>That guy who doesn’t squat because the bar hurts his back
That guy who doesn’t squat because the bar hurts his back
>that dyel who only does isolated exercises
Fuck that guy. All I do are heavy barbell compounds.
>bloatgod that never does isolated excersizes
>That guy that enjoys going to gym
That's better than using the pussy pad
compound is all we need and you know it
>that guy who uses machines
On a side note, my gym only has 2 racks and I've routinely seen women and dyels half squatting anything from the empty bar to 90lbs and I had to wait for them to finish. I know the gym belongs to everyone but goddamn, having to wait my turn because some NYR fags stayed a couple extra weeks without any progress is just infuriating.
>that guys who's trying to "confuse his muscles"
>that guy who does power cleans with shit form
o wait thats me
this used to be me, I used the pussy pad.
i was super skelly and had acne where the bar is supposed to be placed. It doesn't hurt anymore but it used to kill me
That used to be me. Could never find that sweet spot between the vertebrae and my shoulder blades.
>that guy who lifts instead of reading
for strength you mean
Thank fuck for my home gym so I can use my pussy pad all I like.
What if I have very bad back acne?
>that guy who asks how many sets you have left
>doesn't even use the equipment after you're done
>he IS the strongest. the strongest human, that is
it hurts to remember that panel
squats widen hips (oblique growth) which ruins aesthetics. nobody should squat if aesthetics are a goal
i thought it only affected your vertical growth?
>that guy who just started lifting and gives advise
everyone starts somewhere bro. you got this
>that poor guy who gets acne on his shoulders from the squat bar
>100 kg barbell crushing and torturing his acne to no end
>that guy is me
Okay, first of all, squats and deadlifts aren't even that good at activating the obliques. Second, big obliques don't look bad and they don't make your hips look bigger. In fact you should isolate your core including your obliques.
Pic related is what well developed obliques look like.
You're an idiot. External obliques aren't at the hips, they're closer to the waist. if someone already has wide hips they SHOULD train obliques (+ lats) because it will even it out
>that guy who posts about soy
just widen shoulders with bench press bro
i thought that was for chest?
>That guy who’s lifting for the upcoming race war
Can't get cucked if you're so obese that no one dates you in the first place. Clever girls.
>I don't know what I'm taking about: The post.
>that guy who gets asked about something but is too concentrated on the workout and music he's listening so he can't understand what people want from him
Well gues who's that
what the fuck is that ghost beard on the fat one
>first time using the bar
>couldn't even do a single plate because it hurt my spine
>work on upper body strength for about six months only doing whatever the fuck, avoid bar and use leg machines
>decide to try the bar again
>no pain
>try 1pl8, ez
>try 2pl8, ez
>try 3pl8, hard, but doable
bench press does incorperate shoulders (anterior).
>pulls out hello kitty pillow for neck
>problem solved lads