Overhead Pressing

curious about everyone's OHP here. push press doesn't count imo, but feel free to argue that. how much ya press?

Attached: stronk.jpg (230x300, 22K)

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btw, recently hit 200x1, went up faster than i anticipated

Nice. My PR is 210 and I did 205 Wednesday

pressed 165 at 160 lb

I maxed at about 160-180 at 2x5.
But that's after a two hour strength calisthenics thing I do MWF and actually having to clean it from the floor.

fuck yeah. I'm thisfag
and I weigh 215. ALMOST THERE

65 lbs gonna try 70 on Monday. I'm a dyel obviously but press is my favorite lift because it's just so badass

165 3x3, havent tried checking a 1rm

it really is. good luck on that man

25 kg 3x5 after 4 months(obv not counting the bar)
Is this so bad?

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My max is 155, but I haven't tested in months. Could probably hit 160 or 165.

50kilo 3 sets of 5

120 3x5 at 165

Almost at 1 plate, wish me luck boyos

you got this man

You should count the bar, dumbass. Or do you seriously think that 20 kg olympic bar is weightless?

mfw 175 at 185 lb

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>You should count the bar

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so you're pressing 45 kg 3x5? as mentioned, always count the bar. standard bar is 20 kilos usually. to answer your question, there's a few things that are unknown, like what weight did you start with & how's your form?

200 pounds at 200 pounds

Cutting for the last six months. 250->190. OHP went from the bar x5 to 135x5. Fucked my shoulder last week though, so I'm out for the next eight weeks.

exactly 1 pl8 for reps.

110 at 140, but im doing it 5x3, never tried my 1rm, i guess its around 120?

I will count it in the future
2.5 kg plates
My form is not bad although i struggle with the last rep i try to not use my legs or arch my back

Recovering shoulder injuries from martial arts. Still struggling to get back to 1pl8....... Almost there though......

fuck you

nice job

Same here man

70kg for 5 reps at 82.5kg (no legs). Been lifting for a few years.

Thanks mayne

Yeah only managed 200 3x7 on my way home after escaping prison in Congo having my left leg blown off and using uneven number of plates on each side

I only press 165 but I do strict press. That double layback shit like in the OP defeats the purpose to training it imo. Instead of doing standing bench, I'll just bench on a bench on bench day.

I think push press is a good supp if you want to train power or do OLY. It is also nice for supersetting your press after failure. I just want lmao2pl8 strict.

135x3. Bodyweight

1 plate :(

So you just press the one plate? No bar?

despite what everyone thinks, arching your back isn't gonna hurt you if you do it right. i myself do a layback press and it feels nothing like a bench press, don't know why people say that. but good job man, you've obviously made progress. you might just not have good genetics. who knows.

90kg. BW 85kg.

Attached: eeewqe.jpg (191x264, 11K)

Sorry for being a pathetic beginner.

I did 3x5x51 Kg (112lbs) yesterday after 12 weeks. I was stuck for 1 month on 44.... then i checked Alan Thrall and did 45/47/49/51 in 3 weeks.

How much leaning is considered push press?

205, and jerk 295.

Is shooting your hips forward considered cheating?

>tfw 83 pounds

Attached: image.png (500x181, 10K)

220 at 215 bw
that was 6 months ago and I still cant press lmao2pl8

ohp is 115x5 but my bench is 155x5, what gives

6’1 148 lbs

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45kg x 5, strict. Bw 68kg.
Weak shit, but progressing.

on my third week of gslp, finally reached 100 lbs on OHP

85kg 1 rep, and 77.5kg 3 reps

What's the best way of training and progressing on OHP? Sets of same weight, pyramid, reverse pyramid? I'm stuck in the 100 lbs purgatory.

Attached: doth thou even hoist.jpg (500x438, 55K)

175 standing ohp
i dont lift tho, its just from rock climbing

'leaning' is usually referred to as a dynamic or olympic press, push press is defined as using leg drive to help press the weight, which doesn't include shooting the hips forward. when it comes to overhead press there's strict, dynamic, and push press. i'm more concerned with the first two, personally.

to some people, yes, for some reason, but for this thread, no. olympic/dynamic press is still an overhead press.

