What motivates you?

What motivates you?

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Thinking of how little skinny women eat. It's not close to 2000 calories and they live long healthy lives and look good.

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Pure unfiltered revenge.

>Why I lift
For God
For Hitler
For Europe
For Strength
For Inner Peace
For Florida, my homeland
For my future family
For Victory
For my ancestors from Rome, Österreich, España, Deutschland, Bayern, Prussia, and Tirol
For the USA to return back to its former glory
For Anime
For Nofap


Those are my reasons faggot

Theyre my reasons too twink pussy

Wow user that's some of the strangest motivation I've ever heard but I like it. Good perspective.

>pic related, my motivation

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>getting *this* buttfrustrated already
Jow Forumstards are such pathetic crybabies oh my god.

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Not everyone on Jow Forums is a leftist faggot like you

>>>/the rope/

So that I may escape my physical and mental poverty.

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To be better than that man I was in those days.

To make all of them pay

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Floridians truly are the most powerful race on earth.

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Equal parts self-loathing & desire tho feel like I've accomplished something (anything)

>Strength to protect the kid I may never have
>willpower to set and make long term goals via fitness which spills into my daily life and goal setting
>having commitment to something when I always use to back out

Just over all betterment of my life physically and emotionally pushes me.

Couldn't even keep a relationship because I hated having a routine basically.

I seek that which lies beyond strength.

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stupid amerigoblin

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There is something so innocently naive about la creatura worshipping the reich

I want to become a big guy.

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Maybe becuase me and Hitler share the same homeland

Being aesthetic for the 2019 thailand trip knowing our pictures will be all over Jow Forums

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>hitler was a floridian
makes sense to me desu

Whoops I meant that Hitler's birthland is also my ancestral land
>Also if Hitler was a Floridian I'm probably sure that he would gas all New Yorkers

Florida is a long way from Austria, little mixed boy

True that. Then again only amerifags don't see themselves as a third world country full of materialistic, shallow and uneducated people reaching havoc on the rest of the world

>Typical "devoted Jow Forumsack"
Please stay on your board or at least refrain from making any post here you fucking edgy preteen.
I'm not liberal or a nigger, a nigger lover, cuck or whatever the fuck you wanna spew on me, but fucking idiots like you are pathetic and the sooner you realize that the better

Pshht nothin personnel

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>I'm not liberal or a nigger, a nigger lover, cuck
no but you are obviously reddit which would technically make you all of the above by default

good album

A while ago it struck me that every night you die and every morning you are reborn. I am tired of living in a dead man's waste of life.

nothing anymore tb h, I'm buying some rope soon

I've Haven't visited that site a single time in my life. I'm not defending anything Jow Forums is against but keep your stupid bullshit on your own board

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Stay strong brother.

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Nothing. Nothing at all. I've completed my bucket list. Life doesn't interest me. If I wasn't weak, I'd probably kill myself. I just don't see a point in anything.

But I have some discipline. I hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week. I have a lifting program. I'm keeping up my diet. I'm seeing positive changes in my body.

Motivation is fleeting. Discipline keeps you going.

La creatura

My initial reason was the fact that I wanted to have a better looking body. I still want a better looking body but now I genuinely like lifting heavy weights and frankly I think everyone who's not lifting regularly and doing heavy compounds like deadlifts and OHP is missing out. It's an exhilarating feeling. A full upper body pump is also one of the best feelings ever.

Pure disgust about my forearms

What's wrong with em.

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>God lent me a body therefore I must keep it in good shape
>Need to be in fit shape for when Europe falls apart and I have to protect my family

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lifting is enjoyable, pretty good hobby gives me something to do for a lil bit

I sometimes listen to r&b, like the niggerest of fuck songs. It makes me think of having sex with a lover and laying in bed together and intimacy in general, I'll never admit this IRL though.

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As someone who moved here, Floridians scare me. I've lived in FL for 20 years. It's gotta be the Sun. So much unfiltered radiation at birth and during the formative years must change the brain chemistry.
Maybe it's constant contact with migratory humans.

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nah, more like this type of thing

I know, don't judge me

you can't appreciate the 80s/90s aesthetic

I used to be kinda sporty and tomboyish as a kid but was taller than average and people used to tease me for being bigger then the average sized girls and eventually was teased as being a fatty, i eventually took it as being true but looking back at my old photos i was actually not even fat, i just let people get to me and let myself go, eventually accepted not only was i now actually fatter but also kinda ugly. I'm gonna do this for me... at times i think maybe love is real but in the end it goes away like most things in life but the only thing that stays is me and only me.

