be a midget

> be a midget
> don't work out and be laughed at for being small and weak
> work out and be laughed at for overcompensating

There's literally no way short people can be helped.

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cool mustache though

or is that overcompensating?

actually, that's kinda badass, a ripped midget kek

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>totally different stance/posture
>looks like she just lost a little weight

I'm not even trying to say squats don't help but when you're dishonest like this, it hurts your cause.

Theres a guy in my gym whos like 5'4 but way wider then me. Seems like an ok dude.

too bad it takes a big dick to wear a big mustache in the first place


>looks like she just lost a little weight
It looks nothing like that.

Dwarves get shit on by everyone, don't really get the hatred but people are pretty vicious towards them

Nobody bullies midgets, everyone knows its completely pointless like bullying someone with down syndrome.

5'4 here. I have retreated to the mountains to lift in solitude

same height

just try to dont give a fuck about that dude

>midget working out = fucking awesome
>manlet working out = overcompensating

livin tha dream.

Damn, Mario looks like THAT?

life goals, i plan on buying an isolated bunker in northern Norway and live my life as a hermit, lifting, reading and meditating amidst the woods

You probably have to go all in, there's no point trying to blend in and try to look normal

get swole, get lots of tattoos, have a big ass beard and a bunch of piercings

>be midget
>get swole
>become an actor

you can probably carve yourself out a niche as a little buff dude

>t. peter dinklage

>All the faggots wanting to go hermit mode and acting like they'll somehow undergo mental transformations


Miget dicks are fucking huge!

I am considering moving to Asia.

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you could always move literally anywhere else than america where this height meme isnt relevant tho

it's so that people don't think he's a child.

implying dinkelberry wants competition

I have a friend who is 160cm tall, he's the toughest motherfucker I know and everyone respects him, those who don't quickly learn to.

Why don't all of you manlets get together and become mountain people?
A society of manlets and womenlets. It would be adorable. You could all focus on fitness and art.

peru already exists retard, there is no niche left for the little guys

I am 5'10" and my gf is literally 5'0" what are the odds my son is at least as tall as me. Is anyone here as tall as their father is even with a tiny mom?

Your son is going to be short as fuck and a mommas boy

Life's short and hard, like a bodybuilding elf
-bloodhound gang

I have roughly 100x times the respect for people who workout vs people who don't. Mad props little man, you made it.

if your gf has tall brothers then she will give you tall sons. If not, no.

Its not relevant here though. At least not outside of the internet or vapid clubbing scenes.

keemstar really put it up on bet that nigga dick shlurpped

God damn it

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My dad's 5,11 mums 5,0 and I'm just shy of 6,1 my mum didn't drink at all while I was in the womb so I'm sure that helped.

this gives me hope