Read the Bill Starr articles about OHP.

Do you push your head forward so that the bar is directly above you, or do you lean back?


refer to page 6, there's a picture that shows how it's done step by step.

Yeah that's how I do it, maybe with a bit less lean back though. I was just wondering how everyone else does it but I guess if you do it differently it would be considered improper form?

To add to this, check out the OP photo. Maybe that's mid-press though and he hasn't fully locked out yet.

Nah, step 3 used to set my spine on fire so I'm doing it way more strict than that. Though after I've started to do more back work the pain is gone, I think deadlifts and rows helped.

87.5kg 1rm.

anyone here clean their press? 70sbig has a video on it and I like the idea but I have trouble getting my hands in the right place to press after cleaning

5th week of phrak's gslp, nearly at 45kg 3x5, i'm 66 kg at 5'7

i've always wanted to but i can't clean worth shit. it's so badass though, i have a ton of respect for anyone who does it

deadlifts & rows would definitely help, glad you figured it out.

80 lbs 5x5. I've always had trouble going up but this is the highest i've ever gotten. Clenching my butt cheeks for the whole lift changed everything for me.

clench your quads too man. clench everything

Hmm, he recommends dips as a supportive movement for the press, and I've always neglected them.

Attached: i_am_n ot_very_smart.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

doing it more often

everyone complains about "wah my press wont go up" and then do like

The bridge is can be made to be press oriented.

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yeah, if i ever run the bridge i'll probably run it press oriented

>he fell for the don't count the bar meme

125 here at 148 pounds. imporving very quickly. want to get 155 in a few months

Thanks for the tip

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50kg 3x10

>tfw starting to have trouble with cleaning it

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>obv not counting the bar

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Press main + push press acessory is the way to go

135 for reps.

do you count the clips too retardo?

150 x 1

Oly bar locks in my gym are 5lbs each so...

140x5 @ 170

>Hmm, he recommends dips as a supportive movement for the press, and I've always neglected them.

Always push and pull in opposite directions. This is why bench pressing is meaningless.

Deadlift and pull ups.
Overhead press and dips.
Rows are not the antithesis of push ups / bench.

Like 75 lbs 5x5 and i already stalled once.
But only like 2 months lifting so who knows.

93 kg strict press @ 89 kg
but i'm cutting and it fucking sucks, 2pl8 is realistically going to be in 6-9 months

this guy knows what's up

yeah you've probably still got a lot in the tank. good luck man

>This is why bench pressing is meaningless.
What about incline/decline benching then?

Ummm no

>stuck at 135 on Texas method
>actually feels weaker every time I try it
>all other lifts are going up

Kill me lads

Becusse the Texas method is shit. You aren’t doing enough pressing volume

should you be on TM with a 135 press?

>I'm stuck in the 100 lbs purgatory.
No you're not, you're just not eating enough.
Unless you're a girl (female), in which case that's a pretty decent weight, pls b G E N E V E and sit on my face.

Anyone do the texas method here? Torn between doing the 3 day and swapping bench and press weekly, or the 4 day and training them both each week.
Any thoughts/recommendations lads?

30 at 115

do the 4 day. you'll need the volume ultimately it depends on the person, but i bet you'll make better progress by doing the 4 day split

I haven’t maxed out in awhile, but last time I did it was 185.

95 for 5 reps

Texas method is literally about volume

Same here.

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Tx method is shit, do the bridge

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>You should count the bar
fucking newfags

5x5 ohp one day and 1x5 ohp the other.

=30 reps of ohp

The bridge ran ohp oriented is roughly
60 or so reps of ohp and that’s not including the bench press volume.

I recently decided to make the strict press my main pressing movement. I only flat bench with dumbbells on volume days, and I'll do a heavy set of bench on intensity days just to make sure I still can. It's been going pretty good.

The main people who actually compete in over head pressing (strongmen and kind of oly lifters) compete almost entirely using push press or jerks (especially with oly lifters)
There's no real reason to discount the push press/jerk aside from if you're a starting strength autist, and in that case you have to reconcile that opinion with the fact that rippletits recommends you start every press with a hip thrust.