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I can, it's just not what I meant in my post


Is this a cringe thread now?

Beautiful user.
As a fellow Floridian, I wish you luck.

Love is real, I truly believe that. People on this site just get cynical.

>For Hitler
>For Florida, my homeland
>For Anime
>me and Hitler share the same homeland
>For Florida, my homeland
Is this poe's law in effect?

That one day I will be able to be attractive to a girl that isn't complete psycho. I just want a chill relationship with someone normal and who can be my best friend man, why do all the girls who like me have to be so fucking odd

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Get a girlfriend

To push what it means to be human and to constantly redefine myself as a stronger a better person than I was the day before.

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I don't want to be the broke, reckless, weak, skinnyfat, alcoholic, lying, lazy, undisciplined faggot that destroyed a great relationship that I was ever again. I know I was meant to be someone great, but I've never taken full advantage of the opportunities and chances I was given. No more. I'm at least not skinnyfat anymore. Still weak, but I'm going to keep lifting, I'm going to get over my ex, I'm gonna build this fucking discipline, I'm gonna make it through nursing school and I'm gonna make my parents proud of me for once. God damn it.

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Well i guess when i mean love is real i basically mean like disney teir happily ever after shit.
Like i've falled in love multiple times but i never pursued that because i knew i would be rejected because of my shitty looks and hobbies also even if i somehow find a guy who would literally gf anything things are never that simple and pretending a relatonship/post marriage and having a child is gonna be yippie yayy and straight forward and a ticket to disneyland that some people who cry about no gf and stuff here think it's gonna be like is silly, the only objective truth in a relationship is probably just sex and/or procreation subjective things like love, happiness, finance, success, your partners conscious and opinions are all variable and dependent, it is all too complicated and i'd rather not just lose my virginity over some hypothetical possibilities of achieving a higher standard of self achieveability and unlocking what most people go through in their life and a higher form of happiness and clarity when i can just work on myself and get what i want and do what i want and be what i want and live how i want despite feeling lonely at times which is also a feeling in and off itself that will go away once i go back to doing things i enjoy.

tl;dr being alone is alright pornhub and my hand exists

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>For Anime

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This girl said I could sniff and lick her feet and rub them on my face and suck her toes if I got abs.
That's all the motivation i need

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T. Amerimutt

Jow Forums is probably the easiest fucking board to bait
>for anime
Should have been a dead fucking giveaway

Thats a good outlook on love. Don't be afraid to give your heart to someone. I've been hurt many times, but I don't regret it. You grow as a person when you let somebody in.

Jow Forums is the easiest board to bait.
Jow Forums has poor content quality since the majority of posters don't actually lift.


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I have one. Been with her 5 years. She's great, but I guess she's not enough for me. I need more in my life.

You sound alright, my guy. We're all gonna make it

I lift because my ancestors wuz unironically baronz before communists took away their land, and I want to bring glory to my family name again

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people come at you with the el goblino meme but honestly from the perspective of a german its genuinly inspiring to see people like you be motivated to better yourself in part because of what my homecountry used to represent and could represent again

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As a South Florida bro, please leave this state and take your cringy ideology with you.

>trying to defeat time and god instead of living in harmony with the inevitable

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...What happens next?

Waking up in the morning. I'm not a weak-willed faggot who needs "motivation" to do something because I enjoy improving my life and striving for something greater.

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Hey am i funny yet.

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The most truthful poster ITT and not one positive reply.

The eternal kraut

Just think, user: all that time you just wasted making that stupid collage could have been spent going on a jog or doing some calisthenics.

GOD DAMN, MAN. Thanks for posting that image, user. I really needed to see that.

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Yeah but it was fun.

Dumb to say but i felt some sense of accomplishment from it.

That was me. And yeah, nobody likes to hear the truth.


I just do it anyway

I agree. Here in Florida we prefer more left-wing beaners and less hard-working nationalists.

I concur with a lot of your list but
>For Hitler
Why? The man may have espoused ideals you agree with but ultimately he's the cause of a lot of the issues which are around today. He wasn't a genius, he was an impulsive, short-sighted and economically uneducated manlet.

>For Florida, my homeland

>For Hitler
>For Evropa
>For Anime
>For Florida

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Leave jady off of this site you hobgoblins

Getting better at life.

To improve my discipline
To improve my resilence
To improve my strength
To improve my physical appearance

I really need more discipline for other dreams in my life, and lifting helps.

10/10 post my friend.

Just hope you stop being so cringy when you're older. Autism is a hell of an affliction.

Your women are fucking niggers and arabs before you...

I respect me more than i do anyone else

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Found the jew

Patrician response