Give my one reason to lift for aesthetics, hard mode you can’t use the following

Give my one reason to lift for aesthetics, hard mode you can’t use the following.

Vanity muscle only attract whores feel good
What are you a estroman?
Aesthetics are not necessarily associated with health

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To be strong for those who are too weak.

to inspire others to strive for excellence, so we may all benefit from being excellent to each other in a strong society

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Aesthetics training won’t get you strong

What are the reasons to lift for strength?

give me reasons without giving me legitimate reasons that I'll just handwave away because I don't like them

to feel good

so u don't go bald

Aesthetics training won’t get you strongg

Damn, Chloe Grace Moretz looks like THAT?

Makes manual labor easier
Stress is easier to deal with
Increase bone density
Increased ability to build endurance
Decreases health risk

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So I can do picture related

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This guy is disgusting

Ok you pass

You'll still gain a strength base, and if you keep at it for a few years you'll probably be stronger than 95% of people anyway.

this makes it better as why not look good when you can still be decently strong.

>A few years to gain strength above 95% of people


It's the nipples, isn't it?

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So you're saying you can't be both strong AND aesthetic?

I'd say that's true in real life. Obviously not on bodybuilding/fitness forums where everyone lifts, but irl the majority of people have never touched a weight let alone consistently trained/dieted over a few years - so you'll be stronger than 19/20 people you walk by on the street - if that puts it into perspective.
Also, aesthetic people are still decently strong. Being able to deadlift 180kg vs being able to deadlift 300kg doesn't make much of a difference functionally, as everything you'll have to lift will likely weigh a lot less than that

I’m saying aesthetics fags should care about getting strong


I’m liking because you think it takes years to get stronger than the average person


And strongfags should care about being aesthetics


I could do that, but I think I'm just gonna chuckle to myself thinking about the lardass that made this thread

>take away the roids and it turns into facts.

That reply screams butthurt

It took you years to get to a 405 deadlift ?

Lol you can't increase muscle mass without getting stronger you tard read the fucking sticky

Abd yet every aesthetics fag here does ppl, and rep a 185lb bench for 10 reps

I unironically enjoy lifting

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I love how fatties always try to brag about how they can lift a lot of weight in a short amount of time

>stop liking what I don't like

honestly this
And for me personally, lifting for hypertrophy with some longer term strength goals is the most fun

Because you have nothing else.

The feeling of superiority over others is its own reward.

Lifting for strength and aesthetics is basically the same thing with a different diet.

To gain social leverage - solely to further career
Being aesthetic doesn't just attract whores, you get more respect from everyone if you are professionally successful and can manage to look good doing it, not if you're a fat looking fool

>inb4 needing validation from others
>not giving yourself every advantage possible
never gonna make it

Reminder that strength and hypertrophy are directly linked
Reminder that you should periodizing your training between strength and hypertrophy blocks (and maybe an athleticism/conditioning block), and should be training your entire life this way
Reminder that none of you fuckers train
Reminder that steroid acceptance is vital so they can be properly researched and turned into a safe legal product for us all to improve ourselves with.

Did that once. Felt somewhere between awesome and weird.

Self discipline and transcending weakness

>give me one reason other than the two only reasons
Delicious sour grapes.

you're a bitch

*psst* hey kid, wanna buy some nuance?

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>implying Jordan is not aesthetic

It's an easy limiter to full bloat imbalance, resulting in not going too far into either mindset.

It causes a net increase on the beauty of the world.

is jordan natty?

Internet fame for sponsorships and income. It's an over saturated market that still gets fed new money. If you're a hairlet like that guy then you can milk thay community.

You can always monetize vanity even when it's over saturated.

Looking good is the most efficient way of showing the world that you care about yourself which means you will (rightfully so) be treated better by pretty much everyone.

Strenght is obviously also respectable, but until the entire world starts walking around with scouters capable of showing PRs it won't be nearly as efficient as having a good looking body.

I lift to make others feel inferior

Because I want to. hi join this disc for free candy

To make money. ie. Winning a bodybuilding Pageant for cash, Owning a store that sells supplements, being a stripper, modelling magazine or social media, helps attract clients as a PT,

To be treated differently, ie. receive preferential treatment. Be it being served first in a shop or let into a club or even just invited somewhere. To be treated differently in the office. If you're 9/10 aesthetic male a 5/10 'feminist' type isn't going to go to HR about you if she gets a stick up her arse if you're 3/10 and lack charisma or a little shy you will be assumed a creep. You're defence is easier (provided you're not deliberately acting a fool).

You're original 3 are good ones too.

because you want to look a certain way in the mirror?

Unironically for the beauty of the human form.

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for the respect it brings from your fellow man
all bloating does is make you look fat

>those traps
is this FTM?