/fast/ #159 Discord edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.


While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke
Discord server up. Get immediate answers discord.gg/vgJKcpP

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did my first fast. Lost 3 lb in 48 hours. Feel real good now after having some chicken and rice and asparagus

Great start and refeed. What are you goals?

Friendly reminder that this thread is one skinny twink who fasts for muh abs (but is actually just heading for skeleton mode), and a bunch of fatties that barely have enough self control to not eat for 3 days every once in a while but not nearly enough self control to get down to a healthy weight (be it through fasting or not), so they brag about how they lost a comparatively large amount of weight in a short time even if there was effectively no change.

t. never gonna make it

great argument bud

Argument for what, you low-IQ ape? You made a statement that may or may not be true, which we have no way of determining. It has no relevance to the discussion anyways, but if you have a way to confirm your statement then it'd be valid. As of now, there's literally nothing to argue against, fucking dummy.

You'd think after 160 threads non-brainlets would have noticed a pattern, huh

There is no need to argue. Your statement is just an opinion. It takes time to build willpower and self-control just as with any other diet. Keep in mind everyone here has been binging for years sometimes a decade. This IS for fatties.

>Your statement is just an opinion.
Not really, it's pretty accurate given what I've seen.
>It takes time to build willpower and self-control just as with any other diet. Keep in mind everyone here has been binging for years sometimes a decade.
Sure, but the fact that pretty much the only person that makes consistent """progress""" is that skinny fuck should be a pretty clear indicator of something.
>This IS for fatties.
Sure, but what I'm getting at is that it's not making those fatties any less fat, at least not a relevant amount.

t. CICO fatty celebrating his 'amazing' half a pound a week diet

Discord invite expired

Starting today and trying for a week. Any signs I should look for that would mean cutting it short?

Cancer fag, you around? How about an update?

I just finished a 69 hour fast.

First 48 hours were pretty easy, last day here got tough. I've only gone 72 hours before and I don't know if I think it's worth pushing it further than that.

Anyone done two 48h fasts a week before? Seems like it could be pretty easy and effective.

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>t. CICO
>celebrating his 'amazing' half a pound a week diet
Where exactly did I say fasting doesn't work?

What dry/wet fast pattern should I use?

I'm 207lbs right now at 6'0" and want to get down to 175lbs before going back to real lifting. I'm a heavily build guy in general [spoiler]broad shoulders, barrel chest, etc.[/spoiler]. I was thinking a Dry/Wet/Wet/Dry/Wet/Wet/Meal pattern on a week day cycle.

How long should it take me to lost those 30lbs if I do OMAW on that pattern and walk an hour every day? (not hard exercising during this)

For the record I started at 245lbs and have used intermittent fasting to get down to 207lbs. I want to really go hard for the last 30lbs though.

This one doesnt expire

Calculate you TDEE and run the math for an estimate. But likely 4 cycles of OMAW

yes i've done that, it is very effective

My fitbit shitthingy says my TDEE with nothing is about 1980kcal, and with the hour walking and rest of my shit it's around 2700kcal. That'd be around 38 days, if all I lose is fat.

Thats a reasonable estimate. All you can do is run the fast and see what happens. Sometimes its faster than expected so if you're looking for some hope there is that.

too right mate, just broke my 1 day fast with three slices of white bread, some chips and a snickers.

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Question, finally quit smoking, read some conflicting reports but came down to it breaking my fast and got a juul pod, do they break fasts? I read some flavors dont but specifically the mango flavor (the one I prefer) trigger insulin production because of the sweetness.

lads, can I just dick around 24-36h fasts and eat like a golem and hop on the fast train again or should I just sack up and go for 75 days no breaks?

Gonna try it this week and see how long I can stick with it. I need to lose about 18lbs at least and maybe 12 more after that.

Do not in any way trust the nonsense numbers it gives you for calories burned through activity. They are insanely inflated.

can I bulk from 150 to 175 while doing leangains monday through saturday and a 24 hour fast on sunday? I really like my eating routing after doing this regularly and I feel sharp as hell because of it. I am unsatisfied with weighing 150 and want to move to 175 is this possible?

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Thanks, will the dry fasting me with flabby skin?

I thought so. I planned on just trying to exercise to make up the extra. Low impact stuff like a elliptical.

People talk a lot about mental benefits of fasting but I don't really feel them. I certainly have less energy when I'm fasting regardless of how long it's been (have gone up to a week before) and I find it makes it harder to concentrate on things and really just doesn't feel great all around. I don't feel terrible, but some people say they feel amazing when they fast. I usually eat healthy though and am already in shape so maybe it's just people experiencing what it's like to not be on a trash diet.

Why the rice? You probably just got into ketosis with the 48, now you are rushing out of it with the rice.

CICO is real. Keto is a meme.

