>weight has been stalling recently
>seems like you are leanest you've ever been but still fat for fitness standards (former fat kid)
>summer is coming so your subconciousness tells you should be lean
>you won't go out anywhere where people could see your body (like every single year of your life)
>you want to start eating again and gain strength+size
I don't even know what to do anymore. Staying on deficit feels like im spinning my wheels but if ill stop now i will miss out getting even leaner and if i will keep the cut going i feel like im wasting my time while i could get bigger and stronger.
Fit feels general
big if true
I have gymming quite a lot recently and have put on a lot of muscle mass but I can't seem to cut. Mostly because I don't cut and have a bad diet. How do you do it lad?
Add 30 minutes of cardio at least 2 or 3 times a week, either on off days or after lifting. Don't change anything else.
Just expend some energy, fat faggot. You can make it. And it's good for your heart and lungs.
>I can't seem to cut
>Mostly because I don't cut
>Add 30 minutes of cardio at least 2 or 3 times a week
im lifting 5 times a week, doing 30 minutes of cardio after every session
>fat faggot
to make things clear, im not fat as in fat. I've got veins on my shoulders, chest, teardrops and some are showing now on my core but my stomach is not flat
Hrm. Well, a couple of things could be happening.
How's your diet? Abs are made in the kitchen. Maybe you need a bit more caloric deficit, or you need to tweak your macros.
Maybe you're building a lot of muscle mass, so bodyfat is going down but weight is going up anyway. Noobgains?
Good for you for doing cardio, too. So many people here seem anti-cardio, which I find stupid as fuck. Maybe you could add an hour of low-impact cardio on one of your off days?
>Maybe you need a bit more caloric deficit
im already at 1800
the point is that i don't know if i should stop the cut because there is no need to get leaner anyway because nobody will see me shirtless. On the other hand i could reach new bf% pr if i keep going. On the third hand i was close to benching x2 bodyweight and i would like to hit that goal this year.
1800 is probably low enough.
You need to choose a goal. You listed two:
>reach new low bf%
>bench 2x bodyweight
So choose one and go for it. Then do the other one once you've done it. But you have to choose.
I'm starting to think that I'm a non-responder. nothing I do works. not increasing calories, doing SS or getting enough sleep. all that happens is my lifts remain the same and I get injured. Fuck if these are my genetics I'm checking out permanently. I ain't being skinny forever
>calories consumed daily
3500 gaining fat
Get on a protein sparing modified fast. Finish this off in 2-3 weeks
you probably don't need that much of a surplus, if you are gaining like a pound a week dial it back to half a pound a week
it's very possible you just have shit genetics for weight training, nobody wants to consider that possibility but it's a fact that some people just barely respond or even do not respond at all to training
if you've really done all you can and your programming and diet is in check and you're trying really hard and just nothing comes of it, it's ok, just find something else you enjoy that's physical and do that
maybe climb or do BJJ or something idk
I want to believe
nigga if he's got poor genetics for lifting what makes you think climbing is gonna go any better for him
unless you are naturally good at swinging your weight around and/or you autistically drill technique every waking moment you'll never get good at climbing
case in point: I've been at this shit for almost a year and I've already been surpassed by everyone who started around the same time I did because I'm incapable of gaining weight and therefore strength
i dont know what to do
>a girl breaks up with her abusive boyfriend
>talk to the girl and lose virginity to her
>agree that we are fuckbuddies
>the girl is still talking to her ex
>i dont want to lose a fuckbuddy but I also dont want to go in her personal stuff(her problems, we jus fuck)
I dont get it, the guy is an alcoholic, he beats her and he fucked other girls with her knowing it, and she still wants him (they are metalheads btw)
I have a greek body and a fucking metalhead surpases me...
does he have a better face than you?
does he have higher social status than you?
>Be me
>Broke up with gf of 3 years like two months ago, I didn't love her anymore
>Fall for qt coworker
>So happy at the begging
>We can't express too much affection at work, because it's work
>Last weekend she gave me some reason/excuses so I couldn't see her
> mmmm ok
>ff this weekend, today more excuses, I couldn't see her, tomorrow probably I won't either
>today I bought a whole fucking cake a pack of cigs, justfuckmyshitup.jpeg
>At work she looks like happy with me, not a single sign of she wanted to dump me
>She is sending so many contradictory signs, she looks like having the time of her life being with me at work, but then on the weekend make up excuses to avoid me
>Why the fuck she does this
>What the fuck is wrong with girls
>I'm so fucking alone, no fucking friends or family where I live, the only person I know here is this girl I used to bang, picked her up today, brought her home talked for like an hour or two, but didn't feel like doing her, not sure if because I don't feel attracted to her or because I don't want to cheat on this girl I'm dating
>I'm so fucking depressed right now, and because I'm, all the bullshit that is going on with my life comes to me, it's too early for go to sleep, I need to deal with this feels somehow
>Ironically Jow Forums is the only thing that keeps me going
I'm gonna end it Jow Forums
all of my workouts this last week have been complete shit. I just dont have the energy or motivation i did a while ago
>be 29
>realize you fucked up your whole life by not being fit and allowing yourself to be skinny fat
>start working out intensively
>become obsessed
>want both to get bigger and stronger but also lose body fat for aesthetics
>spend 4 months in a purgatory noncommitted middle ground where you're not eating enough to gain weight to not lose the abs you dont have but also not eating at a deficit because you do want to build muscle
>realize you just wasted even more time
Just kill me. Im already almost 30. Its ogre for me.
