
>browse Jow Forums
>like 20 different threads about social gains and women

Jesus fuck. Let's discuss something relevant.

Looking to increase my squat. Share how you increased your squat with accessory work, programming, etc

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That's a lot of squats. I'm going to read into this

5/3/1 with 5x5 FSL and 3x5@80%TM on deadlift day brought my squat from 350x3 to 405x5 in four months. Your mileage may vary.

>Do not deadlift


5/3/1 is sub optimal.

That sounds feasible. Thanks user

What is optimal then.

drop sets til failure.

Sounds dangerous. I see how it could be effective though

Just started squats, basically lmao1pl8. Should I micro load with 5lb plates more every session or just try adding 10kg every two weeks?

Add 2.5kg per workout you mong.

wtf is this question.

Start reading up on basic stuff by yourself so you get the general knowledge or you're gona injure yourself you retard

fit looks largery dead to me. it used to one of the more active boards, now it's mostly 30 guys circle jerking in same threads day to day basis

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>5lb plates
user microloading is using plates under 2.5lbs each, usually 1.25lbs

Thanks for your contribution

Yeah BUDDY squats all day errday oats nigga

OP here.

This guy gets it.

I made this thread because I'm not getting as much volume in squats compared to the other compounds

Starting Strength Linear Progression. When it fails jump to Texas Method.

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OP again. Not a beginner. Squats are my only shit lift, objectively

I guess I could take the squat programming from TM and force it into my schedule

I was a major curl bro for about a year and barely trained legs. My upper body numbers is okay, and in late january I decided to bite the bullet and start a actually training my legs seriously so I hopped on canditos control program. I always hit my macros, and I've gained about 0.5 kgs every week. Here's the thing though: my squat is already stalling at fucking 75 kg x 6. Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on? I should be seeing newbie gains, but I'm not. I probably dont have the best genetics, but I've hit a 2 pl8 bench so I cant be a 100% lost cause. Pls halp, I'm really trying to correct my wrongs here

Nice blog post m8

>normally I squat with 130 kg
>today I couldn't even manage to squat 120 kg for one rep

Bad days aren't a meme and squats suffer the most from them.

This so fucking much.

Usually I can do damage control with high volume and accessory work

Start doing widowmakers, it’s ok to do them on machines if your gassed. Massive strength, size and mental gains for me. Besides that squat regularly, do high volume assistance and do more for your hamstrings than just deadlifting.

Depends on how you've already trained and where you are.

If you've never done linear progression, or haven't gone heavy in a while, just do SS and then TM. If you trained before, it shouldn't take too long to get up to weights that are near your max.

TM is basically weekly progression, you can alter it to bi-weekly. After that you start doing a monthly cycle like 5/3/1. And after that becomes unreliable, start looking into adnavanced stuff like smolov

>Starting Strength
>not Greyskull LP

lmao, literal brainlet

Attached: "5'11'' isn't small, bro".gif (480x362, 1.67M)


Slightly better

Post a video of your squat.

You've probably got massive technique deficiencies. Post a vid in /plg/ so we can laugh at you then provide advice.

You increase your squat by squatting.
not rocket science bro

Prob a form issue please post a vid

train legs twice a week, one day with higher intensity than the other. do front squats on the lower intensity day. front squats have better quad activation = bigger quads = better squats.

Fuck off non-lifting LARPer

That's literally false.

OP here. Can't be arsed for a tripfag.

Isn't that just repping squats x20? I do this with front squats

Trying to program so it doesn't interfere with scheduling of my other lifts. Smolov is great, just excessive

Literally everything in this post is an example of the cancer in this board

I'm literally just trying to help.

Attached: VID_20180319_162441_2.webm (640x360, 2.64M)

How. How do people get this low? I can't get that low with 1 plate let alone with 5. And I need a wide stance

>5x10 squats yesterday
>DOMS in adductors, glutes, hamstrings
>nothing in quads


Most of world class squatters only squat once a week. It's genetics in which lifts you are superior than others.

Much appreciated

I guess I should provide more detail as far as where my lifts are.

DL 5.5pl8, squat 3pl8. DL going up, lots of volume and accessory work. I've only been doing atg pause squats, no accessories, 5x5, and it stalled.

So I guess I need more volume and possibly accessories. It sucks that squats are so fucking boring though.


The reason I'm squatting wide, but high bar is because I'm going for a "hybrid squat". Candito recommends it for stretch reflex at paralell even though you squat high bar

>from 350x3 to 405x5 in four months

fucking talentchads

Well Candito is also built to absolutely destroy squats regardless of his style. I see: A) you're not going deep enough (because you have) B) a lot of forward knee travel and C) a pretty fucking easy set, like an easy ten reps left in the tank.

Consider losing the shoes, open up your hips and drop down/back. Keep your balance over mid food and if you don't know what that means, next time you're warming up do it standing on the smallest plates with your toes and heels hanging off the ends.

If you're "stalled" and this is a work set, throw some fucking weight on the bar, that was way too easy.

Thanks for the advice, much appriciated. This is not a work set however, just filmed for form check. On my work sets I 100% dont have a single rep left in the tank.

By dropping down/back, should I actually initiate the squat with breaking at the hips instead?

As for depth, I get major butt wink at anything below paralell, so that's the reason I chose this particular squat-style.

I'll be sure to try the plate-trick next time I squat

not that other guy but you should post a working set for a form check

we need to see how your form breaks on high effort sets

squatting everyday made my squat shoot up

Buttwink is you over extending your lower back usually. Check this video out, watch the whole thing, stop it when he goes over a cue and practice it yourself. Grab a broomstick and get to it.

If you want to do HB over LB just substitute sit down for sit back and focus more directly on keeping your t-spine extended instead of pulling with your lats. Still, he gives pretty universal cues and you should probably just do them all exactly like he says at first to figure it out.

