Just lift bro girls will love it

>just lift bro girls will love it

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>lifting for meatholes

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damn second from the left is ugly as fuck

It helps not being ugly as well.

They all look good besides the wide hip guy

>ill show them
>they'll never friend zone me again

How the hell do you get so ripped and still have the face of a 12 year old?

Fuckin retards have no clue what to do with their facial aesthetics. This just shows lifting doesn't cure autism

why be ugly and fat when you can just be ugly, that's why i lift

can't fix genetics

>just grow a beard, it'll fix everything!

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I'm pretty sure these guys can at least get ok looking girls occasionally. I'm sure they do much better socially than if they just gave up and let themselves turn into fat greaseballs or be skinny pathetic nerds.

I applaud them for making the best out of the shitty hand that life dealt them.

it'd be a fucking start for a lot of these men, I mean really.

I can not get over their fucked up proportions. It's not even routine it's genetics.
I wonder if the parents are uglies or if it was fluke.
Like a grandparent knocked up an uggo and the genetics waited to resurface.

They don't have beard genetics
Notice how most of them don't even have a shadow?

Now imagine them being fat. Which gives them a better chance?

>implying it hasn't improved their lives immeasurably

I don't see anything wrong with the guy in the top right corner?

at least with top left and top center, they look creepy at the low BF. If they gained a bit of fat they'd look better.

at least they're not fat

You're right, usually the beautiful beard genetics come along with the normal beautiful genetics.

he's not attractive

>just go talk to them they'll love it

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hahahahaha no it fucking won't. this is the epitome of coping.

I'm not even baiting. you're delusional.

this idiot would look less terrible if he got better glasses/contacts and did something with his hair... a fucking bowl cut lmao

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I'm not ugly, but a beautiful luscious beard is still prettier to look at than butt ugly proportions. Why is everyone accusing everyone of coping, some of us are actually secure and happy and come here to have fun, lol

What's your point? They would look objectively worse if they weren't ripped.
Every single one of these guys would mog you at the beach

If these fucks pinned test and hgh they would make jawline and face gains
Although hiplord would have a torso wider than his shoulders

Agreed. Decent cheek bones and lower third. Wide set eyes. That hair and nose are atrocious though. He looks like a muppet.

Top left should have just become a trap

My they can easily get a 5-6 /10


I'm sure it helps them in life quite a bit. Would it be better if they had 5/10 faces AND dad bods?

>mfw no gf

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I mean they could have a bad body as well...
They could probably go to a stylist and do something with their hair and facial hair to get a bit better too.

But I see what you mean OP. I'm ugly as well and I don't think girls will love me if I get swole like these guys.

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My husbando

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She looks like the poor man's ana de armas

>neckpill strikes again

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>Why is everyone accusing everyone of coping
This board is overrun with insecure beta faggots that think making fun of other people makes them alpha because they have no idea how to interact with other human beings.

Don't give up, no matter what they say.

Imagine being able to grow something like that on your face. Wow
