What did you have for breakfast today, Jow Forums?

What did you have for breakfast today, Jow Forums?

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breakfast was created by cereal manufacturers to sell cheap grain products. they also influenced the creation of the shitty food pyramid that suggests most of your food should be carbs. you should not eat breakfast.
>keto+omad masterrace

spaghetti and coffee

I had 3 eggs with chopped green onions, carrots, sunflower oil, and butter
an apple with a ridiculous amount of peanut butter for each bite
a plain bagel with cream cheese

it's cutting season retard

cutting season starts on may retard

Coffee and vitamin gummies. Don't feel too hungry, though I plan to lift then have a cliff bar

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>tfw skelly
>perpetually bulking until I'm not spooky anymore
OP, btw

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1 whole onion
12 garlic cloves

What are the words you're forbidden to say,Jow Forums?

Breakfast was invented by Muslims
Read the word again

People were eating breakfast before Kellogs mate

>he doesn't use spring break as the timer for his summer cut
>dyel virgin

Soy milk
Whey scoop
2 banane
2 Pbutter

3/4 cup of oats and 6 eggs

This, you should be cutting to get rid of excess weight gained over winter and to not look like a flabby fuck

I'm on the verge of reaching 1/2/3/4. I'm lean bulking until I reach that then cutting nibba

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Went out to eat and this was the most Jow Forums meal on the menu. Bison huevos rancheros. Around 800cals, 65g of protein, 45g of fat, and only 15gs of carbs. Shit was kinda pricey though but my sugar mamma milf client paid.

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I do what i always do, a big bowl of oatmeal mixed with milk, 3 eggs and a big cup of black coffe. I love it

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>woke up at 2pm
>uni fag
>dining halls close for lunch at 2
>no food other than the backup shit I have in my dorm
My breakfast was two poptarts, a quart of whole milk with a scoop of whey, and a banana.
I'm never gonna make it if I keep this shit up. I'm going to start setting an alarm on weekends too; this is fuckin ridiculous

5 eggs, oats, peanut butter sandwich, milk

I used to see a mild type (older but no kids) and we always went for fancy brunches desu

Glad I have qt3.14 fiancee with 10/10 personality now but I like to reminisce about the old days

Sandwiches with Skagenröra and nutella, and a bowl of yoghurt


enjoy cancer

>Eating when you woke up was invented by Muslims.
How dense are you?

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doing keto and had eggs with pork roll, also some coffe and almond butter

thats it

2 fried eggs + hot sauce
a kiwi

A shmorgosboard of sups and black coffee

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why is it that naturals who eat like this usually are small as shit and can't lift for shit? Also it's cutting season

The tears of my enemies.
I cried into a cup and drank it.

rockstar pure zero punch, jj gargantuan with xtra bacon, jimmy bbq chips, a pickle, and a diet coke.

unironically trying to lose weight with OMAD, total calorie count is ~1600. bulli pls.

Bacon and eggs plus a cup of half black coffe half milk.


>processed meat
>white bread

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Not a uni nigger but just left college and working full time in a kitchen 40-50 hours a week consistently getting home at 2am in the morning. Keep waking up late and I can't find the time to eat anymore. I can't fucking take it.

not OP but, breakfast comes from the Arab/Muslim practice of Sahoor, which is eating before the sun rises in order to consume before the fast until sundown. However, the modern practice of eating immediately after waking up is a newer concept. Both of you are correct.