God, you guys ever hate how obesity is normalized in the U.S.?

God, you guys ever hate how obesity is normalized in the U.S.?

> start out 25% body fat
> trying to cut to 10% then bulk
> cut to 20% body fat so far
> mom constantly tries to sabotage my cut, saying that she's worried I'm becoming anorexic

What the fuck? Sometimes I wish I lived in Australia where everyone is into fitness.

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Everyone fat in Australia too


My whole family is fat. My sister was the only skinny one and now she's slowly gaining weight as puberty takes over.

I'm finally losing weight, and my mom is fucking freaking because god forbid I'm no longer in the overweight BMI category. She mocks the food I eat and screams at me if I don't want to eat her deep fried, oil soaked cheese dipped pasta 3000 calorie dinners. Sucks man.

That male 20-22% is more like 25-30

Not just in the US.
Living in one of those "slim" west euro countries and obesity is skyrocketing.
I can't imagine all the butthurt I would trigger if I ever would post pic related on a normie social network.

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damn I'm well against being overweight even if it is just a few pounds but that pic seems harsh as fuck lmao

That's the point.

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Literally every time I go to the super market I think about how much I hate how being fat has become normal. Every single fucking person there has their carts loaded with junk and at best they are skinny fat.

Does it count as obese if it all goes to the tits and is it bad and if so why?

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im like 20 % BF estimate at 197 lbs at like 6'0. I have a belly still and my family is like "You're not fat"

plus just the American eating culture is fucked

I just wants abs is that too much to ask for

talk about butter face

A better way to fight the obesity problem would be to stop welfare for anyone who is obese, those fat fucks will not be able to get a job and starve to death.

could be worse

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angelina jolie is a total babe, what are you talking about.

I'm Australian, there's gross planet people here too. But at least we don't have free to use electric scooters in our supermarkets for the ultra fat

White men will still think she's pretty

Yeah it's fucked. 1 in 3 Americans are obese. That's actually fucking absurd.

>God, you guys ever hate how obesity is normalized in the U.S.?
Hahaha fuck no. I'm more attractive than 80+% of people out in public. Even the incels on here who keep posting about being bald and ugly would probably mog half of the population after working out for a month.

This is sarcasm, right? White men have the highest standards.

a lot of moms are overreaching assholes

My mom lost 50 lbs by dieting hard and watching my 600 lb life every single day for motivation. She is based as fuck

if you are not dyel as fuck why would they be worried?

Obesity really is fucking disgusting. Ever since getting on my cut/athlete program all I think about when looking at those food videos online is "holy fuck those calories" and how disgusting it is. It's no wonder people are so fat. It's honestly not even that difficult to get in shape, just takes some effort.

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Actually this. Obesity is contributing to the downfall of our society in the long term, but in the short term I realize more and more as I become Jow Forums that I am objectively more attractive than at least 60% of fat gross dudes walking down the street. The most I can do is enjoy mogging people, and try to help my fat friends and not raise fat kids.

What does mog mean? Also I see it as natural selection too. Their lives won't be long, they have conditions of all sorts, probably have a harder time getting laid too.

Mogging is being more alpha than someone and making them look like lesser males. It stands for "alpha male of the group" but instead of "amog" it's shortened to "mog"

Same thing happening to me at the moment, most moms/families are gains goblins.

Can someone give me a fat% estimate? Im thinking ~25%, im 163 lbs at 6 foot.
Also, how much do you think it will take me to get to around 15%?

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the problem is that being at a high BF% is normalized, like it's a weird thing to be really fit and if you are ottermode or really built people
just think you are full of yourself (which is partly true, it's a selfish mind in a way to achieve results you want and not let anyone stop you).

I think it's a big result of labor and being active not a requirement to make money or live and
that people just don't want to social pressure of
looking good and just lowering their romantic and life social standards instead of telling their friends
to put the fucking bag of candy down and join them for some lifts

America is too soft but once you make it you're top of the food chain both socially and romantically so i guess we win

sorry for the autism post

solid progress, keep cutting unless you're bulking

I got a bit of a bigger belly than you and Im like 197lbs at 6'0 so if you're like 20% im fucking 30%

but hey our builds are probably different enough to make the difference

Probably somewhere in between 80 or 90

>solid progress
It's not a before/after shot, i just changed pose to show my love handles, but i will be making solid progress soon, and you will too user.
That's the way i think about it too, if being fit meant some kind of economic gains then most would have a completely different way to look at fitness and there wouldn't be such a narcissist stigma to lifting.

Are you calling me fat?