>1st dentist visit ever at 20
>no problems whatsoever, just needed cleaning
>2nd dentist visit at 26 because poorfag and didn't have any pain
>4+ cavities that require fillings
My functional teeth were one of the few things I had going for me. Now I have even less. If my hair goes I'm fucking finished.
Flossing really isn't a meme.
I think you’re retarded
It isn't over until you're dead.
I’m fucking serious I need help
r9k incoming
Unironically ask the girl you’re dating what her deal is. If you have a problem, make steps towards solving it, even if they’re baby steps.
I'm going to definitely on Monday at work, not tonight, I will look very pathetic doing that by phone. This will be the second weekend she does this, if next she do it again, it's over I have some dignity left. But tonight I need to find a way to stop the feels
Then quit being stupid and trying to do two things simultaneously that cancel each other out, faggot. Pick one for a year and go.
Chill the fuck out, faggot. Perhaps she doesn't want to be around somebody who is miserable. Take the time to do something that makes you happy and relish in the fact that she hasn't dumped your ass yet and you may still be able to salvage it.
This one kind of make sense, thanks user.
There is nothing on the other side. Just void.
women are naturally manipulative two-faced. They can easily act all sweet and kind and do the complete opposite behind someones back. You might be right that she has lost interest or something but is keeping up face at work.
That attracts some of us. Better a void than the pain that is life.
Always judge a woman by her actions. Outside of work she doesn't want anything to do with you, so she doesn't want anything to do with you. She's most likely trying to keep the peace at work. One of my exes and I used to work together and that's exactly what she did.
My body feels heavy and I have no strength, I feel hollow. Both inside and out. Even breathing is exhausting. What do I do?
OK anons thanks for reply, on Monday I will know for sure what's going on, I will be here around 9:00 pm EST reporting with the bullets picture what really is going
And remember my brother, no woman is worth killing yourself for. The guy my ex left me for got a job where we worked shortly after she left me so I had to endure them being insufferable. I was forced to watch as he got all of the kindness and warmth I tried so hard for but never got. Every time I worked one of them was there six days a week. No lie I thought about suicide and self harm all day every day for a little over a year. Even dreamt about it. Thought about killing them too. But I didn't, and now that I'm away from them I'm doing better with no suicidal or homicidal thoughts for about a week now. Don't you act a damn fool because you hurt. It'll pass, and you'll have learned a lesson from it and you will be much stronger than before. I believe in you.
Don't worry user, I'm not going to kill myself, I gotta make it. I know it's painful, I have been dumped and I have dumped multiple of times, I know how to deal with it, what piss me off is the contradictional signals. I was joking with the bullets, I do own firearms, because I hunt and I go to the range frequently, I'm not a psycho.
We all are gonna make it.
>tfw no gf
I'm so lonely, it's starting to get really painful.
>Haven't gone out for months
>Old friends excluding me
>Haven't seen them in months
>Nobody loves me or has ever loved me in my 19 years on earth
>Ugly face, still about 10kg overweight (making progress)
>Overloaded with uni work, can't relax
I just wake up, push myself through my daily routine and then sit in bed wondering why I'm even alive while I try to fall asleep.
I don't feel anything anymore, just a bored melancholy. My life is meaningless and I'm totally alone.
>lifting every day
>still no gf
>still no bf
First step is to find a hobby you enjoy outside of lifting, user. Even if you don’t have any interest, trying different things will eventually lead you to something that is fulfilling and worth your time.
op here
just woke up and my weight didn't even budge despite having an extra 1000 cals of deficit this week. I guess it's time to eat
>finally following a program, making good gains, eating well, no sugar, no carbs
>Wisdom teeth erupt out of face at 27 year old, crippling pain
> Endure first one and recover
>Second one arrives with vengeance
> Live as ex pat in shit country, four hundred dollars for extraction
> Can't eat execpt for ice cream
>Tired and fucked up, advised no excercise
>Fuck this.jpg
>Day 5 of no fap.
>Find out the girl I am talking to could possibly have a bf.
>Don't know when's the next time I am going to have sex.
>thinking about asking this cute little blonde out after Easter Service tomorrow
Im taking a stretch here guys, I can't tell if shes really into me or if shes just really friendly
>be sad lonely faggot
>never had gf, been kissed, lost virginity ect.
>lift heaps in hopes of making it one day
>april 1 2018
>team peanut butter
>happy feels man
1000 cals is about one third of a pound of fat. It's nothing. Drink a glass of water and you gain that weight.
3500 cals deficit a week is one pound a week. Try that. 500 cal deficit a day.