Did for me too but then it gave me gnarly tendinitis.

I put more weight on the bar.

Then I did it again.

You could just have good proportions to deadlift and bad ones to squat. That's what it sounds like to me. What's your bench?


lmaoooo this video.


Makes sense, dont have a video of that right now unfortunately.

You forgot to post linky

this is a strong possibility, leverages have a huge impact on the distribution of your total and your relative strengths and weaknesses

i was barely over 315 squat when i hit 500 deadlift, and i was benching 205 at the time (and overhead pressing 165)


>385 high bar atg
Tendonitis in knees

Feels bad

Hatch Squat program. It's been fucking me up, and leg gains have been made

>On my work sets I 100% dont have a single rep left in the tank.

Not necessarily a good thing. You're accumulating a lot of fatigue for very little gain. Stopping a couple of reps before exhaustion is almost always a superior strategy.

I may switch to this.
I've been doing 5/3/1 FSL with front squats. Then the same 3x5 on deadlift day.

...I get your point but I hate blaming something outside of my control for deficiencies in my progress. I rather just be a weak cunt than be built like a weak cunt, if that makes sense.

I bench above 3pl8. I don't max out on any compounds except deadlift

It might be, it might be a fundamental issue or form problem. Record yourself, watch it and see if there's any glaring weaknesses. If there isn't you just need to squat more.

I only do zerchers so I don't have first hand knowledge about this, but I've heard a lot that doing good mornings will increase your back squat by a lot. Aside from that all I know would be the standard band increase. I guess putting on a heavy weight and just walking out with it and holding it would be beneficial too

I definitely need to squat more, I only squat one day a week. It's the most boring compound, I swear.

With the other lifts I can throw all kinds of accessories and rep schemes to burn out and make progress... Haven't found the same with squats. I'll keep working on it. Maybe add GHR, BB leg press, hip extensions, calf raises, etc

I was thinking good mornings as well, I just don't have good ham flexibility

that's a major major problem

doing a technical lift once a week is a terrible idea and you should stop doing it, try 2-3x

I agree with you. It's just so.




Hence the thread.

I'll increase the frequency for sure and add accessories. Hopefully it'll spark up.

What do you define as a technical lift? I only deadlift once a week. That hasn't been an issue for me.

This. I do the actual compound once a week and accessories throughout the week, 3-4x

conventional deadlift is not very technical so you can do that, still better to do some type of pull at least twice a week though

>How to increase squat
>don't do the program with more squat volume

I guess I should have named the thread

"How to get through a squat workout without falling asleep"

You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
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STFU discordshill

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God damn.

I never made a thread popular enough for shitty discord advertising

here's an idea

if you hate the exercise so much, why the fuck are you doing it? are you planning on competing in powerlifting?

if not, what's to stop you from replacing back squats with another variation of squats that you might enjoy better and then actually do with some intent and try hard on? maybe try front squats?

I do front squats already, but I see your point.

It's because I had noob gains and a good programming mindset. I guess the spark just went away.

Just trying to break a plateau, user. And trying to make it interesting so I can maintain that progress.

>Or just watch Clarence squat 300kg and be motivated for another 6 months

This is also a possibility

Many programs are just templates for progressions. If you want to use SS,TM,5/3/1 for just your squat, you'll be fine.

You're squat should probably be higher with a DL like that. I reduce the volume/frequency of DL to focus on squats.

Stop doing ATG pause squats. That's more of an accessory lift that is ineffective in building strength. Stop at parallel, don't pause, and follow a progression like SS/TM. You'll make gains.

I have a history of knee issues from those types of squats. I use pauses to alleviate the pressure.

>Many programs are just templates for progressions

Smh 8 months of lifting and I haven't realized this. Thanks user

Why do all the popular beginner routines have squats 3x per week? I don't want to squat 3x per week.

I get pain in my hip whenever I skwat. Anyone experienced the same or now of any remedies?

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Legs require more volume because they are a bigger muscle. Most people don’t squat at all in life so training it frequently helps ingrain the pattern fast. Beginner programs are designed to make you stronger as fast as possible, if you can add weight 3x a week over 2x a week then you’d do it because it would be faster.

Just drop a squat day if you want, it just means that you’d be taking the longer road to a given weight.

You're right, it should be higher. A previous user said I might have bad proportions for squatting, but I hope it's just a programming inefficiency. Previously I only squatted once a week, so I'll change up my routine and throw some accessories in as well.

>Legs require more volume because they are a bigger muscle.

it works the exact opposite way of this

smaller muscles tend to be more fatigue resistant and recover quicker, and therefore can handle higher volumes and greater frequencies

it's why Sheiko templates for elite powerlifters have like 4 days of benching vs. 2 days of squatting, and 2 days of deadlifting (one of which is usually pretty light)

...God damnit. I can never get a straight answer from Jow Forums


go here, compare the number of sets for an average person's MRV for quadriceps and hamstrings and lower back vs. biceps or triceps or even chest

pretty obvious trend for smaller muscles to be able to take more of a beating

Thanks for the link user

like the anterior pelvic area? Not an expert at all, but I was experiencing the same thing too. My smart fitness friend recommended stretching out them there muscles friendo.

Friendly reminder that if you don't go ass to grass, you are doing it wrong

Attached: atg.jpg (600x429, 42K)

now put a barbell on top of his back with 405 on it, see what happens to his lumbar spine

unless you can go ATG without buttwink, you should not go ATG because you can and you will fuck yourself up very badly

been working out for 2 years and after enough bullying from Jow Forums did squats first time today 5x5 for 1pl8lmao. haven't sweat or felt this sore since i started lifting. feels great man gonna do it twice a week


Thanks for your contribution