Motherfucker, I'm almost exactly the same weight at the same height and my stomach isn't nearly as flat. I'm at 20%, so I'd guess you're between 20% and 15%

Seriously, weird how bodies work. 6'0" and 165 and I have an extra 3" of belly

I can relate to this. Mom keeps on buying me groceries. That's nice and all, but she knows I'm trying to fast and I can't when I'm worried about groceries spoiling.

Also how to eyeball bf if you're not muscular like pic related? I'm dyel, but I really want to get rid of last bit of fat just to get that out of the way.

I'm glad i dont store much fat on my belly but it fucking kills me when a girl touches my love handles.
It's also my lower back fat that makes my estimate around 25% rather than 20%

How do I get an accurate measure of my BF%, because I look just around 20% at 6'0" and 200lbs.

Charts keep telling me to 140lbs to be at 20% BF. I would be a fucking skeleton 60lbs lighter. Why do all the charts seem so weird?

Hit her until she understands, spit on her face is she start being a bitch.

>worried about groceries spoiling over making it

not gonna make it

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what the hell is that

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Ahh, I keep most of mine on my belly and thighs. We're gonna make it bro, just have to keep at it.

women look less fat because of thicc thighs

Pretty sure that pic is not accurate.

>reach fat level one day not so skinny as I had some gains from previous years or working out
>102kg 6 ft
>the rine ends here
>73 weighted in today
>omg annon you're so skinny you need to put on some weight
>I'm not even done cutting yet
>why don't you start building muscle ?
>you don't sculpt in shit

Damn ignorant idiots, still believe in fucking alchemy, just turn your fat into muscle. If I found a way to do that I'd be wiping my ass with 500 euro bills.

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It hurts me to see people who are obese because I know they are suffering.

Seriously? I guess I'm a sociopath because I want them out of my way and not taking up resources I could use. I don't care about their suffering. We all suffer, and I have to deal with mine; why would I deal with someone else's, too?

because the first thing needed to rebuild the world is compassion lad.

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>I want them out of my way and not taking up resources I could use.
My distaste for people who ravage their bodies notwithstanding, they make us look good at least. It has actually never been easier to /looksmax/

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DEXA body scan

And then they let themselves go even easier than men.

>when you love skinny girls but live in the US/Aust
I think I have to move

weighted in today
>> 6 ft
user you ARE skinny as fuck.

Im 6'1, and to look muscular ill have to hit at least 90kg. Im 80kg now and I look like a twig still.

>My distaste for people who ravage their bodies notwithstanding, they make us look good at least
Except at least for girls they prefer a guy who is bigger than them, regardless of whether its muscle or fat

not even human anymore

Found the Buddhist. Or at least someone who is deluded.

Life is pain, right? Hard. Filled with disappointment and failure. I don't have the time or energy to be compassionate. I've got things to do and my own shit to deal with.

Dude if you're 73 kg at 6 feet she is correct. You need to put in muscle, twig boy.

nigger u about 26%
> no vascularity no definition ie no lean mass and solid layer around entire mid section. cant even see ribs.
for the love of satan go lift some weights and up your protein.

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How 'bout me? Can I get a bf read? I don't really fit into that chart rn since I'm dyel and just started lifting. Lost a bunch of weight fasting, but I feel like I need to get rid of my sitting down tummy and love handles.

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>go out to get groceries
>warm enough to finally wear a tshirt around
>look like a literal god amongst dyels
>everyone is super nice to me
>people apologise immediately and every girl gives me mires

They can all stay fat for all I care


maximum twink mode ~18%. mabe less but tbqh you look more like a gril than a guy from the reflection. try not to keep fasting as you might inadvertantly ruin food for yourself. both you and need to go and lift, the closer you get to 1/2/3/4 for work sets the better youl look just remember the first few months should be spent focusing on the big 4. then you can introduce accessory lifts to fill in lagging parts so you can get the best of both worlds.

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That much huh? Thanks. I'd like to get rid of the fat first though, is that a bad idea? I mean more fasting than eating at surplus until the fat's gone?

I dunno why people like this ask their BF%. You haven't even started lifting.

Stop asking about your BF and go lift.

Just lift. Always put lifting first. You are lacking in muscle quite a bit. Just eat around maint, maybe a very slight surplus getting plenty of protein and just bulk for 6 months before even thinking about a cut. If you are big into the summer bod, realize it's not happening this year, bulk until maybe new years and then start your cut a little early to get ready for next summer.

