
My hair is starting to look like pic related. What is the current recommendation for using minoxidil? Does it actually help? I was thinking about buying Rogaine but I'm not sure which one to get or whether it's a waste of money.

I have a shitty head shape, otherwise I would consider shaving it all off. I did this once before a few years ago and regretted it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pic is me shaving my head a few years ago

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minoxidil will save your hair for about 2 years, then its the same as a placebo. however, dermarolling massively increases it's efficiency, it is unknown about the longterm gains of Derma + Minox.

Fin will reduce shedding and MAYBE regrow some. This it the cost of 60% of serum DHT. Side effects incluse brain fog, watery semen, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and gyno. some of these can be reduced by taking a aromotase inhibitor. In most cases side effects cease upon cessation of taking fin.

Other treatments include Duta (much like fin but 90% DHT suppression), RU ( a topical DHT inhibitor, experimental and expensive, sides unkowne), Setiprant (PDG2 inhibitor, really expensive, sides unkown). Among others.

I haven't heard of dermarolling. What is the science behind + minox?

Post a pic my nigga

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multiple, firstly it increases the absorption of topicals by creating wounding sites. secondly, it increses blood flow so increases nutrients to the follicle site. finally, it activates WNT/b-cantenin pathway.

If you're going to do it, start with a 0.75mm derma roller, once a week, you can increase it to a maximum of 1.5mm gradually, the aim is not necessarily to draw blood. DO not apply minox within a few hours of dermarolling. You can apply castor oil after, which you should leave in for 20 mins before washing. Castor oil can be converted to PGE2, which has been show to increase hair growth in vivo.

I'm 27 and I'm fucking terrified of this shit. Still got a thick full head of hair but it comes out in clumps every time I comb it. Is there anything you can do before it strikes to prevent the baldness hitting too bad? Conditioner, lifestyle, whatever?

ketoconazole shampoo 2 times a week
piroctone olamine shampoo

taurine supplementation

Been using minoxidil and nizoral shampoo for a month. Seems to be working really well for how short a period of time it's been. There was some serious shedding but the thin hairs are coming back thicker and it looks like there's a bit of regrowth in some spots, but I've heard similar stuff like what said and I feel like it's only going to be temporary. I've been shaving my head since I hit NW2.5 and look fine without hair, so I'm not really concerned. I really only started using it to see if it to see if it actually worked and wasn't expecting any decent results at all. I'm going to milk it for as long as I can but I'm not going to be going any further than this. I'm not willing to take chances fucking up my dick and test levels with fin. Good luck with your progress though lads. I feel for all the hairlets out there. I was terrified of going bald because my father started losing his hair in his 30s and mine started to go around the same age, but I got lucky and have a fairly normal shaped skull.

Literally just use red lasers

My main concern with fin has always been the long term cognitive and mental side effects over anything else. I took it for a couple months (before I was aware of this potential side effect) and felt like shit the entire time.

I won't tell anyone else not to take it, but I think a lot of people only focus on the libidio and erection aspect

same, my biggest issue is the potential link to alzhemiers. We could see a generation of NW1s developing Alzheimers in there late 40s
also a potential, 99.9% of the red laser devices are scams though

Minoxidil will help regrow hair at the applied site (and is probably the best solution for it) but it doesn't stop the actual cause of hair loss so you will continue losing hair on the rest of your head or rapidly lose everything + more if you ever stop minoxidil.
Finasteride inhibits DHT which is basically the leading known cause of MBP. Yes there may be pretty horrible side effects, they are rare and in almost all cases reverse if you cease to use it.

