Symmetric strength thread

Symmetric strength thread.
I'll start: 6' 150 lb vegetarian skelly, lifting for 2 months. Started out all pink, started drinking 2 protein shakes a day 2 weeks ago.

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what the fuck
2 months isn't shit

I'm just being honest

you're a dumbfuck is what you are. nobody wants to know about your 2 month progress.

Lifting a little over a year.
163 lbs
>chest is STILL blue

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One month progress. Started with the 20kg bar on everything except diddly and row.

5'7, 133lbs

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1.78cm. 85kg. Over a year training (18 months)
My deadlift and squats are shit tier.

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6 weeks of progress.

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Started doing DLs and squats 2 months ago
One day we'll make it bros

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3 months

...jk been doing calisthenics for a year before starting

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>ok legs
>amazing back
really shows


2 years atm, started 125kg down to 85kg, 1st year was basically me learning how to even lift properly

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Well on my way to green man after only a couple months. 5'10" 158lbs btw

How are you that heavy when you're less than an inch tall

Forgot image. Just fucking kill me

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been lifting a little over a year

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172 lbs 6'

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Good fuckin job bro
What were you like when you started out


what weights are considered proficient/advanced/exceptional that you literally hit them in under two years? (and you claim two of them are shit tier)

My lifts, user.

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I'm similar stats and I feel like bench plateaus much quicker than the other lifts. I remember for my first 3-4 months of lifting SS had my bench as +10-25% relative for a while, and now it's my weakest lift.

little over 2 months lifting from skinny fat. My bench fucking sucks

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how tf do people have such quick progression

I can't seem to get past indigobro because I've been losing weight. Want to see some green very soon. 6' 185lbs, est. 1RMs are 260 squat, 290 dead, 180 bench, 125 ohp (dead and ohp I have actually performed those numbers for 1)

Attached: indigobro.png (1838x1556, 1.31M)

I'm almost to all intermediate, just need 5 lb on my ohp and row, and 10lbs on my bench after 2 months progress. I think for most it's just muscle memory+noob gains+ prior physical activity experience. Personally, I quit lifting 2ish years ago and got back into it. You really hit the ground running if you have muscle memory.


Which team has the strongest people?

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Why your Ohp is so shitty user?

it doesn't progress at the same rate as my other lifts

Post a pic of your back, user senpai.
I want to see a 500lbs dl back.

>145lb OHP
>500lb deadlift

And I thought my OHP was proportionally bad.

Nice work on chin-ups though.

i ohp as much as you and can barely dl 3pl8 lmao

It's gonna have a pretty solid v-taper, especially with chin-ups at 120lbs weight added.

One routine that helps me out when I start stalling on something.

If, after a deload week, I'm still hitting the same numbers, I'll do 3x10 (or as close as I can get to ten sets of three) with 90% 1RM, then next workout is 5x5 with 90%, and then next workout is 3x10 again, but with 30 second rest between sets.

For any workout that I fall short of the target (rarely happens, except for in the 30 sec rest workout), I'll incrementally drop 30-40lbs of the bar and do two sets of 10 at each increment, rest-pause included if need be. It's exceedingly difficult to pound these descending weight sets out.

Never fails to blow a max out of the water next time you attempt it.

>15 weeks of bulking
from 1/2/2/3

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routine pls user

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