That 30 years old who thinks going to the gym will make him happy

>That 30 years old who thinks going to the gym will make him happy

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>>That 30 years old
stop being foreign on my fitness board

me but 26

>Giving a shit about how other people live their lives and pursue happiness

good one kiddo

I will when you stop squatting at my gym while giving a stare to the underage girls there fucking 30 years old creep
Set yourself

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>That guy with an inexplicable vendetta against 30 year olds

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w-what will make me happy and how do i obtain it?

What will make you happy is just NOT being


Why tho

>letting yourself go when you're only in your 30s

Fuck that. Dad bod mode isn't acceptable until late 40s.

are you telling me you don't ogle highschool girls

Dadbod isn’t acceptable at all faggot

>being under 30 and using your meme bro-splits to impress people because you don’t want them to know you work at Best Buy for $10/hr.

Make a big change, go somewhere else and perv out on the locals.

Because if you didnt make it before you will not make it later
Its cringe to see 30 years old people grunting
Going to the gym at 30 years old shows you have some pedo inclination
There are high chance you go to the gym to cope with mommy issues and youth traumas
You will make 0 gains because teslet
You are likely to roid and rape a child
You are bald so dont even bother
By the age of 30 you should have your own gym
High chances you live with your parents and should waste your money in your own home and not on a gym membership
You should focus on your career, your wife and your kids, not on putting things up and down

I can continue


Based 30 years old guy like i did mention of on

32 here. Wish I had the space for my own home gym. I want to get the fuck out of New York and apartment living.

wait, so, never try basically? kill yourself DYEL faggot

The funny thing is...this is 90% me many years ago.
Currently dating a 16yo now. lifes good

1/2/3/4 is OHP/bench/squat/deadlift, right?

>You should focus on your career, your wife and your kids, not on putting things up and down

Obviously bait but this is such a bizarre, shitty attitude to have. I want to stay fit and attractive for my wife and I want to be active and play sports with my kids. I see so many guys in their 30s just let themselves go and get a beer gut because they've gotten married and had kids. I don't want to become complacent like that.

>being allowed in a gym if you make under $75k a year

Why even live? Just kill yourself because no amount of muscle will change the fact that you’re a waste of space.

i agree with this unironically. poor people are annoying.

Most of these apply to all people
>You are bald
Well maybe you are the one balding at 18.

>be at the gym
>go straight to 30lb EZ Bar curls
>checking out some hottie
>she’s looking at me, obviously mirin’
>she starts walking this way
>bust out an extra set as she walks by
>she walks right past and starts talking to some 30 year old on the bench behind me
>dude is benching 195
>I bet I can outlift him, his chest isn’t even that big
>they leave
>get on bench, load up 225
>habe to barrel roll, whole gym saw, including the hottie
>30 year old is smirking
>run home as fast as I can, tears in my eyes
>log onto Jow Forums gold

There are some men who hit their prime in their 50s. Whether "prime" is determined by fitness, wealth, abundance, family, prestige, or social life.

It varies person to person.

>this isn't pasta
>someone actually typed this all out

>that guy who tries to force a meme

>tfw nearly 40 and still look better than 99 percent of Jow Forums
>tfw I would also beat your spotty little ass whilst your mom and sister standby mirin'

You guys have never been to Equinoxes in NYC. Downtown Equinox are full of 30-50 year old wall streeters that are alpha as fuck

>this level of projection
Did a 30 year old bang your oneitis?

>That guy who pretended to have a vendetta against 30 year olds while he actually is 30

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