My mom tried the whole "You're losing too much weight" thing on me ONCE and I argued so vehemently she never brought it up to me again. I told her that I was keeping track of my body fat % and told her all the methods I was using and she eventually just accepted that I wasn't going to starve myself to death. I blame all the fat propaganda on Facebook that moms read.

that's the moment she realised her kid is autistic

THIS user is right left first then cut. dont make my mistake. just lift and ull find the fat distributed better around your body and the gainz will make you look better even if you are still in the upper teens of bf. bearmode is real and much more attractive than otter mode. but u can get to zzyyz mode faster from bear mode than otter.

What % of men who are 18-30 in America are obese?

Or I guess the more pertinent question to ask is what % of men in America are fit and look fit in clothes?

Where I live, most men are obese or overweight. Mind you, it's a college town. Quite sad.

How? Im 5'11, 219 lbs, and 20%-22% bodyfat.

she's wearing a mask, right?

Lol because thats a terrible picture retard. First its harsh second you gotta put it on slowly unless of course you wanna lose all your kikebook friends.

>all these people getting told they are thin
>i turned full anorexic mode, without knowing myself or anyone telling me
>it wasn't until a total random told me I was thin that i snapped back to reality and saw how terrible i looked
Thanks everyone I know for letting me get so uggo, real helpful.

> when you realize an obese population means a massive portion of your dating pool will be obese

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>tfw my mum goes to the gym almost as much as I do and eats pretty much the same shit I do (chicken, rice, broccoli etc)
>tfw my grandma sends me protein powder and steaks all the time and asks if I need any help paying for the gym

step your maternal family member game up faggots

the jews are responsible for this
i know it

>solid progress
>its not a before/after shot

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m8 im 2 inches shorter than you and 7 kg heavier and im still a skinny dyel

Attached: that pic that gets posted in all the fit threads.jpg (612x534, 31K)


I feel you, my abusive dad is well beyond 35% and he continually brings everyone else in the family down. He smoked tobacco from 16 to 40 and he bitches anytime mom or I cook healthy food because he says the smells irritate his nose/lungs or says he "can't breathe". His job is sitting at a computer all day and when he gets home he stays up late at night on the computer, he doesn't get any execerise. He won't get mental help, he constantly eats 4000+ cal garbage every day, and whenever he goes to the doctor he'll lie that he has no issues when he's delayed his upcoming doctor's appointment more than 5 times now because he's gained so much and has ridiculously high blood pressure. Only a couple of years ago he went to have dental work done and when they checked his blood pressure they refused to operate on him and had him sent to emergency because it was so high he could've had a heart attack at any moment.
One of the #1 reasons why he's so fat right now, and still disgusts me to this day, is that one of our local ice cream shops started a BOGO on sundaes and he would get it and eat both. fucking. sundaes. I can barely even finish one on a cheat day and that's it for the whole cheat day.
My dad has really victimized himself into thinking that the world is against him when he's the one who has refused help, good health, and a good life for the sake of wallowing in self-pity and wasting his life away.

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this happened to me too when I initially did my fatass rehab senior year of high school and i plateaued hard afterwards because of it. looked ok but didn't do discrete bulk/cut cycles in college; working full time now and just gone done with a bulk so I'm making sure I cut pretty hard before I move back in in a couple months. meanwhile my mom has been doing aerobics/intense cardio classes and light weights consistently since I was like 4 and wonders why she's not losing weight.

forgot to add this but if anyone finds themselves in this situation PLEASE believe in yourself and the well-reviewed shit you read on the internet over ur parents bullshit. this "you're too skinny user!!!" shit (and some other stuff parents do that's not related to fitness) is fucking retarded and borderline gaslighting 99% of the time and it's not until you deviate from it that you realize how stupid it is.

source on video?

The worst is then your parents are on retarded bullshit like this and they do gaslight you, but other people don't believe you because they had perfect parents and they can't understand how bad some parents can get. I believe you man.

I want to lick Kiera

There's a reason poor fat people stay poor and fat through the generations. Get this into your head user, you will NEVER change your family, if YOU are motivated enough to change yourself, don't expect them to come with you. In fact, they'll try to drag you back down at EVERY opportunity, it's like a subconscious desperation from them not to let you escape the family pack. Do not let them, id recommend leaving when you can and never going back. You are an outlier.

Take it from someone who grew up apart of a dumb, overweight family with two retards for parents. Luckily I see nothing of myself in them anymore.

>tfw proudly fat
You skelly niggers need to die already. But at least you can't reproduce with such low female bf.

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>built fat

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That face is ugly as fuck, but... damn.

Mums are the biggest gains goblins

love these memes

I feel like that 8-10 is really 12-15

Yea, compared to most people here I am. But I'm not looking like a lanklet.

What team am I on?


That's fat, but the reason Hitomi Tanaka has such large tits is cause she took estrogen supplements since she was 13. She's sterile because of it.