Why is sugar evil now?

>anti inlamatory
>needed for the brain
>gives you energy and confidence

Attached: sugar.jpg (1500x1000, 341K)

Because you probably eat too much, fatty.

I'm 181 cm and 68 kg.

It’s not bad when its activated sugar

because fructose is a chronic poison

>anti inlamatory
Objectively wrong
>needed for the brain
Glucose can be obtained from any carbohydrate. You do require sugars
>gives you energy and confidence
Right before it spikes your insulin and makes your energy levels crash.

bad for fatties
lean chad masterrace can eat sugar all the time pic related

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (225x225, 5K)

>You do require sugars
You don't require sugars.

>bikes hundreds of kilometers a week
>also dyel

>anti inflammatory
nigga what

he's near tinytrip aesthetic level mode
also 3.6 bf% shredded af from near zero fat high sugar diet

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>needed for the brain
Your liver can also make 100% of your brains required glucose supply from fat in a peocess called neoglucogenesis.

Do you understand he roids for this? do you understand how unimpressive that is?

post body!

Attached: durianriderinterview3.jpg (274x184, 6K)

>eat sugar, get energy
>eat fat, stored as fat, starve to enter ketosis, get stinky breath, get 1/3 of the energy
i know what i'll pick

this guy roids? Seriously what the fuck

>the sugar industry is now resorting to shilling on a Norwegian fjord fishing forum

It's over. You faggots lost. People are finally waking up from their sugar comas.

I dislike doing this, but whatever. I'm into just being athletic myself, but the point of not being obsessed with acquiring size is that you don't need roids for simply looking shreded/athletic. But roiding for what he has just sounds like a bad deal to me.

Attached: Iguess.jpg (568x493, 53K)

>anti inlamatory (sic)
Lol ok

you see that piece of paper in the corner of the photo that's a timestamp!

Reverse google that shit, I aint getting up to get no piece of paper.

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The sugar is evil now because your off the shelf pasta sauce has almost as much sugar as a coke.

If your country does that, next time you shop go ahead and check the amount of sugar in every thing you put in your trolley. Where I live it's all printed on a label.

The top reason why fattys are fat is they are addicted to soda.

Can you guess what in the soda is making them fat?

That's usually protein to glucose though. But yeah true.

Thanks for thinking I'm aesthetic enough to be a prostitute I guess.

3.4 bf% drinking sprites daily

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