Basically, Fin will keep you from losing more, and may lead to some regrowth (some people respond well, some people don't really regrow at all, but most people will at least stop thinning). Fin is essential IMO though any possible regrowth can actually take up to two years (unless you respond very well) whereas minox can regrow in months.
Throw in minoxidil if you want to be almost certain of regrowing the currently lost hair but fuck that shit is a hassle to have to do every day for the rest of your life compared to just popping a pill.
Microneedle once a week with a 1.5mm dermaroller/stamp/pen. As the other user said, if you go with minoxidil, don't apply minoxidil until the next day after microneedling as it could cause the minoxidil to go systemic and greatly increase its side effects.
Ketoconazole shampoo a few times a week (Nizoral is the usual go-to). This shit can dry your hair/scalp out though so don't use it every day or anything.

Those are the big ones. Personally I do all that except minox, because as I said I don't want to be stuck applying that everyday, but I'll probably bite the bullet at some point.

>We could see a generation of NW1s developing Alzheimers in there late 40s
Looking forward to seeing widespread dementia in Hollywood in the next 20 years.

Stop jacking off

At most, I think it's just an increased chance of decline earlier. I wouldn't be surprised to see nothing since celebrities get away fairly easily from all the shit they do.

Is there a hair surgery you can get that doesn't look obvious? The ones I'm looking at involve like them completely cutting your hair..

I got the cash but I don't know what to search for locally..

No need to wait, dementia is basically a requirement for making it big in hollywood.

Give me a minute!

OP here, I'm your age and when it started it came out of nowhere.

in English, doc!


/tv/ pls

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This. I was about 28 and it was so sudden I thought there was something wrong with me.

>but fuck that shit is a hassle to have to do every day for the rest of your life

Isn't it literally just in a shampoo form?

Yeah but the efficacy is shit. Lotion is best. Imo the returns you get from twice a day are minimal. Once a day after shower should suffice

According to Reddit, you're supposed to use Minox twice a day every day. But when I should I dermaroll if I can't use Minox on the same day as dermarolling?

Read first post. You can but you should wait a couple hours. Also, I don't see much point in minox twice a day.

OK, so what are the practical things to deal with here? I work a regular 9-5 office job. Do I need to do anything before/after applying the minoxidil lotion? Does it smell? Can I wear headphones? etc

>According to Reddit
Please sort yourself out user.

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It comes in liquid or foam that you have to apply twice a day and let sit for 4 hours before washing out. You could do twice the amount once a day and it's nearly as effective, but still, popping a pill is easier.

Hairloss is kind of the tax for being a white male.
Seems like at least 25% of white guys have thinning hair in their thirties. Luckily mine isn't receding in the front, just balding some on the crown. My older brother was bald as fuck at my age. At least I have time to put on more muscle before I'm full Johnny Sins mode.

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it's an active community tho


Doesn't fina have shit side effects though? Minox sounds shitty if I have to go wash it out during my lunchbreak.

Fuck, this is my worst fear

Actually this depends on what needle size you use. If you use a roller that's .5mm or less you can apply minox shortly after, as you're doing this specifically to increase absorption. Sides may increase slightly (usually heart rate) so discontinue if it's an issue. You can also use this roller far more frequently as long as you're not pushing too hard/wounding.

If you're using a 1.5mm roller (once a week max) then use it until your scalp is red (shit hurts) or draws a little blood, then don't apply minox for 16-24 hours. Generally, apply minox in the morning, apply it later at night, few hours later when you wash it out you can 1.5mm dermaroll and go to bed, skip the morning application and apply the next night.

You don't have to wash it out after every application. Wash it like you normally would.

I just shower in the evening and apply it then. It can leave your hair greasy. Smells chemically but nothing major

>If you're using a 1.5mm roller (once a week max) then use it until your scalp is red (shit hurts) or draws a little blood
I am like 99% sure you're absolutely NOT supposed to be using it until you draw blood, or even having your scalp turn red for that matter. From what I understood you stop when your scalp turns pink.

