I don't want to get in to something if it's just going to be a waste of time so I need your guys advice. Can I achieve any decent progress by just working out at home, doing squats, push ups and working with 8-10 kg dumbbells I'm thinking of buying a pair or should I buy something else. I'm way too embarrassed insecure about going to the gym still plus I'm pretty clueless about most of the stuff there.
I'm 183 cm tall and 66 kg skeleton. pic unrelated
I don't want to get in to something if it's just going to be a waste of time so I need your guys advice...
gross feet. yuck she just dropped from an 8/10 to a 6/10
Ment to say crunches instead of squats*
As a foot fag I agree with this...but would lower her to a 4/10 because of the skeletor feet which would make her below average.
Yeah, you will. Calisthenics movement is a good place to start with
Don't to crunches, they are really bad for your back
Read the fucking sticky
not really, you could do it but it will take multiple times longer than in the gym.
Just go nobody will look at you or those that will look are just thinking thank god this guy finnaly started doing something to better himself.
You can learn form easily by yourself(well i did atleast just watch a few yt videos and film yourself) find a routine and stick to it.
You will also be more confident and that will lead to social gains
Those hands too. The only thing that can redeem her is a penis desu.
Is this that chick who's fucking an ugly dyel asian kid?
How much does she use the Photoshop liquefy tool in her pics? She always looks uncanny.
her feet are 4,5/5 desu senpai
You'll gain proportionally to the amount of effort you put in
I'm a guy and would like you to rate my feet cause summer is coming and I don't know if I should wear my sandals or not
no man ever should
Even these ones? I kinda like them it's just that I've heard a girls say that she thought my feet were disgusting so I'm asking you guys
mens feet are disgusting. men shouldnt wear sandals and their feet should be censored in all porn.
very few guys have good feet. You do not, your toes are deformed and you have shit big toes
Damn, well I guess that's it for me then. Ill only wear these in the backyard so that I can still use them but not show my feet
Your feet are fine, don't listen to those footfags.
Her gang bang leaked and it turns out the asian is a GIGA KEK
Nobody said anything about fucking.
There's a complete novice goofy-looking guy at my gym the last two weeks. Total weakling and thin as a rail. He started off only benching the bar and squatting 65 and struggled, but his form was immaculate. Judging by his form and his routine, he appears to have done a ton of research prior to coming in. I struck up a conversation and spotted him last week. We're friendly now. If your gym doesn't suck, I would assume you could expect something similar.
No body gives a shit about your lifts. The only reason you're embarrassed is because you're a faggot. Get out of your head and live
>Can I achieve any decent progress by just working out at home
it doesnt matter where you work out
what matters is your training program
>doing squats, push ups and working with 8-10 kg dumbbells
LMAO good joke my man
>I'm thinking of buying a pair
complete waste of money lmao
>or should I buy something else
if you want to build a home gym then you need
-a squat rack or a power cage
-a bench
-a barbell
-a set of plates
that's the bare minimum
>I'm way too embarrassed insecure about going to the gym
get over yourself you whiny faggot
>I'm pretty clueless about most of the stuff there
how about you start by reading the fucking sticky instead of annoying us with your redundant retard questions? literally everything you just asked is covered extensively in there.
GIGA KEK***** sorry
I started going to the gym at 185cm/62kg get over yourself fuckboy. You'll make no progress on those, you'll pretty quickly be squatting like 60ish and probably benching at least 40kg.
KEK jfc
looks fine but it kinda looks like your getting banions
no, at least wear something like pic related.
s a u c e
>We're friendly now.
pic related