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>tfw not genetically predisposed to hunters high

dude's gotta eat, plus rice tastes delicious.

Try speaking without meme arrows

Why bother fasting if you're still gonna eat like shit

What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting? If I eat between 1 and 8 pm, but one day I have lunch with someone at a diner at around 12, can I just wait until 2 to eat the next day and straighten it out?

>sleep is your energy source
Fat is the energy source
Sleep is not

Longer fasts are much more efficient

Should edit that yeah, meant it refreshes you if youre feeling like shit


I feel OK, but feel better when I eat my normally shitty diet. My biggest issue with fasting is that I am fucking bored not having something tasty to look forward to eating. I'm on day 6 and the worst of it is over but now I just feel sort of lethargic and keep pounding down pink salt to keep headaches away

You having any potassium?


Drinking Snake Juice with Lemon Juice added daily. I just feel OK, but would rather just go to OMAD so I can feel better and lose weight a little bit slower

Mom keeps on buying me groceries. Should I just let them spoil? She knows I'm trying to fast btw.

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It took me 80 hours of fasting but I finally made it to ketosis. Headache cleared up, have more energy...I think I'm finally ready to ascend

Now comes the easy part

Anyone lose their libido when fasting? I usually get boners multiple times a day really easily but I'm not feeling it right now.

throw them out and say you ate them

once you lose the weight, tell the truth and mock your mother for trying to subvert your efforts

is it okay to eat salt on a dry fast?

That sounds pitiful

i wouldn't recommend it

Sounds like an easy way to get a stomach ulcer

thanks im just hungry so ill do it anyway

Don't. You won't need it since you won't be pissing out the electrolytes that are already in your body.

Also, eating salt on a fucking dryfast is stupid. Salt just dehydrates you even further.

Day 12 of a 21 day fast, whoever says it's easy street after day 5 is a lier. Sure the sharp hunger pangs go away, but there is a constant gnawing pit of discomfort in my stomach that never goes away. Mornings are the worst, I feel dizzy and sick for the first 3 hours after waking up. Yes I am taking all the vitamins and salt, it doesn't seem to make a difference. I have never had headaches though. I do feel noticeably lighter but my energy levels are lower than absolute zero. Just walking to the mailbox feels like running a triathlon. Still it is the only thing that has ever worked for me for losing weight. 6 months of mostly 4 day and 5 day fasts with a 2 or 3 day refeeding between and I am down 96 lbs. Hoping to be able to pass for an actual human being by sometime next year. We're all gonna make it bruh, don't give up the dream. Life is too short to die fat and lonely. Food doesn't love us, it is our prisoner, don't let it win the battle.

People here seem to say its a no no to consume artificial sweeteners when fasting since is has been proven to spile insulin levels.

So im just wondering What are the effects of a rise in insulin without consuming any calories?

you die

we believe it "pauses" catabolism, which is "the break down of glycogen, fat stores, and (some) muscle fiber currently on the body already (endogenous)".

normally, if there are calories in your stomach to be absorbed, insulin will tell your cells to absorb them.

if there are no calories to be absorbed, insulin will still at the very least tell you cells to attempt to absorb macronutrients instead of breaking them down.

I'd be curious to see what happens to a person who does 12MAD 0 calorie rockstars though. They would definitely lose weight, just not as much, is my hypothesis

I've used diet Pepsi and 7-up during fasts and seen absolutely no difference. Some people might have a different reaction. Sometime ago I read that obese people have this reaction to aspartame but not people who are overweight or normal weight.

Why do people say they feel more energetic and clearheaded during a fast? If people end up like this guy.

because the adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet.

the adrenaline is what keeps you alive. it is nearly hallucinatory

Because people are different.
The guy you quoted is likely new to fasting.
Someone who's experienced and fat-adapted would have a much easier time getting the mental benefits of fasting.

I've had many fasts before of up to a week and I never feel "good" while fasting. I feel alright, but with less energy and a bit less able to focus while fasting. I've never experienced anything positive besides the weight loss.

Same here senpai

I feel like shit on a fast, even worse than when I eat junk food. Thinking of just saying fuck it and doing CICO OMAD

Reminder that you are a fastlet if you haven't completed a 10+ day fast.

Is it okay to fasting long periods (72H and so on) if you exercise daily?

I bike daily around an hour and lift some weights.
What would be the intake to avoid dehydration?

I'm gonna do OMAD this week instead of real fasting. Mix it up. Is it safe to only eat 600 calories per day for 5 days? It's sufficient protein and iron and I have my dad's pile of vitamin supplements for the rest.

hey all,

I'm 5'10 188lbs, am decently muscular but could probably cut to 175 at least, maybe 170 if I wanted to get really shredded

Current stats are

Squat: 305
Bench: 245
Chins: 15

Should I just start alternating 48 hour fasts? Also, I did a 64 hour fast over spring break, how do you guys focus during fasts? I'm currently a student and can't afford to be sluggish/foggy during the day. Should I just use caffeine pills/nootropics?

