her if she wants to try and make some average height children?

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yes I want strong tall sons

>average height

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Nope. I’m 6’4” so any grill taller would be a monstrosity

5'11 here, was in the grocery store a couple weeks ago and walked past 3 college volleyball GIANTS, 2 white, 1 light skin black. I've never had a desire to be dominated before, but I really wanted to fuck the tallest one. This girl was fucking towering over me, at least 6'5" and thin. I think the feeling I was having was that I knew she had ZERO interest in someone who isn't at least near her height. She probably wouldn't even let Bieber fuck her ffs.

My fucking sides.
You speak the truth, though.

5’9” dating a 6’3” girl. Recently realized I haven’t fucked a girl shorter than me in 10 years.

They have parades which close off streets, what do you reckon

I'm 6'2 and and would never date a girl over 5'4
and even that is pushing it.
I cant stand long ass gangly ass limbs and big feet or hands.

I actually feel like really tall girl have confidence issues a lot of the time because they aren't as 'cute' and 'feminine' so they actually have lower standards. And if she only ever went for guys that are 6'6+ she'd never be getting laid.

5'7 isn't that tall, namefag

yes but they probably won't date me :(

6.1 here.
I would greatly. IF she had no orthopedic issues.

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Fuck yes. 6'0 here and have only dated girls shorter than me despite having a gigantic boner for girls my height. Last gf I thought I was gonna marry, so I gave up on my dream of fucking a tall qt, now I'm excited that I have the chance again.

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I deserve a Sabina gf.

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6'5" and would absolutely breed with that qt second from right

god yes

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I have.

5'7" with 5'10" 9/10.
Was great, made me look more alpha I think. In college I had several manlet lifting bros with taller GFs. Definitely dated more girls shorter than me in my lifetime though.

Sure, I don't see why.

i’m 5’10, and I dated a 6’1 girl for too long.... she constantly was upset that she was too tall and blah blah, never wore heels, was generally just very negative about it. dumped her and got with a 5’2 chick holy shit what an improvement
>falling for the tall girl meme

get a short chick

t. femlet



What? What is this "dating" thing? And are "girls" those things that do 500 reps of curls with 2-pound dumbbells in the squat rack?

>talking with oneitis
>she mentions her BFF
>her bff is 6'2 blonde chick
>my oneitis says something like "and you know, she is so tall and she dates 5'3 guy haha!"
>i smirk because all fit memes flash my head
>she laughs too
>tfw 6'2 myself but i cant get gf and manlet fucks 6'2 amazonian

If only she were real...

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>that star on left middle trap

is this jojo reference?

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5'11 here and I see girls about my height occasionally but rarely do I see ones who are obviously taller.

I did see a blonde only a few days ago who must've been about 6'1-6'2. She wasn't hideous but she wasn't attractive either, and her boyfriend was probably about 5'7. Just saying there are options out there for you shorter bros. I don't know what the men are like in that woman's family but if the dude knocks her up maybe he'll have some good sized kids.

yes, its my goal.

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In Chicago, all white girls are 5'10"+

If you want shorter you have to date mixed girls, asians or latinas. Not an issue as far as I'm concerned

what is this from?

Wouldn't really care if she didn't mind and was loyal. Have to ensure my offspring arent manlets

t. soyboy

Enjoy your 2ft niggress.

I’ve never seen a girl taller than me IRL. My ideal height for dating gals is 5’9-6’

Anything under is too little and anything above is too tall territory.

t. 6’2

Who is second from right?

I lived in Chicago for years. That is patently false. Average white chick is about 5'7.

fuck no, the shorter the better

tfw no tall amazon gf

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Sure. As long as she looks good.

5’10 is not 180cm

But I've only ever seen one girls thats taller than me. ell in love instantly. She has the most awful personality ever. Insecure as shit. Didn't last long
t. 6'5"

5'8 guy here, but pretty buff

I actually noticed that taller girls are EASIER to fuck
Most of them are really self-conscious and insecure, all they want is a guy to dominate them and not be afraid of them, height doesn't matter.

It got kinda weird one time, though, when I fucked this really tall chick. She was so long I couldn't reach her hair during doggystyle and had to settle for grabbing her waist

I like dating shorter girls because I get less "who the fuck do you think are" looks, but I want my children to be born from a tall amazon woman

Did you disclose your height on your profile or to her?

Well 6'2" girl would be a freak and I love freaks.

Above 5'10", the proportions start to get weird.

Yes but then she'd have to be 6'3" or taller.
A shame that literally all tall girls have mediocre chests.
Would rather have a titcow in the 5'6" to 5'10" range.

Nothing is more hotter than having a girl who is bigger than you to be completely submissive. Plus my children get height bonuses


would definitely go for a tall woman
only problem is if they are tall, their flaws get exaggerated because everything about them is bigger