God, you guys ever hate how obesity is normalized in the U.S.?

God, you guys ever hate how obesity is normalized in the U.S.?

> start out 25% body fat
> trying to cut to 10% then bulk
> cut to 20% body fat so far
> mom constantly tries to sabotage my cut, saying that she's worried I'm becoming anorexic

What the fuck? Sometimes I wish I lived in Australia where everyone is into fitness.

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Everyone fat in Australia too


My whole family is fat. My sister was the only skinny one and now she's slowly gaining weight as puberty takes over.

I'm finally losing weight, and my mom is fucking freaking because god forbid I'm no longer in the overweight BMI category. She mocks the food I eat and screams at me if I don't want to eat her deep fried, oil soaked cheese dipped pasta 3000 calorie dinners. Sucks man.

That male 20-22% is more like 25-30

Not just in the US.
Living in one of those "slim" west euro countries and obesity is skyrocketing.
I can't imagine all the butthurt I would trigger if I ever would post pic related on a normie social network.

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damn I'm well against being overweight even if it is just a few pounds but that pic seems harsh as fuck lmao

That's the point.

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Literally every time I go to the super market I think about how much I hate how being fat has become normal. Every single fucking person there has their carts loaded with junk and at best they are skinny fat.

Does it count as obese if it all goes to the tits and is it bad and if so why?

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im like 20 % BF estimate at 197 lbs at like 6'0. I have a belly still and my family is like "You're not fat"

plus just the American eating culture is fucked

I just wants abs is that too much to ask for