Maybe he doesn't want to be keto.

Just came off a SJ 72, ate grilled veggies and fish, and in less than an hour had diahreah. No history of IBD or any bowel issues at all. What's up?

I don't think you've ever tried a 72 hour snake juice. You are no bullshit hyper focused and I wish I had that discipline and focus when I was in college. No sluggishness in the least.

Give it a shot.

Currently doing my 72 hour full moon fast. I hope I can fall asleep tonight, that's always the hardest part.

Dry fast? I've never had an issue falling asleep on a soft dry at 72.

I wish I was like that. As a college student, I can't fast during times when I have a lot of work to do because it gives me lethargy and decreased concentration. I take proper amounts of water, sodium, and potassium and have fasted like 20 times for anywhere from 1 to 7 days.

Hmmm, I will then. I need to order some accurate measuring spoons then so I can make sure I'm putting the right amount of NoSalt and Pink Salt in my water

Unless you've found a way to measure it out with tablespoons instead of teaspoons lmao?

Then it's not the proper amount. Have you screwed around with the amount of salts and are ONLY drinking SJ?

It's exactly what snake man recommends. Idk what to tell you, some people seem to love it but I don't feel great. I use NoSalt and pink salt measured as precise as I can.

I'm procastinating this because i'm to lazy to get pure potassium, does himalayan salt has potassium?

Holy Christ are you trolling me? Have to be. In the event some sincere person is reading this, it's really fucking important to measure properly. If you can't go to the goddamned dollar store and get some measuring spoons, your motivation is at a dangerously low level.

Why don't you give a shit about yourself? How hard is it to follow directions?

Water, but I might soft dry for the last 24... Still haven't made up my mind

Yes, but you obviously need to change the levels. 1t/1t/1L is a starting point.

I had to adjust the levels as I lost weight. I think you're overdosing on salt. Cut them in half and see what happens.

This is worth taking the time to troubleshoot.

Sorry can't advise on straight water. I've seen lots of people say that's about the worst type you can do, but have never done water myself.

I'll try tomorrow, about 30 hours into a fast rn. I mean, if I actually felt better when fasting then I would pretty much be permafast until I had to bulk again. I guess it would be pretty useful.

salt trolls are salty

Your gonna fuck up your teeth by adding lemon juice. Snakeman started advising against it long ago.


I no shit feel fantastic, and I've been doing this since November, with plenty of opportunity to fuck up. Which I have done. But I learned, and getting more in tune with what my body is really feeling is yet another side benefit.

If you don't get it to the point that it is a benefit to your life, you'll quit. Back off the salts and see what happens, and nothing else. No coffee, sugar free crap, alcohol, weed, medications, nothing. That of course is the only way to set a baseline.

>advised against adding lemon juice


He said add as much as you want. ACV and baking soda in the wrong proportion fucks up teeth, not lemon juice in snake juice.

It has a name.

Look up Protein Sparing Modified Fasting

Yeah I don't do anything in addition to the snake juice. I've had black coffee a couple times while fasting but it's rare. Hopefully I can start to enjoy it.

I'll bet you're ODing on salt. You're probably getting dehydrated. If your ketone strips are pegged purple and you feel like shit, according to a recent video and a recent personal experience, you're dehydrated.

How much fresh water do you drink?

If I were you I'd cut the salt in half.


Roasties triggered by Snake Man

>Is The Snake Diet Safe?
>Um, no. Definitely not. “I would not recommend it to anyone for even a short-term trial, as it is not based on any clear evidence nor does it have any clinical evidence that is peer-reviewed to support the program,” says Julie Upton, R.D., and co-founder of Appetite for Health. Not only that, it would be “nearly impossible” for anyone to follow for a significant amount of time, she says.

Don't tell me, she's fat.

Funny how almost every religious tradition has fasting in one form or another, and now the feminazis say it's shit. Whatever.

So if I am eating one meal at maintenance every 48 hours in a 30 min window I am doing Snake Diet?

>Go to her site
>Plant-based diet!
>Cannabinoid-infused foods
>Why I love cardio

This is what women's magazines consider 'experts'.

Who do you think can benchpress more, her or Cole? I'd even go as far as to say he might even be able to outrun her.


fuck everything this chick is about

Stay away from carbs, insulin and significant caloric deficits together are bad for muscle retention

Not wanting to be keto is somewhat in conflict with the idea of fasting. If your liver is full of glycogen, nothing good happens until that is exhausted. Carbs are like a 12, 24, 48 hour pause on fasting losses depending on your body.