Yes fin has shit side effects. They're rare though, contrary to what the internet would have you believe. Something like a 1% chance of sides, which in most cases cease with continued use and in almost all cases cease if you discontinue fin. Yes there are cases of long lasting / pemanent ED or Gyno, but this shit has been studied to hell and back, it's rare as fuck.

ok, that's not so bad. Does it smell weird? Fuck I wish I did this in college when I had random free time slots daily

Scalp turning red is fine. Blood isn't ideal which is why I said a little, it's unavoidable sometimes. Just don't be like the idiots who are purposely making themselves covered in blood thinking it helps.

2% iirc. The problem is some people that get fucked get SERIOUSLY fucked. Thankfully I took the risk and it turned out okay, though I do still have some mild sides.

Is the smell noticeable to other people? I work in a small office.

why wouldn't you just wish your weren't going bald lmao

Which sides do you have?

Well this is more of a wish I did something sooner" rather than I wish reality were different.

minox didnt do jack shit for me, shave my head now life is better

Smells like isopropyl alcohol which goes away quick.

Sides are much more common than that, loss of libidos and watery semen occurs in the majority of people. ED is about 1-3% though

The way I do it is simply apply once a day before before bed. Like an hour or so before bed so it has time to dry. It doesn't smell but it's greasy as fuck, I can't imagine walking around all day with that stuff in my hair.

Watery semen and my strength has taken a bit of a hit.

2% chance of some sides. Things like watery semen are common, but generally goes away after a couple weeks. Something like 0.02% of long lasting / permanent sides, though I'm pulling that last number out of my ass right now.

Imagine starting fina to replace lost hair and ending up with ED, zero sex drive, gyno, fucked up jizz etc. Might as well roid at that point

>Does it smell weird?
>Is the smell noticeable to other people?
It has distinct smell but it isn't bad or strong. Cologne or deodorant would probably overpower it if your hair doesn't already smell like shampoo.

That's not so bad then.


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>my strength has taken a bit of a hit.

jesus, so literally everything about fina is shit except the lost hair part

Yeah, I mean it literally inhibits the most potent androgen in the body

castor oil and tumeric

Woa a decent comic for once? Sadly its true.

I am just 19, how fucked am I?

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Whomp is pretty funny, desu.

as fucked as the rest of us baldos

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Not even remotely fucked you dummy, you can start fin and min any time and never worry about your hair ever again. I had a fucked mickey mouse hairline before I even hit 18.

rogaine/minox stops your hair from becoming making it fall out and regrows it back thicker.

It wont regrow hair thats already fallen out/gone . And it wont stop your existing hairs from falling out. You need to use finasteride or dut if you actually want to stop or potentially reverse your hair loss.

Get a derminator pen. Much more effective than a derma roller.

Also copper peptides are supposed to help. You can buy it pure then mix a 2% solution with distilled water and add to a spritz bottle

>side effects include brain fog, watery semen, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido

I like how you say "side effects" And not "possible side effects" classic cuck that doesn't know shit what he's talking about. The only common side is water semen that usually subsides months into treatment. The other FUD shit you spread is like 2% chance (2% of the male population has dick problems anyways). Post a fucking PubMed next time you wanna attempt spreading BS

I have thin and wispy hair. Would minox thicken it up?

Just do it. Tell people you wanted to experiment with a buzz cut. I'm sure you can survive a few months after a buzz

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>posts the first clinical trial on fin not even looking for sides

If you have thin and not THINNING/BALDING hair just use matte styling products such as clay, sea salt spray and paste

Meant to post

yeah this honestly. been on fin for 4 months and i think my semen is starting to recover. no other side effects and i can still fuck like a champ.

Can you read

A comprehensive review of a total of 73 papers on medical therapies for BPH was conducted, with a focus on the effects of different pharmacological agents on sexual function.[6] The review revealed that finasteride is infrequently associated with problems of ejaculation (2.1-7.7%), erection (4.9-15.8%), and libido (3.1-5.4%).

Okay fina shill

Hopefully you can convince the dudes with small nonfunctioning dicks, lowered strength, and moobs of this too.
All so it can only slightly lower hair loss less then peppermint oil and a derma roller can.

