Two days vegan AMA

Two days vegan AMA

Attached: Day2.jpg (1080x1240, 126K)

fuq me

but still a negro

Why wont you eat meat?

are you tracking your vitamins and minerals?


I want to live till 2100

of course

how many and which supplements do you take?
are you raw vegan or do you cook foods?
grains or no grains?
high carb vegan or fats included?

algae oil/DHA and B12

macro split of 20p/50c/30f

I eat cooked food in the evening and keep it mostly raw in the morning

been eating quinoa for vegan feels

no vitamin D supplement?
looked into creatine/vitamin A supplementation? vegans usually have lower levels of those because the biosynthesis isnt that efficient
why not oats instead of quinoa? cheaper and
better macros, also easier to cook and dont have to be shipped in from Peru

I would recomment getting a iron and zinc supplement.

I get a lot of carotenoids so I should be fine for vit A.

I have some creatine lying around but I probs won't take it unless my lifts go down

I'm hitting my micro targets for iron and zinc easily. I don't want any heme iron so I can't see a reason to supplement it

>vitamin A supplementation
dawg, carrots
>iron supplement
why? you can easily get 400-600% of your RDI for iron

Do you count your macros? (this is a tip expecially ooking for the protons)

/fellow vegan

Is that you op?

you need jesus, you have fallen into the occult

carrots contain a grand total of 0 vit a

Haha you look like a SPIRITUALITY LMAO thot.
That said enjoy all that yoga pussy.

What is the point of living to 100 if you have to sacrifice one of the great pleasures of being a human? If I had to live on quinoa and kale for the rest of my life I would just put a bullet in my head right now.

you sound like a pussy


Yet another person that think vegans eat only those strange foods. Nigga we have burgers, pizza, ice cream, literally anything you can think of, but vegan

and they are all garbage in comparison to the real thing. Just eat meat in moderation like everything else in life. And if you wanna be a moralfag, just buy from your local farms and you can see the conditions the animals live in for yourself.

Pretty much all centenarian diets have meat/animal protein in there (fish being the most optimal).

Till 9 O clock?

They arent though. They taste the exact same and have similar macros. Stop hating them just because of the fact theyre labelled vegan and give them a shot

My dad is vegan so I have tried everything under the sun. By all means, they are still good but it's pretty easy to tell the difference and often not worth the price difference.

What's the point of living long when your life and consciousness have no intrinsic value?

To each his own. I gotta admit it, it really depends on the brand, some are really good while others are shit

how did you manage to wait two days before telling somebody?

Getting to the time of year when most of the US doesn't need a vitamin D supplement.
In my city, the sun is gonna break 50 degrees from the horizon on Apr 2nd. Planning to spend ten minutes in the direct sun then. Supposed to be 34 degrees, so I figure it'll be a bit chilly, but not horrible.