If PPLx2 is bad, then what is good?

If PPLx2 is bad, then what is good?

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PPx6 Lx1



px7 * Lx0 * ppx9 / (curls^2) = cardio (0)

Who says it's bad? You mean something like PPLPPLx?

who the hell says PPL is bad? I've heard nothing but praise for it.

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absolutely no reason to put on a wing that size on an s14

Just be happy that it isn't stanced or wrapped around a tree like the majority of s-chassis cars

5-6 day brosplit pick a body part and destroy it, 5 sets per exercise, high reps to start working up in weight and dropping reps. Throw in some super sets and drop sets and finish with some brutal pump chasing, high reps 7 or so sets 30 second rest times

PPL is a great program. /Routines general/ now?

I was thinking of trying something /PLG/ inspired, like OHP/DL/x/BP/SQ/xx and accessories after each main lift. 4days a week

I guess it would be like a powerlifter geared U/L program. Thoughts?

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Man, I wish I didn't sell my S14.

It’s just there to look cool, not for function

It wants to be an Evo

so basically fullbody erry day?

PPL twice a week is fine as long as you’re doing 15ish sets a day. Two compounds and an accessory for the small muscles is how I do it.

My workout

this but my workout

bitch get off my car


p-pls respond

Leave it to BC fucks to go with generic wheel setup and add a retarded spoiler because "muh cars heritage"

Car probably came from Japan with the wing on it. I think it's an optional Nismo spoiler so at least it's OEM

It looks like a Hasemi spoiler. Like it looks massive.
One issue I had with owning a Kouki I'm BC was how many other Kouki owners would put god awful shit just for the sake of it being a rare part.
Thank God my old one was unmolested aside from the mandatory TE37s which were easy af to trade.

If you fuck it up slightly say goodbye to all your gains.

follow your dreams user

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ss + read the book x F