Well, at least the millions of men in that billion dollar class action lawsuit knows of how awesome it is for hair loss.

I suppose you don't understand what "infrequently related" means. Those numbers are exactly along the lines of naturally occuring sexual malfunction for young men

>what is a vocal minority

Let's just say 1 000 000 people in the US taking fin and 5%(highballing) of those get burnt from sides. That's 50 000 dicklet fuckers shitting all over the internet complaining about fin, while the silent majority goes on with their life and nice thick hair. Nice non argument

Maybe read the rest of it.

Does anyone have info or a link on how to enter the Propecia class action lawsuit? I took this crap long term, stopped several years ago and continue to have problems.

what size derma roller is best?

what kind of problems are you experiencing now?

doesn't being bald prevent you from having sex to begin with/??

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Peyronie's disease, gyno, brain fog, depression, anxiety and tinnitus.

Sounds great, literally the worst sides imaginable

Yes. That's why whatever small percent risk is worth finasteride. Nothing is worse than no sexual value in the dating markets

brotzu lotion results being released mid April, meant to be as effective as min+fin without the sides, have your fingers crossed boys

Been balding since 18, my advice is to either find a haircut that doesn't emphasize your thinning and stick with that or go full bald. I assume anybody on fit isn't an obese fuck or won't be in a few years so lift for aesthetics if you want girls. All that hair recovery shit is a waste of time and money, it's literally marketed for beta males

>You're not a beta male, are you?

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I'm at that stage now where I pretty much accepted hairloss I tries all the different applications, RU (which I think might have gave me some heart damage) Minox, Fin, dermarolling, and Tgel shampoo and I con honestly say that the hair that you do end up regrowing basically has the same texture and dirty old hay and just revolving your whole life around applying all this shitty product on your head really does just get to you. Just by being shredded and in good shape can get you some adult pussy, but not young girl pussy im afraid. As long as you're jacked and have a big cock you'll be fine, sadly for me I don't have any of those things and I accepted being alone forever thanks.

>I had a fucked mickey mouse hairline before I even hit 18

Pfff. Get on my level nibba. I was 15.

pffft You could see my scalp when I was 14 dawg.

Only if you're an insecure incel.

Pfff. I had no hair when my dad shoot le semmen in me mums arse.

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I thin the go to is that prescribed shit Fen something. Minox 5% any brand, liquid form. And some shampoo idk the name of.

It's like a 4yr battle and you'll maybe get all the hair back.

I was bald in my dads testicles, and his testicles are bald.

Fin gave me a really serious case of psychological ED. DO NOT TAKE FIN IF YOU ARE PRONE TO ANXIETY

I've had tinnitus from a eustachian tube dysfunction caused by allergies for 4 months now and this shit fucking sucks. The only way I could find peace is to constantly have some form of white noise and do what I can to never think about it.

>no big deal bro, my cum load is cut in half and trickles out in a couple drips of water. My erections aren't as hard either and they got soft and make it impossible to cum sometimes. Thank god I don't have serious ED though

fucking LMAO. These are the BEST CASE SCENARIO sides. This is what happened to me after 3 weeks on fin.

Fin is a poison. The studies are 100% trash paid for by big jew pharma. Watery Semen and less potent erections are UNIVERSAL sides, yet are treated as if they are negligible since it's not full blown ED. Full blown ED is way higher than 2%, maybe 20%. Watery cum is 99%

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yes goy, please go on finasteride and fuck your body up permanently

Yep. Took me a few minutes to dig out some old Propecia bottles, but I want you guys to know I'm deadly serious about this. You might not get the bad sides, but it's a total crap shoot. I was really fit, healthy, sex life was great and pretty much felt invincible when I started on fin and I ended up one of the unlucky ones. Now everyday I have to keep fighting through this crap, it's tough. Hair isn't that important to risk ruining your quality of life.

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